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gardening momma

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Everything posted by gardening momma

  1. It's not going to ruin them, instill bad values, or whatever. Mom used to pay us to pick dandelions from the front yard. I turned out ok. ;)
  2. Oh, I thought you were going to stick the skewer through the peanut butter cups. And I was imagining the standard size flat ones.
  3. They won't go stale, but I don't know that the bamboo skewer will work. Doesn't seem like it will hold well. Why not just put them on a nice plate without the skewer?
  4. We have a new Staples store coming soon. I think I'll wait (instead of driving 20 min. to the next nearest one)...I bet they'll have some really good deals when they open.
  5. Spiderman Superman Wonder Woman Batman Incredible Hulk Strawberry Shortcake Dora the Explorer
  6. That's what dd8 walked into the room with. :glare: Supper's over, but she wanted to know if she could have some spaghetti without sauce. She didn't want to put it in her bowl that she had pasta & sauce in earlier because it would get sauce on the pasta.
  7. The only work that my 8 year old does that is close to independent is still done with me in the room, usually at the same table. Even then, it's rarely more than a problem at a time, unless it's her desire to work ahead. Then I let her do as much as she wants. Grades? What's that? Don't need them at this age. I don't do schedules. I just pick up the next book and do as much as I feel like. Then pick up the next one. If it's been a while since we've done science, then we do a couple of days-worth of science (or history, or spelling, or whatever). I'm a pretty relaxed homeschooler.
  8. It wouldn't be redundant for us--I rarely cook breakfast (for breakfast). Breakfast is usually whatever you can get. I don't mind if the girls have a bowl of peanut butter or whatever. Sometimes they have dry cereal. Sometimes they wait for me to get up (I'm not an early riser) and ask for milk with their cereal. At our last American Heritage Girls troop meeting, during opening, the troop coordinator was doing some sort of activity with the girls. I was busy talking to a mom about her daughter's badge requirements. Then I heard the coordinator ask my daughter what she had for breakfast that morning. Dd8 says, "Popcorn." :lol: For a moment I wanted to stick my head in the sand, but it's true that she had popcorn, and I'm not embarrassed to say that it's one of the many options that I don't mind if she has in the morning. [ETA: AND she's not really much of a breakfast eater, so she often wants lunch at breakfast time] It was just a bit unexpected. :001_smile:
  9. Yes, we do occasionally. Not as often as I would like, but that's because I often don't have what I need on hand. I usually make pancakes, bacon and eggs. (It's the bacon I often don't have)
  10. It would really depend on what is normal for you and your family. Here we let the weeds grow at the edges of the lawn (against the fence). We're not thrilled with that, but let it be. If I wanted the weeds gone, it might be something I'd "hire" the kids to do. If it was part of our regular life to pull those weeds, then I wouldn't pay them.
  11. I just noticed the date. Oops. :D At least I'm not the one who brought it back!
  12. I'd say a range between $0.50 and $1 a bag, depending on how hard the work is and how hot it is outside. I might have to see them do the first bag before I decide. If it goes really fast I'd pay less. If it takes a long time (because they goof off) but seems like easy work, then the lesser amount also. If they work hard and it takes a while, then $1.
  13. Maybe you could use the Pediasure as an ingredient in things you make for him, in place of milk. Like in pudding.
  14. Depends...do they have to pull or cut the weeds? Or just collect ones that are already pulled/cut?
  15. I had to look it up, as I hadn't heard of that term. After reading about it in Wikipedia, I think we called it snakebite.
  16. It seems like I read somewhere that really good literature takes its cues from really good classic lit? Something like that, anyway. Although I don't know that I'd say Suzanne Collins is really good lit. Just that a good writer knows their stuff, and they get it from good classic lit.
  17. Is the Electric Company that everyone is referring to the new one? :ack2: It's awful. The original is where it's at. :D
  18. Oh yeah, "Wild Kratts" is good too. There's a "Kratt's Creatures"? I'll have to look that up.
  19. Dd8 watched the entire Dennis the Menace series on Netflix (when she was 7, I think). She loved it. She watched a few other old series, but I don't remember what. She watched some or all of Zorro.
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