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gardening momma

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Everything posted by gardening momma

  1. I said "other." I iron less than 1-2 times a month, but not none. Even though I don't iron often, I really need the ironing board when I do. It hardly takes up any space when it's folded up, so there's no reason to get rid of it.
  2. Ok, this is me at Colonial Williamsburg last October. I'm wearing an outfit that I made several years ago...it's actually medieval, but it's close enough.
  3. It does look about 10 years younger than I actually am and look.
  4. I typically get large welts from mosquito bites, so I don't know that a reaction like that would necessarily mean an allergic reaction. Also, I wouldn't keep putting stuff on it--at least not trying one thing after another. I found that I react terribly to the ointments that are made for mosquito bite relief. Now I just use a hydrocortisone-based cream or ointment. ETA: "After Bite" is one I really reacted to.
  5. Not all companies require a payment at the time of order. I believe Avon does not (I was a rep years ago). The OP does not say her cc was used, just that she needs to pay the bill, probably what she owes to the direct sales company, not her cc company.
  6. So is it a homeschool used curriculum sale, or is the school selling their stuff? Or is it a book sale hosted by the school--so not curriculum necessarily, but people are able to bring in any books to sell? So is it homeschoolers selling to homeschoolers, or something different?
  7. I would do this. Send solid color pants/shorts and wildly patterned tops. :001_smile: Same height socks if not all the same socks.
  8. My first instinct is to say no, don't confront, just report. Then I think, "well...maybe if someone says something, she'll realize how serious this is." But then how do you know she won't do this again? And I'm back to "report it."
  9. I'd say you need to contact someone higher up and report what she did. Even if she did pay you on time, she had no business using your social.
  10. Do you drain the hamburger at some point? Cook, drain and then add mustard and other ingredients?
  11. I like mustard potato salad and mustard in my egg salad. :) I don't know if it goes bad, or how long it takes. I have 4 bottles in my cupboard that I got for free or $0.20 a while back while doing some serious couponing. They are dated Oct. 2011. I'd still use them, but I don't know how long I can.
  12. Ohio law allows random license plate checks, and has for some time now. This article says that a random license plate check is allowed, but a random traffic stop "without reasonable suspicion of criminal activity" is not.
  13. Dd fractured her wrist a few years ago. She got a waterproof cast. They don't stink--you can bathe & swim in it, or just wash it daily in running water (we did it in the bathtub). The water just runs right through it. It did not smell at all.
  14. If you're doing something on behalf of someone (the veteran now gone), it's something that person would do if they could. So it's like a veteran thanking a veteran. I don't think that's what they meant to say. Perhaps they meant to say thank a veteran in honor of one now gone? Honor those who are gone; thank one still here?
  15. I have lots of mustard in my cupboard and haven't used it as quickly as I thought I would. Need recipe ideas... I know I can use it in potato salad, egg salad, ...??
  16. On a church sign: "Thank a veteran on behalf of one now gone."
  17. A few days ago I took part in an awards ceremony--for kids, but parents and other people were there too. I've done this before, I've even headed up these award ceremonies in the past. But I was very nervous this time--until I got up there. Then it just flowed. I realized later that I didn't look at a single face. I think I just gazed out there, unfocused on anyone at all, although it probably didn't appear that way. (I was a shy child, probably introverted...I'd consider myself borderline introvert/extrovert now.)
  18. This is why people were saying there are two kinds of socially awkward. My [insert relative here--I decided I shouldn't give the title] would be considered an extrovert, and generally does well socially, but she sometimes doesn't think before she speaks and is rude without knowing it. She tends to be a little flighty, scatterbrained, and naive at times.
  19. Our train table has always been a lego/play table. I bought the table at a kids resale shop and assumed I'd get a train set. I did get a small Thomas duplo train set. I just never got more tracks to go with it. The table gets used for all sorts of things.
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