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gardening momma

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Everything posted by gardening momma

  1. I would not be concerned about the crib--a toddler bed uses the same mattress, so it's the same size bed. Dd6 didn't talk more than 5 words when she was 3. She went to speech therapy and is fine now. I pushed and pushed dd8 to potty train when she was 2.5+, and finally gave up and let her do it in her time. She did fine. Dd6 did too. By many people's standards, my dc trained late (not age 4, but late by many people's standards). I can see later training if there are tactile issues, like another poster said, or other issues, perhaps. I wouldn't worry about it at this point.
  2. I like to use shades of brown. I don't really care for blue or green eyeshadow on anyone--doesn't matter what you're wearing. Shades of purple can work on some people, depending on how it's applied. I sometimes use a bit of light pink, but have to be careful not to overdo it--it can look like your eyes are red if you put too much on, but it can brighten the eyes a bit if you apply it carefully.
  3. :iagree: Sometimes you just know that blowing it won't stop the sniffing/running.
  4. :lol: thanks! I was listening to it with headphones on and my 6 yr old was trying to listen in. :001_smile:
  5. Option D--that's what I was thinking would be best before I got to it in your post.
  6. I still have the afghan my mom crocheted for me. She made each of us 4 kids one. We picked the colors and how we wanted it to look. Mine has really wide stripes and has a border in a color that doesn't exactly go with the stripes (but I picked it, lol). Younger sis has one that's half one color and half another. I can't remember what the other 2 afghans look like.
  7. I agree with pretty much all of this, except switch out saltwater for freshwater lakes. That's what I grew up with. I don't have one close enough now. I used to go swimming after work where I grew up in MI.
  8. Yum! We made ours with vinegar & water, cucumbers, onions & black pepper. I never ate the onions (dad did). I still make it with onions "for flavor."
  9. We had an all day Easter party here a few weeks ago. The girls found out it mostly consisted of doing chores to earn Easter eggs, with the grand finale being getting to open them at the end of the day. :D (we did decorate eggs and do a couple of other special things)
  10. That would bother the tooth if the nerve were still there, but the root canal removes the nerve, so the tooth itself should cause no pain now.
  11. In my experience (3 root canals), the pain that I was in before root canal is completely gone after the root canal (well, except for the one where the tooth had such severe infection that the root canal could not be completed until a week later after the meds took care of the infection). The pain afterward is jaw & possibly cheek related from the procedure.
  12. I agree with a lot of it. There was one name that I was surprised was mentioned as being too common--it's my name, but I don't hear it very often.
  13. Doesn't it take 21 days to form a new habit? You have to do this (or any other suggestion in this thread) for at least that long so she'll get into the new habit of avoiding you. Yeah, you should probably do different things so you don't form the habit of looking like a whackadoo yourself.
  14. :iagree: There are some who sell their product, but have useful information that you can glean from their workshop. (Although, really, I don't know if there has been any speaker at the conference I've been to--Midwest in Cinci--who was not a published author or had a curriculum of some sort under their belt already. Generally the people who have something to say have said it in a book already--that's usually how they become known as someone who has something to share.)
  15. I don't think the other posts are any more discouraging than this one is (I don't think any of them are trying to be discouraging, just realistic).
  16. My great grandma used to make sauerkraut (from scratch), and she'd combine it with some sort of ring sausage (sliced & fried with the kraut, I think). I remember having it at their house, but I don't remember what she served with it. I just remember the sausage & sauerkraut. She and my great grandpa were both German. I could ask my mom if she remembers what else was served.
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