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Everything posted by bugs

  1. I'd be happy to talk about it because I loved the book! But it's been over a year since I finished it. I read the unabridged version - most of those 1400 pages were worth it. Dh and I will see the musical for the first time this August. There are many rabbit trails and I read most of them and found them interesting. There was one in the second half of the book that I just c.ou.l.d. n.o.t. b.e.a.r. to finish (I think it had to to with French politics of the time).
  2. I haven't used ours yet. I did buy the 2009 - 2010 version from their e-bay store for $75. I figure my daughter can look up any broken links on her own. Sorry, doesn't help with the btdt.
  3. :iagree: but maybe have an idea or two in your back pocket ;).
  4. Mine is a gold with a slight green undertone. I had it mixed to match the gold dragonflies on my burgandy curtains. So I have burgandy duvet as well and black end tables. Anyway, I like the color. Most of the walls in my house are painted with bright warm colors - the weather is just too grey for too long.
  5. On those days I let myself have dark chocolate, go for a walk with jammin' music in my ears, read, and reassure myself that the mood is only for a short time because I almost always feel better the next day. :grouphug: I hope you do too.
  6. Just thought I might point out that you didn't mention a thing about the education part of school, you know, where you spent 6 hours a day (not to mention homework time). ;) I'm just saying...
  7. I think it looks very doable (in fact I copied it so I can use it :D - hope that's okay). How long did it take him to do history last year? It looks like you have him making "lists" so it doesn't appear too writing intensive. I do like the Starbucks idea.
  8. My 7th grade son has been using TMM German HS edition for just a couple of months now. He seems to enjoy it. I like that there is a screen for me to view his progress. He has been using it at a very casual pace this year just because I wanted him to have fun with it. Not sure this info helps.
  9. One c-section due to breach child. I was very nervous (don't like the idea of a needle in my spine)- my husband and I looked at each other and talked. Less than five minutes later everything was done and we had a "chunky" baby girl. Had little to no pain and was alert. 2nd child was VBAC and everything went well there too. I don't blame you for being nervous though.
  10. :hurray: Congratulations to the both of you. I am getting all choked up for you (I'll be a mess with my own). Thank you for helping me homeschool my kids too.
  11. I was not "mathy" until high school geometry - then math clicked and I loved it. Got my engineering degree. (Just to let you know that a 6th grader can be way different from a 10th grader.)
  12. The history list looks doable but I am wondering why she would outline Kingfisher and not just complete the list of suggestions outlined in TWTM (page 491, 3 ed)? This would simplify the process. If it becomes a great burden you could roll the History of Science into the science program you are planning.
  13. Yep, I've decided this as well. I also plan to have him practice scheduling (yikes). Calandalsmom, thank you so much for the links! Pam B, I will google that information.
  14. I have been wrestling with what to have my ds for study for science during his 8th grade (next) year. He recently joined BSA. Anyway, after looking over the merit badges and their requirements I felt I had a Eureka! moment. So I anticipate him working through most of the Natural Science and Conservation badges. Have any of you "designed" such a curriculum and do you have any suggestions? I'm new to the who boy scout thing but I know I am excited for all the learning in store for my child :D.
  15. :lol: What a great way to start off my morning. Thank you for ALL the poems. (I like UPS one best - but then again it is UPS).
  16. My dd is finishing up Cheria this year. She began with Homer for Older Beginners in 7th grade. Maxim and Cheria have both been less teacher intensive than Homer (much less). The very cool thing is that at the end of Cheria the curriculum calls for timed writing. Whoa! So cool that my dd can write a well organized essay in less than 45 min.
  17. DD completed R&S through Grade 8. This year she did the AG Reinforcement. It worked well for but she didn't always want to review items she forgot. In 10th grade she'll be using The Stewart English Program recommended in TWTM. It looks more of what I was originally looking for - review.
  18. My kids are not old enough to speak from experience but I might want to know how to help the child search for scholarships and how to narrow down the kind of school she wanted to attend. I might want a checklist that we can go through to ensure we covered all our bases. Those are a couple off the top of my head. Are you a school counselor?
  19. :bigear: Would like to know this as well. You could e-mail their customer service. They have been very helpful to me in the past.
  20. Thank you. Next year will be our first year w/redwagon tutorials (CD-ROM version). Dd will be taking Biology. Can we still use the yahoo forum? I appreciate you setting up the yahoo group.
  21. 1. When do you decide to stop for the year? Is it a date you chose ahead of time or do you stop when ____ curriculum is done? I try to get 160 - 180 school days. Our days are usually pretty rigorous and full (not like the ps 1/2 days around here), so I don't mind completing in less than 180 days. But, some curriculum (math) needs to be done when it's done. The last couple of weeks will be easier. I will give my kids all of July off. However, for the rest of June and then again until we start they will be doing some math practice and spelling (our bane) - just about 30 - 60 min per day. I hate having to rehash math. 2. If it's by date, what's your end date this school year & why did you choose it? June 17th is our end date this year. It gives us 170 days. June also tends to be depressing weather-wise around here so I'm good with it. Often "summer" weather doesn't start until July 5th and may last through September. 3. How do you decide what your start date for the fall will be? Do you base it on it being ___ number of weeks since your last day or do you choose it based more on date? Ours is based on my whims. 90% of the time it is in September sometime. But, if we had a super busy summer with work, entertaining others, etc., I call for a longer break. Another factor would be weather (yet again). If our summer was mostly cool and raining then became nice in August-Sept, I might call a late start. 3. If you base your start date on number of weeks off- what do you feel is an ideal number of weeks for summer holidays? Do you take off your ideal number of weeks? If not, why? I don't pay too much attention to actual summer-time weeks off (see #2). . 4. If you base your start date based on specific date/time of year, please share why. Last year we implemented the 6 weeks on and one week off. We loved it. So I work out the dates (start and stop) with those in mind. This year we are traveling to visit my dad after Labor Day and will be gone for a bit, so I'll have to decide whether or not to start a little early. We'll be visiting Civil War battle fields, etc so I will count that :D
  22. Here's my ptitful list - 8th grade parochial school - The Red Pony, Red Badge of Courage 9th grade Molokai High School - can't remember any books, maybe excerpts. 10 - 11th (first semester) - high school in Allentown, PA - Animal Farm, Catcher in the Rye, and Old Man and the Sea. 11th - 12th - high school in Fayetteville, NC - Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet, probably one other. graduated high school in 1980.
  23. Jean, If you are in New Castle, WA some of this might be our ev-er drip-ing weath-er. :glare:
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