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Everything posted by bugs

  1. I appreciate other perspectives, thank you. Now I guess I must think this through some more.:glare::D
  2. My daughter desperately wants a new cell phone with texting capability. I really see no reason to have such a thing. My husband and I do not try to keep up with the latest technology so we do not see texting's value. I guess I see it as one step closer to living in isolation while never alone. Anyway, I think I am asking for help to articulate to my 14 year old why she can't have it. Can y'all help?:lol:
  3. Technical proposals need to be written well to get funding. Maintenance manuals, whether for airplanes or dvd players, can really mess up the user if not written well.
  4. They have a board where you can ask questions like this. http://www.classicalwriting.com/messageboard/
  5. We have Homer for Older Beginners (so 7th grade and above) and they do encourage that students start cross-curriculum writing. Probably because in Homer they've got narratives - history = narrative.
  6. Mostly went in the 80's (college) Billy Joel (love that guy) Bruce Springsteen - (in his sexy years) Styx Chicago (past their hey day- but hey they were good) Peter, Paul and Mary (at Red Rocks - very mellow and lovely)
  7. I answered "other" because I am 5"9.5". My 14 year old daughter is now 5'10" so I have to claim every 1/8" I can. I think I will be the shortest in my immediate family but I'll have to wait for a couple of years until my 5'4" 12 yo sprouts. I've almost always been the tallest of my friends. It hasn't been since I started hsing that I have gathered taller friends IRL and on the board :D.
  8. R&S 7 seemed like a bump in challenge level for my kids. At the beginning of the year I let them go independently, but with both I found out quickly that I needed to do the class practice with them.
  9. Love that Dave Ramsey! He cracks me up too. We went to FPU and I felt it was my weekly comic relief (besides learning lots).
  10. Good job! Welcome to the first steps of financial freedom. It's a beautiful thing. (I'd keep $1000 in your emergency fund, then keep picking away at that cc. My 2 cents.)
  11. Absolutely fantastic! I'm just a twinge jealous:D, but I will get over it. Enjoy yourself! I'll follow your blog.
  12. Book1: Operations on Intergers Book 2: Variables, Terms, and Expressions Book 3: Equations Book 4: Polynomials Book 5: RAtional Numbers Book 6: Multiplying and Dividing rational expressions Book 7: Adding and subtracting rational expressions Book 8: graphs Book 9: Systems of Equations Book 10: Square Roots and Quadratic Equations I don't have all the books but any one of these has the list.
  13. Actually, no. I can only concentrate on one task (like fixing a computer) and not two (add kids talking to me).
  14. I used to be able to think "in parallel" (multi-task) but now I find that difficult and need to think "in series"! Is it age? Of course, I do think my husband is becoming more like me... he is actually talking about his feelings (without me dragging it out of him) :001_smile:.
  15. Prentice Hall's Science Explorers - you pick.
  16. Peanut butter....yummm.. But then again I always crave peanut butter :D.
  17. "Boring battle scenes"?! I doubt it :lol:!
  18. For your sixth grader, I say SOTW by itself is fine. For your nine year old maybe add maps when it makes sense and a summary.
  19. I like to dress up but often don't have much imagination. I usually grab what items I have (old military clothes, hawaiian gear to be a "tutu" (grandma), etc.) Sometimes I borrow other people's costumes because I am lazy. We have a dinner (soup or pizza), the kids (now teens) get dressed up, dad's follow with their "hot" drinks, moms stay inside with their "hot" drinks :D and pass out the candy. I am still encouraging the older kids in our group to go out because I think it's a fun way to still be a kid. When they graduate, then they can be done with the trick-or-treating :lol:.
  20. I am sorry for the stresses in your life. I have never been in your situation. I do agree with the posters who would have you ride it out with minimal subjects and/or on-line classes. That being said... although I do feel called to hs my kids I do try to consider it a year at a time. If it got to be too much for me and my family I would send them to ps for a year (which would probably make me depressed at first) then re-evaluate. Peace and Aloha,
  21. I say don't do either! :D Follow SWB's suggestions for writing through the grade levels.
  22. lalalalalalalala - [closing ears] not reading or listening... lalalalalala
  23. Maybe she does know what she's asking you! Maybe she senses you are an all or nothing kind of person. I also have heard/read that a little coffee is ok. Can you do a little?
  24. I am sorry I can't help you but I just had to comment that I LOVE your avatar!:lol: Good luck. I will follow the thread to see what others say just because , ah, you know, I could afford to cut back on the java as well.
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