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Everything posted by bugs

  1. Maybe you should HS for six weeks then take a week off, throughout the year. Maybe Novembers would be different from then on. Or maybe not. Maybe it would be best to live near the equator where you wouldn't have to mess with long dark nights and there would be happY sunshine for 12 hours a day:lol:. (Good thing I am not affected by SAD!)
  2. We use Thames and Kosmos Chem C2000 as well but my kitchen isn't super big. I have a sink in the laundry room. We set up two sawhorses and a piece of plywood and "presto", our lab. It's stable, I have a door that goes directly outside in case of toxic fumes, and a door to keep the dog from being nosey. I use the PH Science Explorers books but have not bothered reconciling those lessons with the experiments.
  3. I am the same but opposite:D. I so look forward to the high school years and what we'll learn. But not too excited about the term papers... I am really psyched to teach advanced math and science but may have to outsource Physics and Chemistry for lack of good lab equipment.
  4. In my school district the kids really only have school 16 -18 days a month due to holidays and conference days, and teacher in-service, etc. I kind of feel bad for my kids because they actually work 25 -30 hrs per week foour weeks per month. Okay, not that bad.
  5. Didn't have too bad of a day - just super hectic. I think Chuck is calling my name.
  6. I do think education is a "life" decision. I feel that God has entrusted my children to my care and it is my responsibility to make the big decisions. When they are graduated and out of the house, those kind of decisions will be their own. That being said... In fifth grade my daughter begged me to let her go to public school. I told her if she did go it would be for the year (in my head, unless she had grade or other issues). I let her go to a magnet school that was small. She earned good grades and made nice friends but cried almost everyday for the first semester about having to go. I allowed her this opportunity in 6th grade because the grades, etc. didn't matter. She now knows the grass isn't always greener on the other side and is resolved (at least for now :001_smile:) to staying home for high school. Oh yeah, it was tough helping her at night after I had worked with my son during the day. But then again, I am a morning person.
  7. I couldn't even get on the board yesterday. Yikes, I was a mess. I hope that doesn't happen again.:glare::D
  8. I feel I can have another go at the situation with all your wonderful suggestions and words of encourgement.
  9. I agree - though I would never have even thought to call my mom, or any adult a name.
  10. I have been homeschooling a friend's son - we'll call him Kyle and her Candy- since the beginning of the 2008 school year. In that time she and her husband divorced, and they have had many court issues. Her house is in foreclosure. She works for a non-profit who just this week put her on half salary. I charge her $150/mo. There are many more issues than I can remember. Last year I felt that both mom and son pushed my boundaries. So when I said I would homeschool this year I wrote a contract. Well, the year has only just begun and I feel as if my boundaries are invaded again. Kyle would say he'd complete some work at his own home but I recall that he only did it once out of about 10 - 15 "commitments". He missed the dates on one memorization assignment and one reading/journaling assignment. Candy didn't know her son was not completing some independent work because she never really checked up on this (I did let her know btw). I had asked her (way early on) to help him organize his weeks. She did (for one week) after I complained about him falling behind. My "school" for Kyle is open from 0830 to 1600 hrs. But I ask that he (and my kids) start NLT 0930. Well, today was his third day late in two weeks. It was only by five minutes but I met him outside giving him some of his work that he could do at home. His mom was dropping him off (they live less than a five min drive or a slo-mo 15 min walk) today so I had to let go my latest frustrations. I had "verbalized" part of it in a letter I sent her last week. To her five minutes late is small potatoes in her life. And I have to agree. However, it's just one more issue. So I feel bad I got angry but I feel a little less stressed too. I told her to consider having Kyle stay home with her or go to public school. I told her I was still praying on the matter. She'd rather not because she likes having Kyle influenced by a stable family. So part of this thread was to vent. But, I'd like to hear some suggestions/comments as well. I am pretty thick skinned so sock it to me if you think I need it. I would like to do what is God's will but I am one that needs to be knocked in the head - nuances are often lost on me. I know my description is one sided and all over the place but any help would be appreciated.
  11. If this is true it still might require a little time to adjust - for both of you. I know you are trying to let your dd be in charge of her organization but if she hasn't really done this by herself it is one more thing to learn. I have to tell you that I homeschool someone else's child and I asked his mom to help him plan out his weeks (btw I scheduled everthing for him last year). She did not and as a result he is behind and missed several items that are passed due. I got on her case about it. So, this week is going smoother for him. I think some kids need their hand held for awhile, especially in their early adolescent years. The other point is that I think having this boy's mother show more interest ahead of time, has helped his attitude as well. It sounds like you do show interest, btw. This has been my experience. As a side note, my daughter was born organized and so she has no difficuties working out her week, but my son.... You just need to look in his room to tell that I will be helping him for the next couple of years :tongue_smilie:. One other thing. I concur with the other posters that interrupting your school day is difficult. I have, and wouldn't do it again. The kids take a Mon/Wed homeschool band class at 0900 hrs and even though it's at the beginning of the day there is a lack of momentum when we get home.
  12. I am a little hard core. I'd keep the grades you gave them. Somethimes a kick in the butt like a failing grade is enough to motivate students and let them know you mean business. With that said, I personally would ensure that there were other ways to get their grades up so that the one failing test was not enough to fail the subject (or even get a C).
  13. Gosh, I'm not sure what I want to be when my kids grow up. I loved working as an engineer (all that caldulating and coordinating). But I have grown quite accustomed to setting my own hours. I have a Masters in Teaching but I do not want to teach a class full of kids (unless its Physics or Algebra II or higher) because I prefer teaching people who want to learn. I think it would be great to teach adults but I don't want to have to get an additional degree. I am happy to have over six years to procrastinate on this decision. I wonder if I could be a professional book reader?
  14. :drool5: Well, you made me hungry for scalloped potatoes so I immediately made a batch for our family this evening. I have no cold weather comfort food. However, PB&Js are always good for me.:D
  15. "down" tells "where" the ball was thrown.
  16. but as an engineering major you perform a lot of labs, so you gotta love 'em. And yes, engineering majors, etc are very driven. I remember that friends of mine in liberal arts programs received a ton of slack on their assignments (late turn-ins, etc) where NONE of my professors would accept a late assignment or if they did it was with a heavy penalty. My work load also seemed to be greater than my liberal arts friends.
  17. Do you find yourself looking at your plan when the week comes around and wondering why you chose to have your dc complete one task or another? I am finding myself looking at some of my HST+ plans and asking "why?" It made sense when I put it together back in Jul/Aug. I feel frustrated wondering why I bothered working ahead of time if the plan doesn't make sense. I am not frustrated enough to throw out all the work because I do have my weekends (where last year I didn't). Sorry I'm rambling. If anyone has suggestions on how to keep track of the "whys" in planning (esp. if you have HST+) I'd appreciate it.
  18. Relax your body, mind and expectations. My kids weren't/aren't allowed to have any screen time until their work is done to my satisfaction. Maybe that will be a motivator if his attitude persists.
  19. I always (I mean since I was a kid) thought I'd work and have a career. And I did, until I had kids. But having both of us working and the kids in ps is so not an option anymore. We'd have to come home from working 8+ hours a day then do the homework, dinner, etc. thing. No, not for me. If I worked as well (engineer by trade), we'd be in the $100 - $200 K range. As it is we're very comfortable in the upper $50 -100 K range. I am so grateful my husband has steady work and is good at what he does. We do live within our means and even less (thank you Dave Ramsey!). We don't care about keeping up with the neighbor's choice of vehicles, if it runs it's good. So, I am happy my oldest child asked to homeschool or I'd never be in this awesome situation.
  20. I thought I was a nut case taking so long and being somewhat (not super) meticulous. I just want to have most of my weekends free so I schedule before. I would never have planned out most of my year on paper. Now I have HST+ and plan away (backing it up, of course). And if I plan too much - no biggy. It is easier to take away than to add.
  21. I want my 8th graders to practice time management skills so I am having them use a planner. I do use HST+ so I will give them a list of assignments to do for the week and they can decide when they complete these. I do have to grade subjects like math and grammar before they go on and some items must be done everyday - such as Spanish.
  22. My kids are teens now and falling asleep later and sleeping in later. It's easier for me to go by their clocks (but 9:30 is THE LATEST) because it's tough to teach a kid who is still asleep. And anyway, this gives me 3 -4 hours of morning time to myself for Bible study and exercise.
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