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Everything posted by bugs

  1. Is it important to be a "master" of something? I think it's more fun having conversations with people who are well-rounded and enjoy a variety of activities. Anyway, you are a "specialist" in a way. How many people have told you that they "could never homeschool"? With that said, I too feel, at times, as if I have no expertise. I wonder what I'll do when the kid-o's are gone. I haven't worked as an engineer in over 13 years. I have a Master's in Teaching (finished 13 years ago) but have never offically had a classroom (except to substitute). (OTOH - not sure I really want to teach at a ps.) God put homeschooling into my heart, if he wants me to be good at something else, he'll put whatever that is in next.
  2. TL II seems to make more sense than TL I because II builds upon 1. Both dd and I have a better understanding of the whole course because TL II seems to bring it all together (it uses more "real life" examples). I don't know if this really answered your question but thought I'd give you input. I was ready to forgo TL II but I'm glad we stuck with it. Next year I think we'll do A Rulebook for Arguments and the New Oxford Guide to Writing.
  3. I "third" The Sparrow. Then, if you liked/loved it, follow-up with Children of God (same author).
  4. Hits Lial's Introductory Algebra - Thank you Jann in TX. LLfLOTR - Just fun for the three of us to do together and learn - Thank you Lori D. CW series - just love it R&S Grammar - another love. Visual Link Spanish - dd loves. Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox - son loves. Misses MUS Algebra - makes me sad but not enough practice Conceptual Physics - my bad - kid not ready Notgrass American Govt. - another my bad - kid not ready (I will use this with ds in 12th grade though because I believe it's fairly thorough).
  5. We used ours through 8th grade. My kids take the CAT/5 and score very high on language mechanics and expression. This is the only way I have of measuring at the moment.
  6. Very cool...now I know what we can do over summer...oh yah..
  7. Love this thread, thanks for all the ideas. I'm glad someone mentioned the King's Speech.
  8. :lurk5: Can't help but am interested in the responses.
  9. :party: I rejoice with you, too! (Are our children related?)
  10. I can't do a database query. I am trying to edit a "for sale" page and the database can't look for my threads. (Or any other search I do).
  11. The Well-Trained Mind - Second to the Bible, it has been my guide for over 5 years. Homeschool Tracker +- It is my organizer. R&S Grammar Books MUS (through Pre-Algebra) This Board - It has been priceless :001_smile:.
  12. Me too! How fun! Count of Monte Cristro is on now! Thanks STEM and the poster who started the thread.
  13. Since WA doesn't require you to submit your scores I wouldn't worry about it. I didn't see your science track but I'm guessing it's not like ps science - all over the place. Your child probably would not do as well. My kids just finished taking the CAT5 and I saw Biology questions. DD hasn't done Biology since 6th grade - she may have tanked the Science portion. To me it's okay. I expect her to do well in in the other skill based areas (except Spelling - our family seems to have a genetic defect). I have homeschooled for eight years and have yet to be asked to see my kid's standardized test scores (and dd did go to ps for one year).
  14. Sounds very cool. Wait...lalalalalalalalala.....not listening. (I have no ipad, no e-reader...).
  15. My first response to this e-mail was to say "Yah! Send it that way." But that is how I sometimes operate. However, other posters are correct - short and sweet would probably be better. I vote for Mrs. Mungo's version.
  16. I haven't read the label in awhile but it did at one time say that it could be used for such *occasions*. Thanks for informing us of the movie - it's nowin my queue . The label is most entertaining and somewhat mind bending :001_smile:. I used it exclusively for washing body, hair and clothes while on a trip to SE Asia. It brings back lovely memories.
  17. Yep! This actually would have been my smart alecky remark to him. What a turkey.
  18. I hate to follow on the heels of LoriD ;), but here's my one suggestion: The Good Earth by Pearl Buck.
  19. My dad and step-mom (who are lovely people and live on the other coast) are always talking about someone else's weight. I visit my dad and step-mom once every 2 -3 years and one of my cousins won't come to see me (even though we would be within walking distance) if my step-mom is in the same house because of a verbal altercation they had over 10 years ago! But I do love them all.
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