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Everything posted by bugs

  1. Not everyone enjoys Mr. Khan. Here is the link to Brightstorm http://www.brightstorm.com/math/. They show math in bite size chunks (about 3 - 5 min). And when she gets to Geometry a cute guy is the instructor :D. (just saying...as a carrot).
  2. I believe that a driven, hard working person can accomplish much. If you truly love this subject you will succeed. If however, you find that you don't like nursing, I'm guessing it will be because you've found something else to be passionate about that you can throw yourself into.
  3. All through the 5th grade my daughter begged me to allow her to go to ps. I let her because she was able to enroll in a charter school with involved parents, Anyway, right off the bat she started crying every morning - not wanting to go. The teachers were nice, no kids were being overly obnoxious (one girl was mean but not on a scary level), etc. Every day I had to insist she go because it was what she spent the previous year pleading for. I told her that she could come back home at the end of the year but she was not going back anytime before the end of middle school. Of course, now she's in high school and she wants to go back (but she's not insisting on it like she did before). Next year we'll decide if cc is the route to go. This is my issue - I do a lot of research with much angst :tongue_smilie: to prepare each year and she doesn't always know what she really wants just what she thinks she wants. All that being said, I'm not sure I could/would let him go to ps just because he sees the fun stuff. It might be important to remind him that there is still 30+ hours per week (not including homework) that isn't the fun stuff.
  4. So many wonderful books, so little time... Let him skip it and find another one with your criteria (genre, era, whatever it is).
  5. gingerbread is especially nice around the holidays (it is one of my favorites to make - I give as gifts).
  6. At the beginning of the year I plan each child's workload for the week. For my dd there will be some subjects that I make a daily suggestion and some I require her to schedule out as she sees fit. In a couple of weeks, once we know the general flow of each subject, she'll schedule it all herself (on a weekly/monthly basis). With ds (13), I am s.l.o.w.l.y. teaching him to schedule his work as well. I hope that by next year (9th) he'll be able to follow the same routine as his sister.
  7. They are always having sales. I get notice of them at least once a week in my inbox. I just looked at my e-mail and have already trashed the latest advertisement. We bought level I in the summer of 2010. It was $100 for the CD-ROM, dictionary, CDs and something else, I can't remember. The sales I've seen have had level I @ $99. We bought Level II (only) for $55. I'd call to see how low you can get it for. HTH.
  8. When I am on a schedule (like during the school year) I exercise in the morning. There are all sorts of excuses that pop up during the day to prevent me from doing so otherwise. I put on my exercise clothes as soon as possible. If I stay in my pjs (like now -:glare:), I would not get my act together. I guess I am like kids, I thrive on routine.
  9. :grouphug: -prayed, and will continue.
  10. If you want to grade the work, I believe you have no choice but to keep up. I did think that TL II was more interesting than the first.
  11. We did TL I followed by TL II in the same year. It was fine. You could spread it out as well if you'd rather.
  12. I am sorry I can't help you with the creative tests (I am fairly Spanish illiterate.), but I did want to confirm that yes, you need to get everything perfect (punctuation included), in the on-line test to get the questions correct. Since we don't spell well in English it became a problem with my daughter for Spanish. I just looked at what the answer should be and made changes for her home grade. Her scores are not too hot on-line.
  13. Exercise! for one to two hours - woo hoo! - without feeling any guilt. That's what I would do. Then I'd ponder about what to do ;).
  14. I think by the time she gets to be ready for "pig heaven" (or whatever they refered to in Babe) it won't be so cute anymore and easier to do. Great story by the way.
  15. I love it when students are excited about learning! Yay for you!
  16. I am relieved I am not the only one who prefers not to interrupt the mornings with field trips! OTOH, when I schedule family-only field trips (rarely) I do prefer them to be earlier in the day rather than later because most often I will be driving to a "big city" and have to deal with traffic in the later afternoon (I hate traffic).
  17. I just remembered another great comedy: Truly, Madly, Deeply. Unfortunately I can't even find this movie to buy (except for a ridiculous price). It's in my Netflix queue but they don't have it yet.
  18. Well, if this thread is still going I'll play. 1. My mother told me she was happy I was a girl so I wouldn't get drafted into the Army. 2. I joined the Air Force (and loved it). 3. I've lived in lots of sunny warm places (Hawaii, Florida, etc.) now I live in NW WA :glare:. 4. I love my native WA husband and my lovely in-laws so I will continue to live in this grey place until our children graduate. 5. I've lived in seven states, one more won't hurt. 6. I went "boy crazy" in college - I'm grateful I survived. 7. Until about 36 (oh - after second dc was born) I identified more with men than women. 8. Most of the time I'd rather have bamboo sticks shoved under my nails than go shopping. 9. I have paper thin finger nails - in fact, they're sort of concave. 10. I do love to shop online for books :D.
  19. If your were a teenager or young adult in the 80s (that is involved in the music pop culture) "Music and Lyrics" is pretty good.
  20. I tend to keep the "outlining" part of the writing then use something else for the rest. We use Classical Writing.
  21. Back in the day...at my first high school all girls had to take Home Ec (which irritated this young woman libber to no end :D), then I moved and the school I graduated from had no such requirements. My husband had to take "Single Living" (Home Ec) to graduate (and therefore counted in GPA). As a teenager there is no way I was going to be a stay at home mom, and have to cook, clean, sew, etc. Yep. And now, I love being a SAHM who hs too. But it's been an uphill battle to learn to cook and sew (which I rarely do because my husband does a better job!). So, that being said. I think it's important to learn home ec stuff for both male and females. I have AO ready to go for my daughter and will use it with my son too. I have to because I know how to explain Algebra better than I know how to explain why we use baking soda for some things and baking powder for others (really - why is that?).
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