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Everything posted by bugs

  1. CLE has both automotive and carpentry curriculum. Here is the link to the automotive http://www.clp.org/store/by_course/115. HTH!
  2. I am truly sorry for your mosquito problem - really. I am not sorry for your warm & sunny weather. We had snow here yesterday, wind and lots of rain during the weeks prior ...yada yada yada. Tired of it all. But hey, it's "sunny" at this moment. BTW, I believe there is a big mosquito problem because of the very low bat population (I forget what species). I think it may be moving, or has already done so, to the endangered species list. (Sorry, I am not very specific, my brain is mush.)
  3. I can't answer the question, however, my "non-science" daughter actually spent more time than necessary investigating the earthworm she dissected. (Not sure how she'll do with a frog :glare:.) So, for that, it was worth doing.
  4. We completed 3 -8 (ds finishing up this year) of R&S and then read Elements of Style. I also have the kids use the Stewart English Program (less than 30 min per week) which is a good review. I am very glad we used R&S.
  5. I use Cindy Marsch's evaluation service. I am uber glad I do.
  6. I have the TE. It is geared toward a classroom teacher with vocab exercises, suggested projects, schedules and other enhancements. I don't think you need it. I just use the vocab exercises for my daughter (if she wants them) for additional review. I use the Test and Quiz book because I am feeling rather lazy with this program and have decided to use hers. HTH.
  7. I am not sure but I believe the BJU Lesson Plans (theirs) are considered proprietary. If there aren't, you might want to join the HST Yahoo group and see if they are imbedded there.
  8. I love that your poll shows more people visiting over 8 countries than those who have never been outside the U.S. I'd love to be able to click on "over 8" (I clicked 5).
  9. Me too, I was pumped to investigate/purchase a study guide.
  10. Thank you, Lori D. I am not exactly sure where to put this but perhaps beginning in 10th grade, job shadow any potential area of interest.
  11. When those of you who have had your student read "selections" from Herodotus, which parts were selected? (I'm not refering the "Selections from Herodotus"). How were these excepts chosen? Thank you.
  12. :iagree: I haven't graduated anybody, yet. If I had that conversation with your friiend I might have felt like you - two years ago. Now, after stalking this board for over two I would just smile and say , "Thank you for your perspective." (And just as a point of reference, my children may be just a little above average intelligence and test takers.)
  13. In my neck of the woods, Starbucks gift cards are always appreciated (or other local coffee venue (we have one every 0.5 mi around here)).
  14. I would drive from the soggy PNW to sunny CA for a homeschool convention. But I would not spend my precious time and money in a foreign country stuck in a building (unless it was some cool museum ;)) when there was a whole new world for me to explore.
  15. :iagree: But then I assign "review" type workbooks that take less than 30 minutes per week. So far I like the Stewart English Program.
  16. Perhaps one of thes PMP http://www.amazon.com/Practice-Perfect-Complete-Spanish-Grammar/dp/0071763430/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1329511112&sr=1-5 My daughter is using Visual Link and the PMP Verb Tenses and Vocabulary. She says it's helpful because she writes. I guess it's fine - I don't speak Spanish (Feliz Navidad).
  17. The consequences for my child if she gets below a B is either her inability to drive because of higher insurance rates or she pays the difference. She likes neither option.
  18. DD completed R&S Grammar 4th - 8th grade, then did AG high school reinforcement in 9th (eh, not what I expected) and this year (10th) is doing the Stewart English Program. The Stewart program takes her about 30 min per week to complete. It's just a nice review. (She aced the COMPASS Writing Test, so I know it's been helpful.) I will proabably have ds just use the Stewart English Program and not use AG.
  19. Yes, thanks for sharing. I haven't signed up for the free class yet but we will and most likely have my child use this program.
  20. Sounds like my 13 yo son. He's more in denial about growing up and becoming a high schooler. Kind of like hands over ears and saying "nah nah nah nah nah..." His choices are primarily electives, though his first year or so won't have too may of those.
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