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Everything posted by bugs

  1. Thank goodness! I was "jonesen".:tongue_smilie:
  2. When my kids were younger (elementary) I taught Sunday school. I also helped with Women's retreats. After 2 years I was burnt out. I could not handle being "on" and organized 6 days a week. I decided I had to be done with those particular volunteer positions. I took a break for a year then I was asked to be a Deacon. I had at this time volunteered to hs another child besides my own two. So, I told those who asked me, "no". I do believe there is a time and place for helping out at church. I do believe when you step back from a volunteer position, if God wants the job done, he'll find the person. BTW, I was asked to be a deacon again when my children were a little older. I was able to say, "yes" at that time. Don't feel guilty about saying "no". HSing is a lot more work that the average population realizes.
  3. It's been a few years since I read Les Mis (which, btw, was wonderful). It seemed that a few sections were "unnecessarily"(my opinion) lengthy but I don't remember a "goat tripe" one. I read the whole book except for an long discussion on the history of French politics (that was my take on what was written). I didn't mind the sewer story, or several of the other major asides. I really enjoyed the musical too but it certainly helped knowing the details of the story.
  4. Out of curiosity, did you have clear expectations (read - did you write these out?) on due dates? Did you say/write for instance, "late papers will result in a drop in letter grade"? I agree that you shouldn't be so harsh because of his immature organizational skills. If he earned an A for the work he completed, he earned an A. So, next school year both of you work on organization/study skills. BTW, if he were a Sr in high school or in college, I would agree with your husband.
  5. Didn't read all the posts... I went to a wedding where they had donuts instead of a cake. The couple had a favorite donut shop they went to frequently when they dated so they wanted it as part of the wedding. I love it when couples do something nontraditional but personal. I think it makes the wedding more fun for everyone.
  6. Here it is. http://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/singapore-math?k HTH
  7. We don't have experience with textbooks per se but although I enjoy reading novels on my Kindle, I can't stand to read a "how-to" book on it. I did it once and I've regretted it. I would guess that textbooks could be similar.
  8. How about Currclick http://www.currclick.com/product/71551/Fall-2012%3A-Mandarin-Chinese-1-%28Tuesdays%29 ?
  9. I am sorry you're feeling so down. My friend's daughter has been in ps all her life. She is bright, talented (singer, musician,, etc) and lovely. She has very little social skills. She had a best friend who moved away. She does have "friends" including my daughter, but they are not super close. I've known the girl for 10 years and she's spent the night, come over to play, etc. and she has never said anything to me unless I've said something to her. Her mom is very outgoing. Her mom asks her everyday to do one thing to step out of her comfort zone. For instance, say "hello" to someone she knows, or raise her hand and speak out in class. The whole point is that ps has not "helped" this girl be more sociable or have a close friend. It's just part of her personality. I truly think, that when she gets in college she will find like minded/hearted souls.
  10. NOOoooooo..... We finished last years courses in late June (still haven't finished the math :glare:). Daughter and I just returned from a mission trip now she's off to volunteer for three weeks at a camp. My son is helping with VBS as I write this then goes off to Boy Scout Camp in two weeks. My husband and I have a fence to put up. I have a kitchen to semi-remodel. And I have barely started planning for next year. Besides, even it is still in the 50s here today at almost 11 am in July, the next couple of months are usually our lovely weather months.
  11. Check out unit names or formulas. You could choose based on that. i.e a Newton, a Farad, etc.
  12. :iagree: Demonstration "labs" is what I consider very irritating. It seemed when I first started homeschooling, these kind of "experiments" were all I found.
  13. :party: Congratulations! Your situation makes me feel hopeful - that after so many years as a SAHM it is possible to go back to work in your chosen career!
  14. I did exactly this a few years ago; it was the old Kirkland brand. I was so annoyed. The only ingredients I want to see are peanuts and salt :D. My family can go through a huge jar in a couple of weeks (really mostly myself and my daughter).
  15. I too enjoy planning more than teaching. I think planning is optimistic and opens up possibilities. Teaching, well, it's reality :glare:.
  16. I am kind of in the middle of it (or should be). I'm on/off with task avoidance. I have only progressed partly through Conceptual Physics for ds. I still need to work on his English and history :glare:. Maybe I should just go have some whine...I mean wine ;).
  17. My dd just finished 10th - here were the courses she took Geometry Ancient History w/several GB Biology Spanish 2 English (combo of Vocab, Grammar, and Rhetoric) Intro to Literary Analysis (1 semester) Health (1 semester) Pastel & Watercolor (1 semester) Extra - homeschool band and choir, TKD, a little work, a little volunteering
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