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Everything posted by bugs

  1. I am sincerely grateful for this thread.(says the mom who just minutes before reminded her son for the 3rd time to focus on his school work)
  2. I am using it with my 9th grader as a "preamble" or sorts to taking Windows to the World next year. He is doing it as part of English, in a "get-er-done" method.
  3. Ninth grade is slowly smoothing out. Ds is making headway in organization (he is actually organizing his Legos :svengo: ) and timeliness. It is Not too early to plan for 10th. I am somewhere in the middle of it. Here is where I am so far: Biology: with either DIVE or Redwagon Tutorials Algebra II: w/Lial's Intermediate Algebra English: A Rulebook for Arguments, Composition in the Classical Tradition, The Stewart English Program: Book 1 Principles Plus..., Vocabulary (?) Literature Analysis: Windows to the World Health: Total Health (get 'er done) + various Boy Scout activities History: still working on this. I would like to continue with the 4 year cycle but ds says he wants to be dual enrolled as a jr & sr - not sure if he'll be full time then. Geography: probably BJU, maybe PACE German II: OSU
  4. Great to have you back Julie! I admire your strength.
  5. I thought Dido was a Phonecian and established Carthage (as myth may have it). Why it's European I have no idea.
  6. This is my son. For both my kids, I start the year by providing the amount of work I require during the week. In an effort to develop their own time management skills, they are suppose to plan out their days. I tend to be a little more involved in ds's day than in dd's. It's getting better though. I also adjust work loads throughout the year based on outside activities, hormones, etc.
  7. Oh yes, I would too if you don't mind. My son is listening to the TC's War and World History course. It's really up his alley.
  8. Hi, I know you didn't ask me this question but I thought I'd answer it for you anyway :laugh: . My son really enyoyed the Vandiver lectures. He listened to the Odyssey lectures over Christmas break even though he hadn't started reading the book.
  9. I have no idea which ones he will read...I guess I figured I'd start looking on these boards for recommendations :D .
  10. We're in Ancients this year. The following list are the books/stories my son has read so far and his rating (take it for what it's worth :tongue_smilie: ): Various books of the Bible (forgot to have him rate this) The Epic of Gilgamesh - 3 (out of 5) Selections from Bulfinch's Mythology - 3 The Iliad - 5 (with Vandiver lectures) Aeschylus, 1 : The Oresteia : Agamemnon, the Libation Bearers - 2 (therefore did not force him to read the last one) Antigone - 2 (This was actually reading for Classical Writing.) The Odyssey - 4 (so far - he is only 1/2 way through. Using Vandiver lectures here as well) I will have him read Oedipus The King and Oedipus at Colonus even though he gave Antigone a 2. I am just that kind of mean mom. The plan is to have him also read the following: In search of a homeland : the story of The Aeneid by Lively, Penelope Selections from The Histories Selections from Roman Lives Selections from the Rig Veda Selections from The Sayings of Confucius
  11. I haven't looked at MUS Geometry. I have quickly perused through Key to Geometry and what I remember it was a lot of construction (angles, bisecting angles, etc.).
  12. I only have experience with 2 Geometry programs: BJU and TT. I feel that the BJU is very heavy in proofs and TT is about middle of the road. BJU assignments could easil have 5 proofs in them where the TT have 2 each lesson. To me, two proof problems for most assignments provides enough practice to get the hang of solving them.
  13. Anything I reference constantly would have to be hard copy. TWTM - hard copy.
  14. Sadly, I've read only one biography but it was wonderful. Peter the Great by Robert Massie.
  15. Sorry if my comment looked as if I were directing it toward you; I wasn't. It was just a generic "how I do it" comment that happened to fall after yours.
  16. Neither of my children recieved straight A's as freshman. And the oldest did not receieve them as a sophmore. I really try to be honest with myself and them in my evaluation, otherwise I would not be able to look myself in the face.
  17. Woah. That is super cool. Gosh, back when I was in college...well it was a long while ago so nothing so portable for our probes. Looks like you are having a lot of fun.
  18. My son read the Illiad then listened to the corresponding parts of the lecture. He's already listened to all The Odyssey lectures though he hasn't started reading the book (he needed to listen to something while contructing lego buildings :blink: ). He's familiar with the story.
  19. Have you ever heard of flylady http://www.flylady.net/? I haven't visited her website in years but she has suggestions for keeping the house neat and tidy using "zones". She takes into account working folk.
  20. Holy cow I'm old (but I knew that...sigh). There were about 20 - 24 females on our floor, sharing one bathroom with 5 sinks, 5 showers and 5 toilets. No sinks in room. I was fortunate that I liked getting up early to take a shower before most of the girls. Oh yeah, and the cost (with 3 meals a day) was $935 for two semesters. Seeing how min wage was about $3.50 and hour (can't remember exactly), it did take me most of the summer to earn that measly amount.
  21. This for me. I didn't get Alg I. Loved Geometry - the proofs were cool to do. Come Algebra II, I took it on purpose over the summer to get into ghe higher level math class the following year. I aced (and understood) Alg II. My kids....jury's out :glare: . We're just slow to mature in this family.
  22. I know this isn't TC stuff but Michael Medved's audio history programs have been fascinating. The Complete American Revolution series is wonderful. Much of what he uses are first person accounts.
  23. I wanted to say Congratulations too! What an awesome contribution you and your family are to this country. (Sorry I don't know any TC videos.)
  24. We used A Children's Homer which has the Illiad and Odyssey wrapped up in one when my kids were middle school age.
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