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Everything posted by bugs

  1. We got ours yesterday. Meh. Pretty "average". I pray the girl continues to do well as a DE student.
  2. Check out the Teaching Company here's the sale info http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/442850-great-courses-holiday-countdown/.
  3. :bigear: It will be fun to see the correlation (or whatever else this is about).
  4. :hurray: So wonderful, especially with the other skills learned!
  5. 5'10" - 11 (men) 5'11 - 10.5 (women) 5'9.5 - 11 (women)
  6. No opinions about the book but thanks for the head's-up. I just bought it!
  7. I am a hugger and kisser, etc. I grew up in an area where everone you met you give a peck. Physical touch is one of my love languages. It is also for my teenage son but not my daughter's (unless I were a boyfriend :glare: ). Anyway, I've told my daughter that she needs to suck it up because I am affectionate. She's learned to tolerate it to the point of actually initiating sometimes. I too give "death" hugs...but my chant is from Looney Tunes, "I will hug you, and squeeze you, and call you 'George'". :D ETA: I also give great 2 min massages that my kids have been addicted to.
  8. These are my kids, not gifted but good students who do well. One reason I have continued homeschooling through high school was a fear I have of my children ignored and drowning in a sea of mediocrity because they are Not gifted or learning disabled. I am/was concerned about low expectations in our ps. My oldest did fine at home; she is now dual enrolled at the cc and expects to get an AA. My youngest is a freshman and will probably complete some DE classes as well. Right now he is content to be in an atmosphere where his breaks can include lego time :glare: :laugh: .
  9. Foyle's war has been one of my and my husband's favorite shows! Love it! Wish there were more. And okay, I have a crush on Michael Kitchen. :blush5:
  10. I am grateful for this forum. In general there seems to be a lot less "drama" and hurt feelings than on the GB.
  11. This is my dd's first quarter as a RS student. We registered with our school district and they assigned us a counselor. Her desire is to obtain her AA and graduate from her cc, otherwise, she is also getting a "mommy" transcript. So our discussion with the counselor was concerning this goal. After the initial paperwork, the counselor just signs a form regarding the classes dd will take in the upcoming quarter (the counselor has no input). We showed the counselor no transcript. My daughter did take her transcript to a cc counselor to discuss math options. Did I answer your question?
  12. Times Up - Total Recall is great fun!
  13. My son is using TT Geometry an is only now finished with Ch 5. I can say that the average length of these proofs is about 5 -6 steps (that includes the given). I think it should be well under 10 min for each of these...my daydreaming son can take 15 min.
  14. Wow, I'm glad you mentioned this because -no we haven't been billed.
  15. You know, adolesence continues until 26 - 28 yrs old anymore. Just saying... :glare:
  16. Yikes! :iagree: This for me too. I think it is all in stages. My barely 16 yo dd volunteered at a Christian camp last summer. While she was there she worked and played with other volunteers and had a lot of independence. She had stressful times while there as well. She came back indeed more mature and independent, but the scenario wasn't real life. She had someone else taking care of her basic needs and the nature of the camp in general was in semi-controlled conditions. She (and others) developed romatic relationships - yet the reality of the real world has ended hers. I agree that the best way to "date" is to be doing the things you enjoy and reduce the "staged" dates to a minimum. I've gotta stop typing, the response at this time is slow and the delay is driving me nut-so.
  17. Hmmm...well it seemed that ds started the year out great; he was focused and deliberate with his work. I'm not sure that's the case right now. He takes forever to his work, esp. math (I see him staring into space but he says he's thinking). I dunno...is it me or is it possible to get most of one's school work in the horizontal position? Would I be terribly mean by demanding that he sit at the table all day?
  18. Thanks. This child wanted to go back to ps in 9th grade but I said 'no'. Now she says things like..."I'm so happy I didn't go to that high school...blah blah blah":glare: Thanks, this is what I feel good about. This is what I look forward to as well. Yep, that's it in a nutshell. But I guess, she's allowed to be "grown-up" in a controlled environment, so I figure it's just one more way for her to get in practice before she leaves.
  19. I guess I know where I am NOT going to live...I already have that here. But I am on board with not staying in one place too long and house hopping around the world.
  20. My daughter is in the middle of her first quarter as a DE student at the local cc. She has told me, begrudgingly, that some of the things she had learned at home have actually been helpful :D. But then she said she thinks that my classes were harder than her cc classes, thus far. I am not sure wheather to be proud or concerned. That's all - just had to share.
  21. My 9th grader is working on the same subject. He is also writing short papers for CW: Cheria. I am just assigning one of those Logic papers a week. Next week he can choose between the weekly alaysis assignment or the case study. I let him write 1 -2 pages for either (IMHO I think it's overkill to write a biography (esp. "2 -3" pages) for Logic class.)
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