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Chocolate Rose

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Everything posted by Chocolate Rose

  1. Conda is making me crazy. She's just a brat. I'm hoping she goes soon. I think that the drama should die down pretty soon. Oh, and BOB! He's such a spoiled brat and a poor loser. It's like he's more concerned with his team winning than them actually being successful individuals losing weight. Even though I'm annoyed, I'm going to keep watching.
  2. It's been on sale at Target for $1 each. Occasionally Albertson's and Safeway have it for $1 each. That's the best I've found. I watch the ads.
  3. I have Chobani every morning for breakfast. But, I haven't tried the vanilla. I like their raspberry, strawberry, cherry, pomegranate, mango, etc. Costco stopped carrying it - boo hoo. They now carry Fage. I tried it and didn't like it as much as Chobani.
  4. I'm an introvert who needed a job and took a job in a company where I needed to be an extrovert interacting with guests/customers my whole 10 hour shift. It was very hard at first, but I got better at it and even had fun. An office position opened up and I applied for it and got it. I'm much more comfortable doing what I do now, but at times during the day, I'm still required to be more of an extrovert. This job has definitely helped me in my personal life. I can interact with clerks, etc. in stores and people in general much more comfortably. Just in general, I think it's opened me up and made me more willing to step out of my comfort zone, and I probably needed that.
  5. Janet Evanavich is my go-to author when I want something light and fluffy. Stick with her "number" books and stay away from the books where she co-authors with another woman. I can't think of the woman's name, but imo, they stink. "One for the Money" has been made into a movie with Katherine Heigl as Stephanie. I think it comes out this month. I wish they would have picked someone else as Stephanie.
  6. Do you remember 1996? We were living in Bellingham, but had gone down to my sister's house in Olympia for Christmas. It took us 6 hours to get back to Bellingham (normally about a 3 hour drive). Cars were spinning out all over the freeway. We ended up with a few feet of snow that paralyzed everyone and then a silver thaw. My mom ended up spending a week with my sister because she couldn't get out and as of yesterday, still refers to it as the "week from h*ll". They had no power or water. We had no power, but at least we had water. February 1990 is another one I'll never forget, too.
  7. Yes, her husband takes her to visit our mom while he is at work. They have a great truck that they are able to get around in. Our mom is in a care facility (she had a stroke last April) so my sister is at least able to be warm during the day. They are still unable to get their car out. Glad to hear that you're back home.
  8. We're on the Kitsap peninsula and my area ended up with 10 inches of snow. I missed 3 1/2 days of work because I couldn't get out. Luckily we never lost power. The roads are pretty clear today, but still a ton of snow in driveways and yards. I don't want any more snow this year. My sister called me this afternoon. She's in Olympia and has been without power most of the week. She said that they are being told that they will be without power for another 6 days. She said that it looks like a war zone there.
  9. I'm hoping they do a great job with the movie. As much as I love Tom Hanks, he just doesn't seem to me to be the best choice for the dad. It definitely is a book that is emotional. I read it as much as I could on my breaks at work. I remember one day I had to stop reading because I was in an incredibly sad part of the book and I couldn't stop crying. Not an appropriate thing to do in the break room.
  10. I hope you try again! Once I got into it, I had a hard time putting it down.
  11. This will probably be my only post on this topic. Between working full-time and everything else, I seem to only get through 26-29 books a year. But, right now, I'm on target and wanted to post. :) 1. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Foer - excellent book. It has a different writing style but I still loved it. The movie is coming out later this month with Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock. Read the book first. 2. The Postmistress by Sarah Blake - I also really enjoyed this book. Even though parts were predictable, I liked it a lot. 3. Bossypants by Tina Fey - Did not like this one at all. I just don't think she is very funny, at least in writing. I just kept wanting it to be over. I'm jealous of those of you who are reading Ahab's Wife for the first time. About 10 years ago, a friend gave me this book. I still consider it one of my favorite books and still think about it. Enjoy!
  12. I agree with asking her. My mom (84) would not put up with most of the suggestions. She loves mysteries, etc. Think Sue Grafton. I think having your 9 year old do the reading sounds like a fun suggestion, but definitely find out what your grandma likes.
  13. Bronchitis here. Ended up on antibiotics 2 days ago. I also use Nyquil so that I can sleep at night, and Dayquil so that I can get through the day at work without coughing up a lung. Hoping that I'll be better by Friday when my antibiotics run out. Dd ended up with pneumonia last month and is still having breathing issues. We took her back to the doc on Tuesday and even thought the pneumonia is cleared up, she was put on another round of antibiotics. Don't take changes with breathing issues.
  14. Here's what the back says: * All-new Firefly cast roundtable: Lunch with Joss, Nathan, Alan and Ron * 3 Never-before aired episodes - All 14 series episodes * Audio commentary on selected episodes * Behind the scenes featurettes * 4 deleted scenes * Gag reel, audition tape, and more
  15. I was at Costco yesterday and they had Firefly: The Complete Series for $18.99 on Bluray. It's the 3 disc set.
  16. 1. If you have seen both the Swedish & American versions of the movies, which did you prefer? Saw the Swedish version of all three books. Am looking forward to seeing the American version. 2. Did you read the book or books before seeing the movie? Read all three books before seeing the Swedish version. 3. If you did not read the books, did you have a hard time following the story in the movie? When I saw the first movie, I remember thinking that it would be hard to follow for someone who had not read the book. 4. Fan of the book(s)? Fan of the movie? Both? Neither? Fan of both. For the people who say they couldn't get through the first 100 pages, you just need to slog through them. After that first section, the book gets really good.
  17. Last night I saw a commercial for slippers that I almost bought. I can't think of what they were called. I keep hoping it will pop into my head. Anyway, the sole of the slipper contained, I think, linseed. It was some kind of seeds. You microwave the slippers and the seeds heat up (just like those neck warmers you make with rice). So, they warm up your feet for up to an hour. And, the commercial said that if you wiggle your feet a bit, the slippers massage your feet. I thought these sounded really great, but chickened out of placing an order.
  18. Interesting. A number of years ago, an email buddy said that in her area (North Carolina) she could purchase pads for "heavy" women. They were bigger. I've never seen anything like that in the PNW.
  19. I shop primarily at Kohl's and Penney's and have been happy with the majority of my purchases. Money is tight so I only shop sale prices. I've tried buying a few things at Target but they are usually not made well and the fabric is way too thin, so I've sworn to not buy anymore clothes from them. I don't put any of my tops in the dryer (except for cheapo tshirts). I hang dry everything and they seem to stay nicer longer. It's a bit more work, but definitely worth it for me.
  20. Our tradition has always been pjs and a book wrapped together and opened after dinner on Christmas eve. Everything else waited until Christmas morning. But, we no longer host Christmas and have to travel very early Christmas morning. So, we now open our gifts and stockings on Christmas eve. The pjs and book are still part of the gifts.
  21. Two of my favorite older movies are: Christmas Every Day (a kind of Groundhog Day Christmas movie) Christmas Secret (with John-Boy Walton as a professor trying to prove that reindeer can fly) I keep hoping to find both of them on dvd, neither are available. And, someone mentioned the Incredible Mr. Limpet - we do have that one on dvd.:D
  22. We usually have salad, bread and fruit with quiche. Sometimes we have hash browns.
  23. We love pirate's booty as our movie snack. Another one we like are the chocolate covered pretzels that Costco carries. YUM! Costco also carries pirate's booty.
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