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Chocolate Rose

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Everything posted by Chocolate Rose

  1. Yes, Zevia is the brand that I've found. They have just about any regular soda flavor (Mt Zevia, Dr. Zevia, etc). It is pricey, though. And, it has too many carbs for me to drink on a regular (or irregular) basis. Yesterday I found some flavored water that uses stevia - Twist Essence Water. I bought several flavors (I'm always on the lookout for low carb, non-artificially sweetened, non-carbonated drinks). I tried one yesterday and liked it - West Indies Lime. I'm taking the rest to work with me for something to drink other than plain water. These were also pricey at $1.79 for 19 ounces, but they only have 1 carb.
  2. I went totally sugar/sweet free (including all fruit) for several weeks before I added stevia in to my diet. I don't know if that made a difference as far as transition or not. I use Truvia and also liquid stevia. I found flavored liquid stevia that I also use - chocolate raspberry, vanilla creme, etc. I find that if I use too much, I get the bitter after taste. The trick is using enough to sweeten but not too much. And, I still don't know the secret to that.
  3. Wow, I was kind of being silly with my post thinking that there wouldn't be an answer, BUT these look like a great possibility. Do people really wear these to swim in at the beach? What kind of rash are they guarding against?
  4. Our treadmill died, so I'm also doing Leslie Sansone. The dvd I have came with a resistance band and I like that she includes upper body stuff while doing the walking and other steps.
  5. If you're up for zombies, the Newsflesh trilogy is great! The third book just came out (June 1, 2012). I've got it in my Amazon cart. They're by Mira Grant. Feed (book 1) Deadline (book 2) Blackout (book 3)
  6. Any such thing as a bathing suit that will hide bat-wing arms?:ohmy:
  7. Here are a few of my favorite blogs: http://alldayidreamaboutfood.com/ http://yourlighterside.com/ http://ginnyslowcarbkitchen.blogspot.com/ http://untilthethinladysings.blogspot.com/ http://wifezillasway.blogspot.com/ http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/ http://fluffychixcook.blogspot.com/ http://247lowcarbdiner.blogspot.com/ Also, my most used book is Low-Carbing Among Friends. Book 2 will be out in a few weeks.
  8. I few years ago I did the vanilla sugar with organic sugar from Costco. I even did vanilla Splenda for a diabetic relative.:D
  9. Your wedges sound awesome! Cabbage is my veggie of choice these days. I make Crack Slaw as my dinner at least a couple of nights a week.
  10. I refused to do the glucose test. My doctor agreed to my decision as long as I got a meter and strips and tested every day. I never had any blood sugar issues.
  11. Just wanted to say that I totally agree with Erica. I was diagnosed in February and my doc gave me a referral to a diabetic nutrition workshop. I skipped it, and did a ton of research. I'm so glad that I did. I would encourage your dad to do as much reading as he can. Hopefully he's willing to take charge of his health. I think that most diabetic nutrition education and care is geared toward the masses who just want to take a pill and make it all go away (I'd love that, too!!). But, by cutting out carbs, increasing fat, and eating moderate protein, many diabetics are able to get their blood sugar closer to normal without all the medications. If you'd like a starting place online to read, try this one: http://www.diabetes-book.com/ Good luck to you and your dad. This can be a scary, overwhelming, life-changing diagnosis. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.
  12. It is going to depend on how your dad is dealing with his diabetes. Is he insulin dependent? As a recently diagnosed diabetic :glare: I would not be able to eat any traditional type pizza crust including low carb wraps. Momof3littles posted several sites that I rely on most for recipes. I have made the Meatza Pizza, but that is the only pizza recipe I've had a chance to play around with so far. My boss and several other friends have made the cauli pizza crust and have really liked it. Here is a recipe (not pizza) that has become my fall-back dinner when I can't think of anything to make and have little time. My dh and dd will even eat this. I got the basic recipe online and then started playing around with variations. The original recipe called for ground beef: * Exported from MasterCook * Crack Slaw Recipe By : Serving Size : 0 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Ground Turkey Low Carb Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 1 bag Dole Cole Slaw Mix (try to pick out the carrots) or Shredded Cabbage. 2 tablespoons oil -- (2 to 4) 1 1/2 lbs ground beef Brown meat till it's cooked. Remove meat from pan. Heat oil in pan, then add in shredded cabbage. Cook to desired tenderness. Add meat back to pan and combine with cabbage. Season as desired. Description: "Quick and Easy dish you will love." Source: "http://www.simplycoconut.com" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES : This is the basic recipe. I use ground turkey and brown it in butter. I then remove it from the pan, add more butter to the pan and saute the cole slaw mix. This is an easy recipe to alter for one or two servings. For Asian style, I brown the meat in coconut oil, I add garlic, ginger and green onions along with some soy sauce, sesame oil and a bit of Truvia. For Mexican, I add chili powder or taco seasoning and garlic to the meat. I brown it all together and add some water and let it simmer a bit until the water evaporates. I remove the meat, saute the cabbage, add the meat back and serve it with avodaco, sour cream, and cheese. Pesto Crack Slaw - just add pesto at the end and combine all. I sometimes add additional cheese. Baked Spaghetti Crack Slaw - after adding the meat back to the cole slaw mix, I add oregano, garlic, tomato sauce, sour cream, and mozzarella. Combine until cheese is melted.
  13. Hopefully it will reboot after 7/4! June rainfall is a given.
  14. Dd and I went to see it this afternoon. We both really liked it!! The scenery and details were amazing! I couldn't stop watching her hair. Nothing at all like old-style animation. For me, it was very intensely emotional. I wish I would have thought to bring kleenex.;) The theater was pretty much full, and towards the end, it was totally quiet except for sniffles and sobs. For some reason, Pixar movies seem to do this to me. I couldn't stop crying after the incinerator scene in Toy Story III. I'm just a wuss.:D I'm glad that we went to see it, and I may even buy it when it comes out on blueray.
  15. I had two friends who did this and totally loved it. One was a musician and the other was - I'm not sure what her position was, maybe some kind of host or something. They both felt it was a great opportunity. Now is a great time for your dd to do it as she is unattached.
  16. I was really looking forward to seeing Brave. What disappointed you?
  17. Years ago, we used to stay in a hostel on San Juan Island. It was extremely inexpensive. I don't know if it's still in business. We also spent several weekends staying in a cabin on Orcas Island. I'm forgetting the name of the place now, but they were very nice. Rustic but nice. We were supposed to spend our honeymoon there, but there was a snow storm and the lady called the morning of our wedding to tell us not to come as the pipes had frozen and the roads were undriveable. :tongue_smilie: Anyway, the cabins were right on the water. I also was part of a group of moms who got together every summer (this was the only time we got together) with our kids and camped on Lopez Island. That was great fun. OK, I did a little search and I think that this is the place on Orcas: http://www.westbeachresort.com/ It looks like it's been upgraded as when we stayed there it was an elderly woman who was in charge.
  18. What I am also learning about the A1C is that even though it is an average, it doesn't show the spikes. It's extremely important to keep your (my) blood sugar under 140 (and probably lower than that) at all times to avoid damage. It's really important to be testing several times a day if you can. I've been dealing with this for four months now and feel like it has totally taken over my life. I guess the alternative isn't good, but this sure isn't fun. LBS, I've had to finally realize that very low carb can't just be a diet for me. It has to be the way I live for the rest of my life. I LOVE food and cooking and collecting recipes, etc. so this has been huge for me. I did post on another thread a low-carb bread recipe that I love. It's quick and easy to make and doesn't require any weird ingredients. Let me know if you'd like the recipe. I just started making it this week and have had a sandwich every day just because I can.:D After not having any bread, crackers, carbs for 4 months, this was awesome.
  19. I know! Who would have thought that nut butter + eggs = bread? I took some to work to share with some co-workers who are also low-carb and they loved it, too. Tomorrow I'll take the recipe for everyone.:D
  20. I think she posted that if you use sunbutter the bread would be green. She mentioned something about making it for St. Patrick's Day.:D Could you use almond butter?
  21. It was extremely quick and easy. I had a SANDWICH for lunch today.:D It just made me smile and it tasted SO good.
  22. I am eating very, very low carb which includes being gluten free. I tried this bread last night and it was awesome! I made it in a muffin-top pan so that I have 12 buns rather than a loaf of bread. The ingredient list is so small and contains no flour so I was very skeptical. It can also be made with almond butter. If you have a hankering for bread, give this one a try. http://247lowcarbdiner.blogspot.com/2011/03/mr-peanut-sandwich-bread.html
  23. I think that in theory this might make sense. But, my personal experience is that as I'm getting older I am losing muscle. Especially arm strength. So, I know I need to exercise to build up my muscle, but I hate it.
  24. I know that you are being very practical and helpful, but...like I said, I don't like to exercise.:D I know that I'm being contrary.;) I'm just not highly motivated to make those kinds of changes. I really need to have time just for myself to unwind. Otherwise, I'm no good to anyone. I'm not willing yet to give that time up for exercise. But, for someone who is ready to take the step, you do have some great suggestions.
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