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Chocolate Rose

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Everything posted by Chocolate Rose

  1. :bigear: I want to see this but I don't care for Tommy boy. I'm hoping he doesn't have a huge part in this. I've heard that people who didn't realize how much music/singing was in the movie didn't like it. But, those who knew ahead of time that it was more like a "musical" really enjoyed it.
  2. I'm adding these to my wish list! I had no idea that these existed. Thanks!
  3. I have been a non-exerciser my whole life. In the past couple of months I've forced myself to do a one-mile walk every night after work using a Leslie Sansone dvd. So, I'm not now totally a non-exerciser. You'll notice though that even after a couple of months I am still only doing 1 mile. I just don't want to take the time to continue increasing my exercise time. But, here are my thoughts: I hate to sweat I have so little time to do anything that I want to do, and exercise isn't one of them My mind wanders while exercising and I get bored I'll have to think more about this.
  4. But, for 3 hours!! Couldn't one parent have removed the child for part of the time so that everyone else's experience wasn't ruined. I'm sorry, I understand your point. But, I still think that this was just incredibly rude behavior and I'm surprised that someone (possibly the organizers of the event) didn't ask them to take the child out.
  5. Awesome book! I read this years ago and it is one of the few books that I continue to think about.
  6. Soooooo, maybe you could go buy the smallest Cornish game hen you could find and have the kids make their dad bird soup for his dinner. They could leave a note for him thanking him for his frugality and recipe.
  7. Yes, this is what I've heard it to be. Multiply the number by 18 and you will get the American equivalent. Or divide the American bg number by 18 to get the European equivalent. And, the American A1c, for whatever reason, is done the European way.
  8. I've been on Metformin for a couple of months now and have had to deal with the GI issues. Not fun. But, from everything I've read Met is one of the safer and well tested drugs. It supposedly even has some kind of anti-cancer properties.:001_smile: I'm very anti-drug, but I did give into this one. I've only lost a few pounds while taking it, but for me, that wasn't the issue. I'm just trying to get my blood sugar under control. I've lost 120 pounds over the last few years and still have another 15-30 to go. I was diagnosed with diabetes in February. :confused: You'd think after losing all that weight that blood sugar wouldn't be an issue. Rats! Anyway, my recommendation ;) would be to go on a very, very low carb/high fat way of eating. Someone else recommended Dr. Bernstein's book, and I second that recommendation. Start doing some online research. There are lots of websites/forums with lots of info. I remember giving you some low carb recipe sites, but if you'd like some recommendations for changing your diet just let me know. It is so much easier to give up all carbs then to try to cut back. After the first few days you lose the carb craving. Even though you are eating brown rice (mostly) rather than white rice, the brown rice still has a ton of carbs. When/if you do have an A1C test, it should be in the 5s. A lot of docs are OK with it being in the 6s or 7s, but that is too high for good health. I still have a long way to go, but I'm working on it. It's coming down a lot slower than I'd like it to, but at least it's going in the right direction. I'm still figuring this all out, too, but for me, I'm convinced that LC/HF is the way to go.
  9. I am a total messy slob, so I have clothes I wear at home and clothes I wear if I leave the house. When I'm home, I'm cooking or cleaning or doing something in the yard and I get stuff all over myself. I can't afford to ruin clothes all the time. I have stained and ruined enough clothes that I've just found it's better to have specific clothes to wear at home. So, in the winter, at home, I wear sweats and slippers. In the summer, I wear shorts and t-shirts and go barefoot or wear flip flops outside. When I go out to run errands or whatever, I wear jeans no matter the time of year. And, I have clothes I wear only to work. I can't afford to ruin those clothes and have to replace them. They are basically several colors of pants, a variety of shirts and cardigans.
  10. Thanks for the JITB suggestion. I did exactly what you said and put together an excel spreadsheet with info from the places I could find that had nutritional info online. I put a copy in the car and a copy in my purse. I'm hoping to add to it when I have more time.
  11. No Carl's Jr. either. I'm starting to feel really deprived. You all are mentioning places that I've never seen before. I was able to do some searching and several restaurants have enough nutrition info online that I was able to make a list of items I could order as long as I requested slight changes to the food - no bun, or ketchup, etc. I was really surprised to find that salads were about double the carbs compared to other items even without dressing. I'll have to go back and look at Burger Kings menu again. BK and Dairy Queen seemed the least low carb friendly of the other places I looked at. Thanks, so much, to everyone who is offering helpful quick fast food restaurant suggestions. I know this is such a stupid thing, but I feel better knowing that I do have some choices and won't make some horrible choice.
  12. I was just commenting to my daughter earlier today that the Mexican-style fast food places would be out for me as everything involves some form of tortilla (which I can't have). But, I might be able to do it if I request them wrapping it in lettuce. Thanks for the suggestion. You're right though, it would be very messy.
  13. Jean, I'm also doing a lot of experimenting trying to be as low carb as possible and still have food that is edible.:D Beans are a food that I can't have, so I've managed to stay away from the bean pancakes. :D But, there are several sites where I've been able to find some great low carb recipes. These might be helpful for your husband's diet: http://yourlighterside.com http://untilthethinladysings.blogspot.com/ http://247lowcarbdiner.blogspot.com http://www.genaw.com http://ginnyslowcarbkitchen.blogspot.com http://www.healthyindulgences.net Here is a pancake recipe that I've been meaning to try, but haven't had a chance yet. I've left it as the original poster wrote it and included some notes. You could substitute whatever sweetener your husband uses. * Exported from MasterCook * Cream Cheese Pancakes & Syrup Recipe By : Serving Size : 0 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Breakfasts & Brunches Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 1 package cream cheese -- (8 oz) 4 eggs -- separated Sweetener to taste - I use 3 drops of Sweetzfree (liquid splenda) 1/2 tsp cinnamon (I use more) butter for pan -- griddle Syrup 2 teaspoons Splenda (I use a few drops of Sweetzfree) 1/2 stick butter 1/2 tsp cinnamon In a medium bowl, mix together cream cheese, egg yolks, Splenda, and cinnamon until well blended. In another bowl, beat egg whites with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form. Fold egg whites into cream cheese mixture. Heat griddle to medium heat. Dollop about 1/3 cup of the batter onto the buttered griddle. Cook until golden brown, about 2-3 minutes. Flip and cook other side to a golden brown, adding butter to griddle as needed. To make Syrup: Mix sugar substitute with melted butter until dissolved. Stir in cinnamon and pour over pancakes. Source: "http://www.diabetes-book.com" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTES : Trust me, as strange as they sound, they taste just like real pancakes! I've included the syrup recipe that came with the recipe, but I should point out that I've never made it; I use Walden Farms zero-carb pancake syrup. I just tried the pancake recipe last night, delicious! Thank you for sharing it! The only change I made was adding 1 tsp of vanilla.
  14. I can't remember where I saw the info about hfcs being injected into some fast food restaurants chicken. I'll have to figure that out. It's not just hfcs, it's all sweeteners and carbs I need to avoid. Yes, I always have nuts in my purse and water in my car. I try to remember to take some cheese with me, too. I can't eat fruit or carrots. I am pretty good about making sure I have food with me most of the time. BUT, I'm just really trying to figure out what my fast food options might be for those times I need to grab something quickly while I'm out and on the go.
  15. Yes, I oftentimes get a chef salad at our store's deli. What kind of quick Mexican food do you get that is low carb/high fat?
  16. Thanks. We like Subway, too. But, I'm hoping to find something I can get at a drive through for those days when I'm running errands like crazy and just want to grab something quickly.
  17. Thanks for all the great ideas. I hadn't even thought about looking for breakfast food.
  18. No In-N-Out or Chick-fil-A here.:( But, I did just check out the Wendy's website and they have a breakdown of the carbs in all of their items. So, I can at least figure out what I can eat there. YAY! Hoping for more suggestions!!
  19. I need specific choices of food items at drive-through fast food places for times when we're out running errands and need something quick and fairly inexpensive. I used to be able to find things in my old way of eating that were somewhat healthy. I very, very rarely eat beef and would mostly choose some form of chicken. I'm thinking that I may need to go back to eating beef, at least occasionally. I heard that at least one restaurant (I think it may be McDonalds) injects their chicken with HFCS which would mean I can't eat the chicken there. I'm not familiar with what's available at most fast food places. I'd like to know what specific things would be OK to eat (LCHF) at any of the following places. Anyone have suggestions? Wendy's (one just opened here last week) Jack-In-the-Box McDonalds Arbys Burger King Dairy Queen Taco Bell Taco...I can't think of the name of the other Taco place
  20. For me, the easiest way to do it was to give up all sugar cold-turkey. If I would have done baby steps or made it a long process, I never would have been able to do it. Eating a little bit of sugar leads to eating more sugar - at least for me. I gave up all forms of sugar including fruit. I also gave up all grains and pretty much all carbs. The cravings went away after the first few days. Just bite the bullet and give it up.:D
  21. I started using Truvia about a month ago because I had to give up sugar and want to stay away from artificial sweeteners. So far, it's working just fine. I have heard that if you use too much you end up with the bitter aftertaste.
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