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Chocolate Rose

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Everything posted by Chocolate Rose

  1. I'm really glad that you like it, too!! I'm enjoying my after dinner piece right now. :D
  2. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one watching this!! I hope there are many more who are, too. Ashley, I'm also worried. I thought that I saw somewhere before the first episode aired that The River was only going to be something like six or seven episodes long. I'm hoping that I'm wrong! Julie, you're right to be afraid!! But, you have to watch it to find out why. S.J., sorry it was a dud for you. There are definitely cheesy, predictable parts, but I still love it. :D
  3. I am loving this show! Every week I can hardly wait to see what happens next. But, I don't know anyone else who is watching it. I'm hoping it's popular enough to continue. Anyone else watching? I wonder what it says about me that this and The Walking Dead are my two favorite shows??
  4. I'm also doing low carb. When I first started, I would allow myself 1 small square of a 85% or 90% cacao chocolate bar. It was enough chocolate to keep me going. Now, several weeks into low carb, I've not had any sugar and am eating coconut oil fudge which I make with Truvia. It satisfies my sweet tooth and takes care of my love of chocolate. But, really, after about the first 3 or 4 days, my sugar cravings (and carb cravings) disappeared. It totally surprised me. Hang in there. It get's better. I have heard that eating any carbs, no matter how little, brings back the carb cravings or keeps them going. You might consider giving up your daily carb bites of bread or noodles or whatever.
  5. I just asked my dd (who loves to read the book) this question. I can answer if you really want to know now.
  6. Thanks!! Also, my daughter didn't watch last night's episode, but wanted me to fill her in on what happened (she'll probably watch it later tonight). She also has the book. When I asked her about it, she said that that's why it's called the "Walking Dead". Basically everyone is, they just don't know it yet.
  7. That's exactly what I was thinking! They're in zombieland - what were they thinking? Also, wasn't it unique to this episode that the recently killed/dead became zombies without being bitten? Didn't Darrell point that out about Randall? And, then, it happened with Shane? How could that be?
  8. I'm a newly diagnosed diabetic and I've just switched over to a low carb/high fat diet. I'm the only one in the family doing this right now, although they pretty much eat what I make. Sometimes I do end up making a second item for them that I don't eat. Example: I made pasta with pesto and chicken. I had spaghetti squash as my pasta and made enough for the family to taste. But, I also made regular pasta for them. Our dinners usually consist of some kind of protein and a low carb vegetable and/or salad. I've been using a lot of cauliflower as a mashed potato or rice substitute. I'm loving it and my family thinks it's pretty OK, too. Another example is the other night I made a chili that I could eat. I took out my portion and then added a can of drained rinsed beans, a can of diced tomatoes, and then corrected the spices to their portion. There are a couple of really great online sites where I'm finding some good recipes.
  9. That's so funny. I've always thought he was a despicable character and not handsome at all. I can hardly wait for next Sunday's episode to find out what is going to happen next.
  10. I think that if you do an online search you'll be able to watch it online. A friend o mine said that is how he watches it. You've GOT to catch up!
  11. Whoah!!! I'm so glad that you-know-who is gone! He was becoming an over-the-top annoyance. I wonder who will become the "problem child" of the group now?
  12. This won't help you, but it was a shock to me: a friend of mine with kids in local schools got a notice earlier in the school year that they would not longer be requiring children with lice to stay home from school.:001_huh:
  13. Here it is: I use Truvia and leave out the syrup. I cut it up into small pieces and store it in the refrigerator. I also take some to work so that I can have a piece after lunch. It really is very satisfying. * Exported from MasterCook * Coconut Oil Dark Chocolate Recipe By : Serving Size : 0 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Candies Low Carb Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 1/2 cup coconut oil 1/2 cup **cocoa powder (packed) 1/2 cup full fat (zero carb) whipping cream 2 teaspoons *sugar free flavored syrup (hazelnut and/or vanilla) 1/2 tsp vanilla extract Sweeteners to your taste: 4 tsp Truvia (stevia type) sweetener, 2 tsp xlytol, and 1 tiny scoop of Stevia powder OR 7 - 8 teaspoons of Truvia 1/8 tsp salt * optional You can use 1/2 dark and 1/2 regular cocoa powders to make the dark chocolate. One could use all dark or just make milk chocolate if preferred. Measure 1/2 cup virgin coconut oil into a small microwave mixing/measuring pitcher... and warm till melted Measure into a microwave safe bowl, 1/2 tsp of vanilla, syrups if desired, 1/8th tsp of salt and sweeteners. Cover and warm in the microwave until the granulated sweeteners and salt are dissolved into the liquid. Add 1/2 cup of full fat whipping cream and cook for a bit till boiling. Allow to cool till no longer boiling hot but still warm. While it is cooling, remove the melted oil from the microwave and measure 1/2 cup of cocoa powder into it, mix with a spoon, till you have a chocolate liquid oil Pour the warm cream mixture into the oil mixture and mix with a hand blender (also known as a stick blender) until emulsified or whisk until smooth and thick Spoon into mold, level off and put in the freezer for 10 minutes or in the fridge if you are not in a hurry. (OR dip other candies into the chocolate for coating) The finished product may be stored in the refrigerator and does not need to be stored in the freezer. Source: "www.diabetes-book.com" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Some people just make a candy out of it by combining the oil, cocoa powder and a sweetener. But, I prefer this fudge recipe. The woman who created this also created a almond joy/mounds-like candy to be dipped in this fudge. I can post that recipe, too, if you'd like. It also uses coconut oil.
  14. I make coconut oil fudge. I have one or two pieces every day and am convinced it is helping to lower my blood sugar. It's also satisfying my chocolate craving.
  15. Seriously?? Awesome! I'm going to watch it on HULU. That just cracks me up! :D
  16. I've only been eating coconut oil for a couple of days, but the big thing I'm noticing is that it helps me feel full. Since changing my diet (due to being diagnosed as diabetic) to LC/HF I've been feeling hungry all the time. But, the coconut oil has made a huge difference for me.
  17. I'm feeling really, really dense. I've seen the ads on tv but haven't been able to figure out what "GCB" means. Would you fill me in?
  18. I was recently diagnosed as being diabetic. My big thing was chocolate. I've been allowing myself one or two small squares of 85% or 90% chocolate. To someone who has been eating sugar, these will probably seem too bitter. But, if you've been avoiding sugar they are actually really good. They have a very intense chocolate flavor with just tiny sparkles of sweetness. Just let them melt on your tongue - don't chew them. Also, just this weekend I found a great fudge recipe. I've always stayed away from fake sugars. But, I broke down and bought Truvia. It's a stevia and erythritol combo. I've made the decision that it's OK to use this, but I'm not comfortable with other sweeteners. Here's the recipe if you want to try it (this came from a recipe board on the website of Dr. Berenstein. You might want to check into him. He promotes controlling diabetes through a LC/HF diet: * Exported from MasterCook * Coconut oil Dark Chocolate Recipe By : Serving Size : 0 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Candies Low Carb Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 1/2 cup coconut oil 1/2 cup **cocoa powder (packed) 1/2 cup full fat (zero carb) whipping cream 2 teaspoons *sugar free flavored syrup (hazelnut and/or vanilla) 1/2 tsp vanilla extract Sweeteners to your taste: 4 tsp Truvia (stevia type) sweetener, 2 tsp xlytol, and 1 tiny scoop of Stevia powder (the Stevia comes with it's own tiny scoop) OR 7 - 8 teaspoons of Truvia 1/8 tsp salt * optional **I use 1/2 dark and 1/2 regular cocoa powders to make the dark chocolate. One could use all dark or just make milk chocolate if preferred. 1. Measure 1/2 cup virgin coconut oil into a small microwave mixing/measuring pitcher... and warm till melted 2. Measure into a microwave safe bowl, a 1/2 tsp of vanilla, syrups if desired, 1/8th tsp of salt and sweeteners. Cover and warm in the microwave until the granulated sweeteners and salt are dissolved into the liquid. Add 1/2 cup of full fat whipping cream and cook for a bit till boiling. Allow to cool till no longer boiling hot but still warm. While it is cooling, 3. Remove the melted oil from the microwave and measure 1/2 cup of cocoa powder into it, mix with a spoon, till you have a chocolate liquid oil 4. Pour the warm cream mixture into the oil mixture and mix with a hand blender (also known as a stick blender) until emulsified or whisk until smooth and thick 5. Spoon into mold, level off and put in the freezer for 10 minutes or in the fridge if you are not in a hurry. (OR dip other candies into the chocolate for coating) 6. Enjoy! The finished product may be stored in the refrigerator and does not need to be stored in the freezer... that is assuming there are leftovers! Source: "www.diabetes-book.com" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  19. I don't know if my limited experience will be of any help. I'm not specifically following Taubes. I was recently diagnosed as being diabetic. So, after some research, I changed my diet. Rather than going with the typical diabetic diet, I decided to go with a LC/HF. I cut out all simple carbs and starches. No more sugar, bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, grains, veggies that grow under the ground, etc. The first couple of days I had headaches. After that, I was fine. I no longer crave carbs. I actually am not even tempted by carbs. I haven't lost any weight yet, but am maintaining. I had previously lost 120 pounds and would like to lose another 25-30. For me, this isn't a temporary diet, or one to specifically lose weight. This is a total lifestyle change. I've been doing this for a few weeks now and am very comfortable with the changes. One thing that is really helping me is to find recipes/meals that feel "normal". Ones that I can cook and feel really satisfied. I've found substitutes for foods that I loved but can no longer have. As an example, yesterday I tried a recipe for a biscuit made from coconut flour. It was excellent. So, now I can have a sandwich rather than just a lettuce wrap. I can have biscuits and gravy if I want. Right now, I can see doing this for the rest of my life. I hope I'm able to.
  20. Sorry! Yes, low carb/high fat. Are you doing Paleo? I'll check out that site.
  21. Because of a health issue, I'm changing my diet to LC/HF. So far, I think I'm doing pretty well, but I can see that it would be really easy to fall back into the old way of eating. I'm hoping to find yummy, easy recipes that will become my go-to recipes so that I don't have any slip ups. Can you recommend any recipes that you really like or websites/forums for resources?
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