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Chocolate Rose

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Everything posted by Chocolate Rose

  1. tbog and Jamee, thanks so much for your suggestions. I just downloaded some free scrapbooking paper to get started with. I'm just going to jump in and try to get something put together. I don't want to hijack this thread, but would you tell me about purchasing "kits" and papers, etc.? Is that something you do? Is that something I need to do?
  2. I just purchased and installed Photoshop Elements 9 specifically because I wanted to start digital scrapbooking. I just don't have the time or space anymore to do traditional scrapbooking. But, I'm finding that Elements is not at all intuitive for me. I know there is a learning curve, but is there some way to speed that up so that I don't get completely discouraged? I'd like to just be able to do some scrapbooking and learn the extras as I go. I spent HOURS today trying to figure out how to get started. Any suggestions?
  3. LOL!! We use that line constantly around here. And, one of our favorite episodes was the one where Dan Laroquette's character finds out that his pet turtle was really a "spud".
  4. My teen dd "insisted" I read these books when they first came out. They led to some great discussions. We both just finished Mockingjay, and even though the subject matter was difficult, it would have been disappointing if the author had wrapped everything up nicely rather than staying true to her story. If it's any help to those of you trying to get a copy of the book, our Costco has Hunger Games in paperback and Mockingjay in hardcover. I know Costco's prices are usually better than elsewhere. I'm hoping they'll have Catching Fire at Costco in paperback soon. Dd has copies of all three books, but I want my own copies.:)
  5. Dh works on Bainbridge and I can't think of anything in addition to what has been posted. I usually just drive through Bainbridge to get to the ferry. You just missed the HUGE Island rummage sale. It ended either yesterday or today. If you drive off the island to Poulsbo, there is a nice, very small downtown area with some great shops and waterfront park. When are you planning on going to Bainbridge?
  6. A movie that we've enjoyed a lot over the years is "Christmas Every Day". It's kind of a Christmas "Ground Hog Day" movie with a young teen boy as the main character. It has him experiencing Christmas morning over and over until he gets it "right". It was a movie on TV that we taped. I don't know if it's available to purchase. I hope so. It's one I'd like to own (with a good copy)
  7. If anyone is still looking for vanilla beans, Costco has packages of 10 for $11.88! The packages contain two glass vials of 5 vanilla beans each. I bought several packages along with two 10 pound bags of organic sugar to make vanilla sugar for Christmas gifts. But, I'm having trouble finding pretty containers to put them in. I struck out at JoAnns and Michaels. Any suggestions?
  8. YES! This was huge for me, too. Obama was so gracious and McCain was not. I was also disappointed at how often McCain worked in his Vietnam experience. It was good drama and emotion, but wasn't as relevant to the debate as he seemed to think it was.
  9. This makes total sense in theory. But, the reality is that abstinence does not work. I'm going to say it again - ABSTINENCE DOES NOT WORK. Palin's daughter is the newest poster child for this. Yes, she is keeping the baby. She is very fortunate to have a supportive family. I don't know that most young girls have that kind of support. Birth control doesn't always work. Women (and men) who feel they are being totally responsible and using birth control find that out the hard way. Our society has such a stigma around sex that many girls/women make the choice not to carry a baby. And, even if you disagree, many girls/women make the choice not to continue the pregnancy because of their life situation. There are always going to be abortions - whether it is legal or not, safe or not. I don't think any woman makes an abortion decision lightly. I am so thankful that I was never in a situation where I had to even consider abortion. But, I don't think that making abortion illegal changes anything other than maiming or killing young women. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. I know that nothing I say will change anyone's opinion of abortion - just like nothing anyone says will change mine. But, hopefully there will be some realization that it is not a black and white issue. Even if you truly think it is.;)
  10. I don't understand it either! I LOVE getting book recommendations. Heck, I read East of Eden because of Oprah.:) I bought Anna Karenina but still haven't read it. My dd saw it on my bookshelf and read it, though. I've read many of Oprah's book club selections. Most of which I probably wouldn't have picked out on my own. After opening this thread, I was totally disappointed that no one told us the title of her new book club selection. So, I went and looked. It's The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski. Never heard of it, so it's one I'll take a look at. And, if Costco carries it in paperback, I will buy it.:D
  11. My 16 yo dd has been a HUGE Rent fan for several years now. She's been waiting for this movie to come out. For her 13th birthday all she wanted was Rent stuff. We've seen it live, we've seen the movie (over and over and over and over), we've heard the music, we've sung the songs, her voice teacher is going to have all of her students perform one of the songs at their Christmas recital, etc. Thanks for posting this!
  12. Thanks for you suggestions. We don't have a container store, but I'll check it out online. I'd really prefer a stand-alone bookcase rather than one that needs to be hung on the wall, though. I'll look at the ikea media storage, too.
  13. I need a floor to ceiling bookcase/shelves that is only about 6"-8" deep for paperbacks. I have a space about 42" wide that I'd like to put it. I've looked everywhere locally that I can think of. I checked Ikea online and didn't see one, but was told by someone on another board that they do have bookcases like I need in their stores. I'm too far away to just run to an Ikea, so I was wondering if any of you who have shopped there have seen a bookcase like I need. Or do you know of anywhere that sells shallow bookcases? I'm not up for a project of building one with dh at this time.;) I just want to buy one - inexpensively. TIA
  14. My dh is also diabetic. He has found (after much dietary experimentation) that using coconut oil and eating dried (cooked) beans every day keeps his numbers under control. Be sure that you use virgin coconut oil. He even puts it on toast!
  15. We're going to see it next month at the Paramount in Seattle. I can hardly wait. I've never seen it live.
  16. I'd love it if you would share whether or not you feel the schedule is worth purchasing. Please let us know what you think when you receive it. TIA
  17. Another hsing mom recommended a text book - Forensic Science for High School by Barbara Deslich and John Funkhouser. I was able to order the teacher's edition from Amazon. It arrived today and looks great. It came with a CD that includes Power Point presentations, etc. She also recommended (and I ordered) The Forensic Science of CSI by Katherine Ramsland and The Forensic Casebook by NE Genge. I'm hoping to spend some of this weekend putting a plan together for a one semester course for dd using these 3 books. I did call Winter Promise (many times) about their program but never got through to an actual person. I didn't leave my number for them to call me - I hate doing that. So, I'm just going to put something together on my own.
  18. Thanks, again! I'll give them a call. I just want the schedule, I've already ordered the books we need.
  19. Karen and Ava, thanks for your help! I have another question if anyone can help. I don't know why their website is so confusing to me, but I can't find the "stand-alone schedule" (or can be purchased separately with a stand-alone schedule only) or the price for it. TIA
  20. We stopped using antiperspirants years ago. Our doctor recommended it. His simple explanation (which makes total sense to me) was that one of the major ways your body gets rid of toxins is through the skin and sweating. Antiperspirants stop the sweating.
  21. Ava, my 16 yo dd will be doing forensic science this year. I've purchased 3 books (they're on their way to me), but would love to find an actual program. I searched the Winter Promise website and found 2 books on forensics, but couldn't find any actual "program" or which program these 2 books go with. Would you please tell me where the info is on their site? TIA
  22. I don't know if this is the best source, but I've purchased replacement parts for both my mom's older Cuisinart and my Robot Coupe food processors from Cuisine Parts, Inter. Their number is 800-852-3150. http://www.cuisineparts.com
  23. I had mono as a senior in college. I knew there was something wrong when I started literally falling asleep in classes. I also overslept and missed an exam. Ended up having to drop that class. The other big problem for me was a horrendous sore throat. That was what got me to go into the health center. I did have a headache, but don't remember extensive headaches, but it's been many years. I stayed at school (well, in my apartment - not at home with family) to recouperate. My roommate told me that I would fall asleep in the middle of conversations. It was just an overwhelming need to sleep. I did finish out the semester, and took a very light load during the summer. I didn't work during that period of time and luckily my boss waited for me to come back. About 8 months later I was re-diagnosed with mono. They say you can't get it more than once, so the doctor figured I had just never fully recovered. I hope your son feels better soon. Mono is no fun at all!
  24. That is exactly what we did! Well, almost. We just moved into a new (to us) house. The bedroom window is 71" wide. Costco has some great cellular blinds that don't have cords. You push a button to raise and lower the blinds. The blinds are 36" wide and they include a tool and instructions for cutting them if you want. I bought 2 of them and installed them, one right in front of the other (each on their own side) so that they overlap a bit in the middle. I love it because I can lower the blind on one side, and keep the other side open if I want. It's great in the heat because I leave the blind on the side of the window that opens, up at night. I liked the blinds so much that I did the same thing in our family room. The window isn't quite as wide (I forget the actual measurement) so the 2 blinds overlap a bit more.
  25. Thanks, Jenn! We're going to go ahead and do this. Now, I just need to decide if we should use the edition of his book that we already have, or purchase the revised edition.
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