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Chocolate Rose

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Everything posted by Chocolate Rose

  1. :grouphug: Dang, Netflix needs to step it up! We liked season 1 so much that I bought the dvds (got a really good price). We watched it the whole way through again right before season 2 started. I kind of wish I had done the same thing with season 2, but I think I can remember what happened well enough that I can meld right into season 3. I never thought I'd be a fan of a zombie show, but I LOVE it! If you want a good zombie book series (3 books so I guess it's more of a trilogy than a series) read the Newsflesh books by Mira Grant (Feed, Deadline, and Blackout).
  2. Anyone else excited that season 3 starts tonight?? Only 2 hours and 15 minutes to go...
  3. Right now, I wear 100% of my clothes. I have clothes I wear to work, I have clothes I wear at home (sweats in the winter, shorts and t-shirts in summer) and clothes that I wear when I leave my house (jeans and shirts). I've lost a large amount of weight and boxed up everything that is too big, but I still haven't gotten rid of it (I've maintained my loss for 1 1/2 years). I'm afraid I'll gain the weight back and I really liked some of my huge clothes and know that I could never afford to repurchase clothes. :D I've got everything from a 4x down to a medium. Hopefully, I'll get to the point where I can let go of the too big clothes. Any suggestions on the best way to get rid of them - sell, donate...?
  4. I'm with your daughter. I've lived here my whole life and can't imagine living in a different climate. Now, if we heated our house more, I'd be OK to lower temps. My favorite weather is in January and February when it's very chilly out, but the skies are clear and blue. We had a teeny tiny bit of rain last night. Not enough to do anything. I went out and watered all of my potted plants this morning. It's supposed to be windy tonight and even windier tomorrow night, so I also gathered up anything loose in the yard. :D
  5. One of the items I've bought my dd for each xmas and birthday in the last couple of years is a piece of nice jewelry. Her favorite is blue topaz. So, she's gotten a ring, earrings, a necklace and a pendant. Even though she doesn't care for pearls, that's what she's getting for xmas this year. A couple of weeks ago, there was a great sale at Kohls. 60% off and then an additional 10% off the morning I went in. And, I had a 30% off coupon. I got an awesome deal on a single pearl pendant and earring set (Originally $225, down to $100 and then down to $70 with tax). Not sure what else she's getting, but that's a start.
  6. Nothing on the Kitsap Peninsula, yet, either. I thought it was supposed to start last night. I've missed it...
  7. Blood Sugar 101 is a great place to start: http://www.phlaunt.com/diabetes/ Supplements: I've taken supplements for years and continue to do so. CoQ10, probiotics, vit d, vit c, blue green algae, etc. Since my diagnosis, I've added Insulow and Green Coffee Bean extract. I haven't noticed any changes but I figure they can't hurt. On some of the diabetic/LC boards I read, there are people who have had great results by adding them. For me, it's been easiest to just realize that carbs, including fruit and most veggies, are not OK. I don't even go the low carb tortilla route. Dr Bernstein recommends no more than 30 carbs a day - 6 for breakfast, and 12 each for lunch and dinner. I really try to stick to that. Fat helps you feel full. When making the switch, I didn't count carbs (still don't as I know what is OK and what isn't). I basically focus on medium protein and high fat. It's weird to make the mental switch to fat is good after being brainwashed for most of our lives that fat is the problem. I don't eat any fruit, grains, below ground veggies, sugars, dried beans, etc. It definitely takes some adjustment. I went cold turkey because if I tried to cut back, I knew I'd never do it. I hadn't eaten beef in at least 25 years. I'm now eating beef again (not ground beef though). Now, my grocery list consists of whipping cream, butter, sour cream, cheeses, eggs, chicken thighs, ground turkey, pork, bacon, almond flour, coconut flour, coconut oil, zucchini, cauliflower, cabbage, cream cheese, salami, etc. The more fat I eat, the better my bs levels.
  8. I've got two of her cookbooks. I think that most of the recipes from the books are posted on her site, but it's nice to have the books, too. I have a long list of her recipes that I want to try.
  9. :lol: Glad you were able to get past the spider eggs. :lol: Her chocolate chip cookies have been a life saver for me. Her nutritional info is helpful, too.
  10. I have a pair of MaryJane Birks. I never wore red before. But, I've spread my wings a bit and have a few different red tops that I wear with black pants and my red birks. In fact, I bought a new red top this weekend. Looking forward to wearing it.
  11. Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution is a great starting (and continuing) book. The website is here: http://www.diabetes-book.com and has some great forums. As far as cook books, I'm liking the Low Carbing Among Friends books. There are 2 out now with another due out the end of the year. I also really like Maria Emmerich's books. Her awesome blog is here: http://mariahealth.blogspot.com/ I also have Karen Barnaby's cookbook, but haven't had a chance to cook out of it yet. I get most of my recipes from blogs. If you want a list, let me know. I also get most of my info online rather than from books (other than Bernstein's book). As far as psychological adjustment/stress, I'm not sure what you mean. Diagnosis is definitely stressful. I think the thing that helps is to be proactive and take responsibility for making the positive changes. Stress does have a negative impact on bs levels. Learning how to deal with stress will be very helpful. I haven't figured that one out yet, though. When I was diagnosed, my stress was about how to go forward. I REALLY don't want any of the diabetic complications that are possible. Fear is my motivator. I've really spent just about every spare minute I have had in the last 7 1/2 months trying to learn as much as I can. It's still confusing to me, but I try. I also know first hand that you can't make someone change. My dh was diagnosed I don't know how many years ago. His dad was diabetic and both his sister and brother have also been diagnosed. But, he is not willing to make the dietary changes that I am and he continues to eat whatever he wants thinking that medication will take care of it. But, his levels are going up and he makes comments about his meds not working anymore. His meds are working, but not with the crazy way he eats. He's seen what I've done with my diet bs levels and is impressed but not willing to make the change. He won't change until he's ready.
  12. But, if I had to be a diabetic, I'm glad that it's now and not even a few years ago. There is so much information available now. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't had access to it all. I probably would have ended up going the sure-to-fail route of diabetic nutrition counseling and eating 45 carbs per meal. :tongue_smilie:
  13. Wow, that's great that you're able to do this! I wish I could. I'm with you about the bunless burger, etc. I just don't want to pay for that kind of stuff. And, I'm a diabetic who still can't stray off my way of eating. I'm hoping to eventually have great control (I really want to get my a1c down into the low 5s if not the 4s), but I'm still in the 6s and that's just not low enough yet for me to feel comfortable eating anything carby. My bs would spike and it would probably take me several days to get it down to somewhat normal levels. I have no idea how long I was diabetic before diagnosis. It was a fluke that I was even diagnosed. I was diagnosed in February, thought that if I gave up carbs I'd be in control within a couple of weeks to a month. I was very naive. It didn't happen. I'm just going to keep plugging away.
  14. It's funny that you mention this. Just the other night I told my dh that if we had a choice and had the money, I'd hire a home chef. I LOVE to cook, I LOVE to browse and collect recipes. But, this has been hard for me. The foods I'm using now are just not something I've ever used before and I'm not familiar enough with how they work to be able to create my own recipes or be able to just throw something tasty together. I would love it if a chef could at least make the basics that I try to keep on hand so that I can put my meals together. And, there are so many recipes that I'd like to try and just don't have the time to make (I'm home sick today, normally I wouldn't be online or at home during the day) that it would be great to have someone who could make the recipes for me so that I could try them. I hate wasting ingredients (and these ingredients are expensive) and I've made a few duds the last few months. I'd also love it if there was an awesome LCHF chef who could cook for me and TEACH me how to do this well since this is the way I will need to eat for the rest of my life. I think that occasionally I would like someone who would do the planning and cooking and allow me to "just sit and be served and relax and not have to think twice about it".
  15. Total night and day. Before - no worries, ate what I wanted when I wanted, although had weight issues my whole life and spent much of that time dieting. After - total dietary change. Am now eating LCHF. I've gotten used to the change in diet and don't have food cravings any more. But, my biggest issue is convenience. I can't just go out and buy pre-made items. Most everything I eat I have to make from scratch. Because I work full-time, this is an issue. Once I packed up all the foods I can't eat anymore (flour, sugar, rice, quinoa, etc. - they're still available in the garage for dd and dh to use) and replaced them with items I can cook with, it made things a bit easier. Just a bit. I don't go out to eat very often, but can usually find something I can eat. I hate spending the money on restaurants, though, because I don't ever really feel satisfied and that the cost is worth the food. It's definitely been a journey and a learning experience. And, I'm continuing to figure things out everyday. That is definitely something major about diabetes. You think that you've got things figured out and then your body responds differently. Dd cooks for herself and dh 3 times a week. I cook for myself every night. If dd and dh want what I cook the other 4 nights a week, they're welcome to it. But, for the most part, they have something else. Although there are some things I make for myself that they really like. I'm constantly trying new recipes. Thank god there are a lot of LC recipe bloggers out there or I probably would have failed at this months ago. I continue to dislike having to monitor my bs every single day. I'm lucky that by changing my diet my A1c went from 12.7 to 6.2 in 6 months. I'm trying to get it lower. But, I want to avoid additional drugs (just metformin right now) or insulin. If I had it to do over again, I would have put my family on a low carb way of eating years ago. Diabetes is not fun. Do you have any specific questions?
  16. My boss's kids are making these for Christmas gifts this year. They are making a bunch of different styles.
  17. I thought I was the only one who didn't like them! I made a ton for a party once and they didn't get eaten. Haven't made them since.
  18. It's not on for another hour and a half here. But, I'm excited!! This is one show that most of us in the office watch. Monday mornings are always fun when we're trying to figure everything out.
  19. I go visit my mom quite often in a facility and we oftentimes take gifts to various residents. I've found that many of them like items that they can hold in their hands. Last year we bought small (hand holding size) ceramic jack-o-lanterns and put small flameless candles in them. They were a big hit. Some residents enjoy small stuffed animals, or a small lap blanket, or shawl. I would also avoid taking special bedding or anything such as that other than a special pillow or blanket. Do you know what her mental state is? Is she functional at all? Would she like to color more? Would she like a jigsaw puzzle or crossword puzzle? What about an artificial wreath or something she can hang on her door. That is something that is allowed where my mom is. It can help her identify and find her room. It is hard not to get attached to many of the residents. So many of them, for whatever reason, never have family or friends visit and you can't help but feel badly for them.
  20. It was less than a week for me, also. But, make sure you are absolutely not eating any unintended carbs. As long as you don't eat carbs, the cravings should not come back. It's important to be sure that you are eating enough fat (even though that goes against everything we've been taught :tongue_smilie:).
  21. We made the switch about 5 years ago and I still miss a real tree. But, dh is no help in that department, so artificial tree for us. I bought a pre-lit, fold up tree from Costco and it's been great. It comes in 3 parts and I just stick it back in the box when I take it down.
  22. I agree with everyone. I keep hearing it referred to as "High Fructose CACTUS syrup". :lol:
  23. I also have a pair of Boston's (that are 20 years old and still going strong). I have 4 pairs of Mary Jane's that I love. I bought them through QVC. Here's a link to one pair that I have in black (but they are not selling these any more) http://www.qvc.com/Birkis-Lizard-Embossed-Cross-Strap-Maryjanes.product.A93199.html?&cookie=set I LOVE this but can't find them anywhere else. My other 3 pairs of Mary Janes are also from QVC and they don't carry them anymore. I'm glad that I bought the 3 pair I did when I did.
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