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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. Ha, thanks. That's a google image. My DD's Calico critters are in a hot mess jumbled heap in a corner. 😮
  2. Karaoke machine. A creative way to store/display/play with her Calico Critters. For example:
  3. So, the almond Kringle...in what section of the store is it located? (Asking for a friend...) 😉
  4. I suppose the thing you need to determine is: if you don't see your mom before she passes away, would you be at peace with that?
  5. I was considering this. I'll put it on my list for next time.
  6. They had two different types but I think maybe the other just didn't have the chocolate. Not sure.
  7. And since you did, I've bought it for so many gifts this year, lol. We love easy, no-brainer games like this. (It reminds me of Spot It, another quick reflex type game.) How about Blokus? Our family of 4 plays that one all the time.
  8. TJ's lebkuchen is the strangest, most addictive cookie I've ever eaten. It's like soft gingerbread had a child with fruitcake, then topped it with super thin dark chocolate on one side and very thin, edible styrofoam on the other. (I'm sure it's not styrofoam but rather some super-thin, wafery thing). But it's so...odd...and I've just finished my second one. Luckily, the kids didn't care for it, so they're all mine. So what lovely (or new-to-you) things are you enjoying from TJ's this holiday? I've still never tried their cookie butter... (If the styrofoam thing is actually styrofoam, and I shouldn't be eating it, don't tell me. Let me enjoy my ignorance.)
  9. I just watched The Hundred-Foot Journey on Netflix. Very good.
  10. Ha. The first 6 years of my marriage (before kids and Santa came into play), I was notorious for giving/opening Christmas presents early. I just couldn't resist! (I'm terrible at delayed gratification....) We actually still do early-Christmas because we travel, and I don't want to take stuff with us. Santa always came to our house sometime around the 15-20th (depending on where weekends fell). This year, we'll be opening presents Monday morning and I can't wait!
  11. We'd eat them -- well, my kids and DH would for sure. I'm not big on cookies, depending on the type.
  12. See It Say It Spanish (Flip Flop Spanish) mostly uses audio files and flash cards with images (words on the back) but the program is mainly listening, speaking, connecting words to an image. Older kids are encouraged to record in a notebook...but it's not necessary.
  13. I wouldn't even mind, if this were the case! It seems like every other week, I'm looking up a much-recommended title specifically for my kindle, and it's not available (or, more annoyingly, its listed in the online catalog as there but is not actually a title our library has).
  14. Haha, several hours ago I voted I was married in June. I just remembered/realized -- my anniversary is July 1. Whoops. 😂
  15. Talking about mice with discerning tastes, my dad use to insist that the mice he caught preferred toasted pecan. As in, he took a fresh pecan and toasted it.
  16. I'm happy because it's rainy and miserable outside, and I'm sitting here in my pjs, drinking my coffee and waiting for my hair to dry.
  17. ...pared down its YA section to one 10-ft shelf. The fantasy, the dystopian, the cheesy romance, all of those stories that I dove into when I rediscovered books (after my babies' early, more-demanding years)...all of those books -- gone. No Diana Wynne Jones other than Howl, no Westerfeld. So many good series...just gone. I'm sure there's a reason. I'm sure someone tracked usage, and it made sense to expand the video and children's sections. But I'm sad. For myself, but also for those kids that needed those "in between" books to hook them. Anyone else seeing this trend? I'm also surprised because the library in the nearby town has entire teen room, which is pretty awesome.
  18. We love Left Right Center but we play with counters/poker chips.
  19. I grew up with an angel, but have always had stars on my trees as an adult. Our "kid tree" has a bow on the top.
  20. I think the above was tongue-in-cheek...but as a chronic second guesser, I think there's merit to it. You spent a lot of time making this decision and then rethinking it (and rethinking it again). For me, I have to say "Meh, it's just a chair" and make a pretty quick decision. Otherwise I find myself doing what you did, but never being happy/content with my choice.
  21. I posted this in another thread, but I just bought a tween relative a Bluetooth slouch beanie. I didn't even know these existed until Amazon suggested it to me, lol. (So maybe not unique, haha, but its new to me!) https://www.amazon.com/Bluetooth-Beanie-Fashion-Speaker-Christmas/dp/B07VMFPCHG/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&ref_=ya_aw_od_pi
  22. This may be too much but a 3D printer? I have no idea what they run. But I've seen cool 3D printed cosplay things.
  23. Yes! I just watched this last week. Made me want to run and I hate running!
  24. That's because they're still paying off the Peloton. They can't afford gifts this year.
  25. My husband bumps elbows. (Yes, it looks weird. And yes, it baffles most people.) He started it when going through chemo, but now only reverts back to it when he has a cold.
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