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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. :iagree: I like reading to my kids when they have their mouths full of food and cannot interrupt. :D
  2. This next school year will be the first year I've done school while trying to attend to a newborn.
  3. Definitely drive....I have a feeling you'd come out about equal on the times. Plus, you'll have a car, your own space, no airline rules/regulations, and it will probably be cheaper.
  4. Wow, what a brave son you have! I think it's great that he's attempting to handle his own problems. If they won't listen to him, maybe he can write another note....being more clear....and give it to them at the door, explaining why Ben felt the way he did (because the boy was giving another child a hard time).
  5. If my kids wanted a snack, then I think I'd tell the friend "Hey so-and-so, DD is going to have a short break.....she'll come get you in about 15 minutes, okay?" Then your child can eat their snack. Or, like another poster suggested, have cheap snacks on hand for guests. But the only thing is, your child will need to eat these snacks when guests are around too....not something else.
  6. I'm right there with you. I have a 7 year old, a 4 year old, and baby #3 due in October. I have no idea how to homeschool with a newborn! We are schooling right now (party to finish up school from last year because I had to take time off due to really bad morning sickness....and partly to get ahead for next year so that I can take time off in the fall). I like to idea of taking time off from baby's birth until the new year. I think I may do that.
  7. Poor girl! I'm glad you found out what it is and that she's feeling better! It stinks that she has to deal with those "wonderful" womanly issues at such a young age!
  8. Love the Kindle app. I get both free and purchased books to read on there all the time. They have lots of classics for free.
  9. So exciting!!!! We found out a few weeks ago that this one will be another girl. With my first, she had her legs crossed. With my second child and with this one, I made sure to drink a Diet Coke before going into my ultrasound. I didn't want want any more closed legs! Sure enough, they were dancing around both times!
  10. Yikes! We've only gotten Amazon deliveries from FedEx and UPS. I wouldn't like someone delivering my package a few days late, and from a regular vehicle at that!
  11. I'm not sure that something that small would work very well. I just ordered this for my baby that's due in October: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00380HKTS/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B000UUAYYW&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1JB56ZPP54NNWMMR8CH7 I nurse for a long time. And I would use a small blanket draped over my shoulder. Well, it was always falling down, or the baby would kick their feet and it would pull the blanket off, or baby would grab it and pull it off. I think something like this will come in handy!
  12. I've never heard of tea being used for anything....but that doesn't mean much because I'm not really "up" on my drug uses. But even if it is nothing, it's great that you are looking into it. You can never be too protective and proactive when it comes to your kids.
  13. There's a WHOLE LOT of things that I won't let my kids watch/read/play with/etc. I check every movie they watch with kids-in-mind.com. I am very much sheltering my kids. That being said, I was fine with Cars 2. Yes, they really could have done without the guns, etc. But it didn't bother me that much. It is MUCH better than the likes of Shrek and those types of movies, which I do not let me kids watch.
  14. My sister was going to school to be a CNA. And I know several people who work at nursing homes, hospitals, etc. They seem to like it...no complaints from them. And the money is decent for them (it's their sole income). I don't think they can ever have enough CNA's.
  15. I didn't read all the other responses....but your DD is fine in ballet! DD7 played soccer when she was 4 and 5. She got out there, she ran, usually away from the ball, and smiled. I asked her if she wanted to play the next season and she said yes. I was proud of her....who cares if she's running away from the ball or towards it. :D
  16. My girls are like this. We attend church and a weekly homeschool group. In her earlier years, DD7 has participated in ballet, playgroups, and soccer. In all of these settings, she talks to/plays with no one. Neither does my 4 year old. Together, they play fabulously. And the only other children they will interact with is their cousins who we see about once a month...they are three girls that are 7, 10, and 14.
  17. Something that really bugs me? When my husband "helps" me drive. Every. Single. Time. That he rides with me, he points out the obvious. For example.... The car in front of you is slowing down. It's clear now, you can go. Watch out, there's a car pulling out. Why are you staying in this lane? The other is moving faster. Drives me freaking batty. Really? I had NO idea they were slowing down...is that what those little red lights mean on the back of their vehicle???? I've said to him, "Wow, I have no idea how I manage to drive when you are not with me." :tongue_smilie: Of course, then he gets all haughty and upset, saying, "I don't know why you have to be like that. I was just trying to help." AAAAHHHHH!!!!!:001_huh:
  18. Eww. Who in the world would approve that ad to actually go through? And sadly, it was probably a panel of people and not just one. :confused:
  19. DD7 used to do this. I think she was around 5 though. During a calm moment, I just told her "Hey, you know when you scream like that? Well, it really sounds like someone is hurting you. Someone may call the police and think that Mommy is hurting you and then Mommy could get into trouble. It's the job of the police to protect people from being hurt. Do you want that to happen? No? Then you really cannot scream like that." She's very rule oriented and pretty mature in her thought process so she understood it. Of course, this didn't stop her every time from screaming, but it did help her to scream a little more quietly when she did pitch a fit LOL.
  20. I do let my two DD's watch it. Usually DD7 is the only one that asks what they are doing. I just tell them they are making a baby. She doesn't usually ask any more questions.
  21. That is really very strange. I'm a conservative Christian....God has never told me to put my daughters in pageants. :tongue_smilie:
  22. They look more their age in these photos: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20504196,00.html
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