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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Oh, my answer wasn't in response to your comment. I'm sorry! But your situation is different......it should have been the boy's mother who told him that he's not allowed to spend the night again unless he could stay all night. I totally wouldn't want to be the guinea pig over and over either. I like my sleep LOL.
  2. My DH got just his blood work results back at the end of last week and his liver enzymes were elevated too. The doctor didn't seemed worried about it....he said they were slightly elevated, but not enough for immediate alarm. I guess it was unusual though, since the doctor personally called instead of a nurse. We researched it a bit and it could be anything from an infection, to fatty liver (which is usually harmless), to hepatitis, to liver cancer, it can stem from diabetes or autoimmune disorders, it can be caused by medications, or vitamin/herb usage. DH's doctor is leaning towards either an infection (DH was sick the day before), or fatty liver because he is overweight. It can also be from Tylenol use. Had you had Tylenol that day? DH's doctor wants to retest him in 2 months. I wasn't happy with waiting two months, but I guess the levels were not high enough for him to be concerned.
  3. Sorry, I don't like people telling me how I should parent my children. If my child is crying because he/she wants to come home....then he/she is coming home with me. They can think what they want, tell me I'm ruining them, etc....but they are kids. I came home from sleep overs and guess what? I'm not scared to stay without my parents as an adult.
  4. Usually a polo type shirt. But being pregnant right now, it's whatever fits and is comfortable. :tongue_smilie:
  5. Is this the family with four kids (pregnant with the fifth) that lives in central Florida but was visiting Georgia and was rear ended by a drunk driver coming home from a fireworks show? A couple in our Sunday School class is good friends with them and told us their story a few weeks ago at church. It's horribly heartbreaking.
  6. I just wanted to thank you guys for introducing me to another time waster LOL. :lol:
  7. I wouldn't go if my kids weren't invited either. I don't understand leaving children in the family out of a special event. When I got married, a child-free wedding would have never even crossed my mind. In fact, I worked at a daycare at the time and invited all the kids and their families from there. Few actually attended, but they were invited nonetheless.
  8. I wish ours had the plastic magazine holder boxes. Ours had some flimsy cardboard ones. I need some of the plastic ones....maybe I should try another Target. I bought quite a few packs of the animal flash cards. We are forever cutting out animals from magazines for different projects and I ran out of old Ranger Rick magazines. Now we can just cut from the cards.
  9. I found an awesome website today. It reminds me of currclick.com. I just downloaded an awesome fractions unit for my 7 year old. Now I'm hooked on searching through the site and seeing what I can find. Between this, currclick, pinterest, facebook, and here, I'm finding my internet time goes by REALLY quickly. http://www.teacherspayteachers.com.....Any of you ever heard of this?
  10. I cut my girls hair whenever I decide that it needs to be cut.
  11. Slap-yo-mama good! That is great.....I'm totally going to use that!
  12. My DD got her first AG doll when she turned 7 this past April. She had been asking for Kit. While she never plays with dolls, she does use Kit often. It's not something she plays with every day, but she does really like her.
  13. My 7 year old LOVES the Usborne sticker books where you dress the princesses, dolls, etc. HERE they are on Amazon. She sits down for an hour at a time and does that book, adding to each picture.
  14. A few weeks ago I posted that I had taken "jammie schooling" to a whole nother level. My four year old asked me if she could "wear real clothes since all she wears is her sleeping clothes." Oops LOL. *I* always dress in real clothes each day after I shower (could be 7 AM or 1 PM) but I don't require it of the kids.
  15. Chocolate or Johnny? That is definitely a hard decision there. :D
  16. My girls are still too young....but I would like to teach them something about it when they get older. We buy each child Disney stock when they are born (we're Disney freaks), so it will be neat to tell them about that and let them see how it has fluctuated over the years that they've been alive.
  17. I guess that I could come back and give you guys a clue, huh? LOL :tongue_smilie: Hmmm.....their avatar pic is quite yummy. :D
  18. I found the cookie thief! Mrs. Mungo! Shoot, I have no idea how I got that one so quickly. Someone else stole the cookie. I hope I did this right LOL.
  19. SeekingSimplicity is the cookie thief. She stole 4 cookies from the cookie jar.


    Rules of the game: if you find this (anyone except the cookie thief themselves) then post here to say "I caught the cookie thief! BUT... someone else took two cookies from the cookie jar!" That way we know this player has been caught and we'll look on another profile. Next, copy this entire post and paste it onto someone else's profile (player must have more than 100 posts and must have been active in the last month.) Lastly, change the type in red so that the numbers each increase by one. It will be easier to track that way. Please post your findings in the thread entitled SOMEONE STOLE A COOKIE! Forum Game. Have Fun!

  20. I caught the cookie thief! BUT....someone else stole 4 cookies from the cookie jar.

  21. We have the 1 DVD option plus streaming. We'll probably drop the DVD option with this price increase. It's crazy. It stinks though because my girls like for me to get older cartoon seasons and some of the older Disney movies that you cannot get through Redbox. I guess we won't be getting those anymore. I do like streaming for educational shows though.
  22. I loved the Hunger Games! If you liked that series, you'll love the Maze Runner series. It has a very "Hunger Games-ish" feel to them. There's currently two out, and the third will be released in October. They are also young adult and very good!
  23. I feel your pain! I'm not sure what I would do without my iPhone. I had your same scenario about a month ago. I was watching my 4 and 7 year olds swim in our pool. Four year old can swim, but she got to the middle of the pool, panicked, and wouldn't float on her back to take a breath like she was taught. She started sinking. Me and my pregnant fully clothed and shoed self dashed into the pool to grab her. Upon exiting, I had a momentary panic because I wondered where my iPhone was. It's usually hooked to me! Thankfully, it was in the chair by the pool. But I was very panicked there for a minute.
  24. Now I quite possibly have enough glue and glue sticks to last us throughout all of our homeschooling years. I had a great idea to stock up this year. Well....I must have had the same idea last year. :tongue_smilie: Moral of the story? Check your current school supplies before shopping the back-to-school sales. :lol:
  25. I've been ordering like crazy. :001_huh: I just bought 3 learning placemats: the alphabet, numbers, and the solar system. I also bought the See Spot Spell game. Plus, the Math Dice Jr game. No, that's not all.....I also got Rory's Story Cubes. And the Money Bags game. See, I learned that DD7 learns SO much from playing games. We've been playing Dogopoly for the past week (like Monopoly but with dogs) and she has learned so much about adding/subtracting/counting out money....more than I've ever been able to just sit down and teach her. Now I've gone game crazy. :001_huh: Oh, that's not all....the other day I bought Times Tables Made Fun after reading a review on here. I noticed that multiplication is coming up shortly in her math book, so I thought this might be a good supplement. Someone get me off of Amazon....my husband and my bank account will thank you. :tongue_smilie:
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