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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. How does this work? I have 8, 5, and 1 year old. I'm looking to combine Bible for my older two each day. I see that there's an activity book, which is awesome. They love to color a corresponding page while I read the lesson. I'm thinking of starting with book 1. Is that how I should do it? Does books 2 and 3 get progressively more in depth for older kids? How does that part work? Just wondering where to start. Thanks!!
  2. Holy moly, that is one gigantic puppy! Love your daughter's long hair too....my 5 year old DD was born with tons of hair, had hair touching her shoulders by the time she was a toddler, and has never wanted to cut it. She calls it her "Rapunzel hair." LOL. I do trim it in order to keep it about the length of her upper bottom. Hair falling into the toilet is just not cool LOL.
  3. Yes, Disney teeth are special! My oldest DD lost a tooth at Disney a few years ago. Tinkerbell is the resident tooth fairy around there and she left a few special Disney goodies along with the $5 that is usually left. Since it was a special Disney tooth, the tooth fairy was nice and left younger DD some goodies as well, despite the fact that she wasn't old enough to lose teeth yet. They still talk about that special Disney tooth!
  4. $10 for the first tooth, $5 for all the rest.
  5. My girls have a playroom and there is a TV/DVD player in there. The TV is not hooked up to anything except the DVD player. My kids always ask me before watching TV (they are allowed two 1/2 hour shows per day). And it's nice to allow them to watch their shows in the playroom if DH and I are watching TV in the living room. My nephew is 17 (lives with us) and has his own computer, XBox (hooked to the internet), DVD player, etc. If he were *MY* child, this would not be the case. However, he came to us at 16 years old and had already been allowed this level of freedom in his bedroom for many years. I don't agree with it, but I don't feel it's an issue that needs to be addressed. My own children will not be allowed this freedom though.
  6. Why immediately think its the flu? My family has each come down with a fever over the past month or two. My littlest even has a cough now. Turns out the fever was gone in two days and body aches never arrived. No extreme fatigue either. Unless you know you've been exposed then I wouldn't automatically jump to the flu.
  7. I would have wet my pants! First thought would have been that it was the sound of a middle exploding and that we were under attack or something!
  8. Seriously, best re entry story EVER. Glad you are back! I always enjoyed reading your posts!
  9. DD8 is in T&T (truth and training) this year. She enjoys it and looks forward to it each week. This is the first year that she's taken over the sole responsibility of memorizing her verses. She goes through her book (we include it as part of school time) and does the activities and learns the verses. She's doing an excellent job. Just like Sparks, they have handbook time where they recite their verses to the leaders, game time, story time, etc. I know that people are usually on one side of the fence or the other with the AWANA clubs, but I've always been very happy with them. I have 2 AWANA kids this year. DD8 has been in it from the very beginning (our church begins with 4 year old Cubbies). And DD5 started this year with Sparks.
  10. I have both indoor and outdoor allergies (dust, mold, pollen, smoke, cats, ragweed, grass.... Just to name a few). We've been in this house for 8.5 years now. Only thing that's changed is that we've been using a housekeeper....but she quit due to the drive out to our house. But she says she used natural stuff. She hasn't cleaned in three weeks though, so I'm not sure that would be it. I'm so tired of not being able to breathe through my nose.
  11. My allergies have been horrible here lately. We went out of town a few days ago and they seemed to get better. Now that we're home, they seem to be acting up again. Not sure if it's a coincidence or not. Also, before we left, my nephew (who lives with us) had quite a few nosebleeds. While we were gone he had none. Now that we're back (just got back yesterday) he's had one today. Not sure if it's related or not. My husband and three daughters seem to have no issues. We do not live in an "old" home. It was built in the late 80's. We've had no water leakage that we know of (unless there's something behind the walls that we are clueless about). I'm wondering if it's something in the house that causing my allergies to act up? But not sure what it could be. Do HVAC systems need to be periodically checked/cleaned? I'm wondering if there could be mold or something growing in the HVAC system? Is that a possibility? My husband seems to think not....but he's not very handy and hasn't checked into it himself. I'm not even sure who I would contact to check for allergens in a house? Anyone know?
  12. Thanks everyone! Good to see that it's nothing to worry about but maybe something we should check into at some point.
  13. Nephew(16), who lives with us, has always been prone to nose bleeds. He probably gets them weekly....has since he was a kid. Today he's had 6 nosebleeds so far. We have no idea what could be causing it. Is 6 nosebleeds in a day a cause for concern?
  14. My DD is just getting into playing with toys quite a bit (she's 15 months), and right now she just loves flipping through board books. We also have a gear thing (not sure if it's the one listed above, but yes, it is loud) and she really likes that. I just wish I could buy more gears for it. http://www.amazon.com/Hasbro-Playskool-Busy-Gears/dp/B000BCEJ86 I don't have this toy, but I want to get it soon: http://www.amazon.com/Buckle-Toy-Buster-the-Square/dp/B0043G4JOA/ref=sr_1_3?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1360101980&sr=1-3&keywords=buckles
  15. I thought I was the only one like this. DH and I have never gone away on a vacation due to this reason. I'm always sort of nervous when we go out to dinner/movie and leave the kids with my parents. It's crazy. Okay, I need to stop responding to this thread....I'm sounding crazier and crazier LOL.
  16. This.....it makes me gag! So does wet straw paper. Like when the waitress puts your straw down in a wet spot on the table....and the straw paper sticks to the straw and you have to peel it off piece by piece. GAG. Okay, I'm officially weird now.
  17. Definitely the baby clydesdale one! Loved it!!
  18. First....do they know it's for sure the flu? My kids and husband have each come down with a fever and chills within the past month and it hasn't been the flu. It only lasted about 12-24 hours for each person....no body aches or headache. Around this time of year a lot of people call every illness the flu. If it really *is* the flu, someone else in their family is bound to catch it. So even if you decided to go, someone else would probably be sick already. I'd skip it if it's really the flu. If not, it's still nearly a whole week away.
  19. I think of this every time I go across a bridge. I wonder how in the world I would save myself and three children. It's a scary thought. Oh my gosh, I say the SAME thing every single year when I see all those people on TV! I'm like "what the heck?? Do they just wear Depends????" I am the same way!! I hate being sick.....when vacations are coming up, I have this dreaded fear that we'll get sick and it will all be ruined. We're leaving for Disney on Wednesday and I am really afraid of the flu and norovirus going around. I'm completely paranoid that one (or all) of us will come down with something!
  20. Can I play? I don't have Girl Scouts, but I have two little American Heritage Girls. My 8 year old Tenderheart is working on leveling up this year. She'll be an Explorer next year so we're trying to get her Sacajawea Award at the end of this year. So we're trying to get in some more service hours (she needs 2.5 more) and fitting in some of the requirement. And she's in the process of working on several badges......Our Feathered Friends (which we'll have to finish in the spring since there's not too many birds around right now), Home Decorating, Daughter of the King, Caring for my Environment, and Living in the USA. We just finished up the Travel Badge last week. My 5 year old Tenderheart is working on the same badges as her sister, without leveling up though. Our troop just had their winter awards ceremony last week and my 8 year old brought home 9 badges, and my 5 year old brought home 4! So proud of them!
  21. I was lost too LOL! At first I thought you meant your pants were stuck in the dog food.....I was like, what the heck? :laugh:
  22. ETA.....my girls really enjoy AHG. Our troop just started this year too.
  23. Our troop does not require a parent to stay or participate....I leave with my 2 girls because I have to tend to my 1 year old. I do try to stick around and help at special events when more hands are needed though.
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