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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. We've never had a chihuahua, but we did have a toy poodle. Ours must have missed the smart boat. I got a toy poodle because it was small, didn't shed, and was supposedly very smart. Well, it was small and didn't shed. The last part didn't apply to this dog LOL. We finally had to give it to my sister. She is single, no kids, and loves dogs. She loves him to death but still says he's dumb as anything LOL. And keeping him trimmed was a pain. His hair grew so quickly.
  2. I'm a photographer.....the Rebel Xsi is a great camera. I began with the Rebel series when I first started. Unless you are planning on becoming a very serious hobbyist, professional, or starting your own photography business, you do not need anything higher than the Xsi. It should do everything that you need. As for shooting sports for hobby, it is more about the lens that you choose rather than the actual camera.
  3. DD(almost 3) doesn't know her colors at all. I'm looking for a fun way to teach them to her. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  4. Just curious......some of you say that you tip 15 or 20% for bad service and work your way up from there. Why do you tip well for bad service? I mean, really, the wait staff has one thing in their control....drink refills. They cannot control what the kitchen does, how quickly your food comes out, etc. But they can control whether or not you sit there for 20 minutes with an empty cup. If I sit there forever with an empty cup, I consider it bad service. So I was just wondering why you'd tip well for bad service?
  5. Animal Kingdom - You HAVE to do the Picnic in the Park. It was DELICIOUS. You place your order upon entering the park. You tell them what time you want to pick it up. You pick it up and they hand you a cute little fabric bag with everything inside.....food, plates, utensils, napkins. You get to choose a humongous dessert (we each got a huge brownie) and bottled waters. It was one of the best meals we had at Disney. Plenty filling. Magic Kingdom - we like Pinnocchio's.....we also usually end up eating at Cosmic Rays Starlight Cafe some time too.
  6. I used to have my kids names in my blog, but I changed it. I did it for fun reasons, and a little bit of safety reasons too.
  7. Tim Tebow....if you consider UF to be a big name. Not in the same ranks as Princeton and Harvard though. He went to our former church....was in the homeschool program that my sister was in.
  8. It is newer, the decor is bright and funky. We love walking around to all the different decades and seeing the decor. I love what the food court offers. I cant remember if all of the value hotels offer the same food court items, but the chicken parmesan with penne is delicious. The Pop has the largest game room on Disney property and my kids love winning tickets in there and redeeming them for prizes on our down time. The prices aren't too bad and you get a lot of tickets for the price.
  9. Definitely Pop Century!!! We go several times a year and have stayed at the PC lots of times. I'd pick that over the other all star resorts any day. But now we have our own camper and will be spending our stays in Fort Wilderness most of the time. I'll kinda miss the Pop! ETA....We never pay for preferred anywhere. Go online and check out the map of the Pop and you can request one of the closer buildings if you do not want preferred. But really, the walk is no more than 4 or 5 minues from anywhere in the resort.
  10. Seriously?? They are opening one here in Florida?? We are only about 3 hours from Cypress Gardens. That is awesome!!!!
  11. Actually, my dentist told me that the Dental Association (can't remember the official name) is not recommending antibiotics for people with heart murmurs anymore. That's one of the main reasons that I wanted to get mine checked out but he told me I wouldn't even need antibiotics before dental procedures. But, I got mine checked out anyways.
  12. I go online and check for clearance deals at The Children's Place and Old Navy fairly often. I also go to Target and to Kohl's to check their clearance racks. Those are my 4 favorite places to find deals.
  13. Your DD knows exactly what's important!! :D I love brown too!
  14. Sounds like me. I've had a few doctors tell me that they hear a heart murmur. Then, another time, they do not hear it. I've even had an echocardiogram done to check it out and all is well. It didn't even show up on there.
  15. It would all depend on the ramifications. Would it be possible to lose my children? For my husband and I to go to jail and be unable to raise our children? If those were the two consequences, then I would do everything in my power to find some sort of loophole. An umbrella school, moving somewhere else, a virtual school, etc. I'd look hard for a loophole before even considering sending my kids to school. And if I absolutely had to send them back, I'd look for a very small, Christian private school. If the ramifications did not include the possibility that we could lose our children, I would probably still continue to homeschool.
  16. I have a July birthday and so I was always the youngest in my classes. I graduated at 17. I never knew any difference....being the youngest never bothered me. I went straight to college out of high school (I had just turned 18 when college began that fall).
  17. I think that sharing rooms is fine. I hate society's stigma about the whole thing.....it is really sad. Right now the four of us sleep in one room. DD5 is in a small bed in our bedroom while DD2 sleeps in the bed with us. When they want their own room, they will share it. I really think that it promotes bonding. If they want to share a bed, that will be fine too. I know that I only have girls, but I see no problem with sons as well.
  18. This is Day 3 of a stomach bug for my 2 year old DD. On Monday she threw up a lot. Yesterday she only threw up once (and it was 24 hours after her time, which was on Monday). Today she is still just lying around like she has been the past two days. I cannot get her to try anything to eat. She just keeps saying her tummy hurts and will go and lie on a towel on the kitchen floor. She will drink, but not eat a thing. I'm wondering if her current stomach ache and nausea is from lack of eating. I'm not sure if I should take her to the doctor or not. What do you guys think? I just think that she should be trying to eat small portions of things like toast or crackers, but she just won't.
  19. It really just depends on our day....it varies greatly. One day we may actually begin working in the morning and complete it right after lunch. Or we may not begin working till sometime after lunch. Sometimes maybe not even till 2 or 3 PM. That will take us up to dinner time. Occasionally we will do some light work after dinner, but only if DD is asking to do school work. We usually do our read-alouds after dinner. And we take lots of breaks. DD is only in kindergarten and her attention span is still kind of short. So we take lunch breaks, play breaks, mommy sanity breaks, etc. These breaks can be 15 minutes long, or 2 hours. Really, it just depends on the day LOL.
  20. I'm a workbox drop out. :tongue_smilie: I had good intentions that last all of about a week. My kindergartener just does not have enough that we absolutely have to get done to make workboxes useful to us. And I have to oversee nearly everything that she does anyways, so workboxes are not helping her work independently. Maybe when she is a little older, reading on her own, and doing some of her own independent work is when I can reintroduce workboxes and have them benefit our schooling.
  21. Okay, I thought of a few more LOL. I Spy books are great!! Those are great for traveling. Make an "I Spy" jar......http://www.momtriedit.net/2009/11/i-spy-jar.html . They actually sell these for like $25 or $30, but this would be cheaper to make!
  22. We have these for long car trips: http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=61 . They work well just lying them across your lap for older kids, so its not just for carseats. This way, kids can actually do something in their lap. I would love to get some sort of "conversation starter" type thing. Actually, I'd love to have one for both the dinner table and long car trips as well. Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Table-Topics-Conversation-Cards-Family/dp/B000FFET52/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1263944943&sr=8-7 These would be awesome to have!!!! Pretty cheap too! They are sold per card, so you have to decide how many cards you like and which type. I'd like to have several of each type! http://www.amazon.com/Regal-Travel-Auto-Bingo-Game/dp/B000FPCWYC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1263944988&sr=8-1 New chapter book for each child to read while traveling. That's all I can think of for now. :D
  23. That sounds like SO much fun!! I'd love to play!! I wish there was something like that around here. I'd even enjoy a women's kickball team....I loved kickball as a child!
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