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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. About a year ago I switched from using Aquafresh toothpaste to a more organic type of toothpaste. It is natural and flouride free. Today I went to to the dentist. I haven't been in about a year and a half. I have like 5 or 6 cavities!! One of them needs a root canal ASAP and another one possibly needs one. The dentist was really shocked at the decline of my teeth in only a year and a half. He kept asking me if I had begun drinking a lot of soda, eating a lot of candy, or eating lemons. I said no. Then he asked me if I had acid reflux because that can damage your teeth. I said no. Then I remembered that I switced to the natural toothpaste. The dentist told me that was probably the cause since it has no flouride in it. Great, I was trying to take better care of myself and instead I was damaging my teeth! Has anyone else had this happen or notice a decline in their teeth when using flouride free toothpaste?
  2. Oh no!!! I hope that you are all better quickly.
  3. I guess I'm whole brained.....I definitely have characteristics of both. The test said that I'm 48% left brained and 52% right brained....that's pretty close. In my mind, I think I lean more towards being right brained. I dislike math, don't often think logically, etc.
  4. In our garage freezer.... meats (not a lot, but enough for several meals) a lot of organic frozen veggies from Whole Foods. I usually stock up so I don't have to worry about getting more for a while. a few frozen organic pizzas things like biscuits, tater tots, frozen french fries, etc one thing of ice cream DH's pancakes
  5. I tell my kids when their room needs to be cleaned. I remind them a few times. Then if it still is not done, I go in there with a big box, toss everything in that's out of place, and put the box up. The toys are in jail for a set amount of time.
  6. He gets home around 6:30 or 6:45 most days. Fridays he gets off early and is home around 4:45. He leave the house about 7:30 each morning and has a 30-40 minute commute.
  7. LOL!! How cute!! We have a 4 pound Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix and I can just imagine her riding on the back of a motorcycle. I think that one good gust of wind would send her flying into the breeze LOL. Speaking of funny things while driving, last weekend I saw a tow truck with a kids Power Wheels car on the back. I thought that was too funny....wished I had a camera with me then.
  8. I guess that I do not see it as a time waster. Honestly, I don't see how it can be any more of a time waster than this board. I check my Facebook several times a day, scroll down my news feed to see if there's anything new, then get off. Sometimes I'll even post a status update. All of that takes no more than 5 minutes at a time. Unless people are really into the Facebook games, I have no idea what could take up so much time. This board takes up much more of my time. I use it to keep in touch with people. I'm only friends with people that I know or have previously known.....no random people allowed. I even enjoy keeping up with people I never talk to in realize anymore. I love seeing how their lives have grown and changed.
  9. We use them sometimes. Mainly for when we come out of malls or when I pump gas. I used to use it all. the. time. whenever DD#2 was around 18 months to 2 years old. Every time she got a cold it would turn into croup and she'd have to be hospitalized. They were my friend then. I use them much less now.
  10. I'm sorry, that's not funny....but it is kinda LOL. We have Comcast too. A few weeks ago they overcharged us for something. My husband had to talk to three different people for over an hour and they still didn't understand what he was talking about. He never did get them to understand. A few days later he called back. That person understood immediately what he issue was. I guess it was "have a competent person answer he phone" day.
  11. I limit TV for several reasons: 1. content - I want to monitor what my kids watch. 2. time - There's much better things to do than sit and watch TV all day. My kids wouldn't watch all the time, but it would be more than I want them to. 3. It is a distraction with schooling, meal times, family time.
  12. We go to lots of different Halloween activities around our town prior to Halloween. And then we are always at Disney for Halloween week, so they wear costumes several times there. I usually let the kids choose two different things to be since we attend quite a few things. The only catch is that I only purchase one costume....the other has to be very simple and created from outfits/dress up trunk items that we already have at home. DD3 says she wants to be Alice from Alice in Wonderland. And DD6 says she wants to be a hotdog. I haven't purchased either yet because sometimes they change their minds. I want to purchase them about a month out...I don't want to risk the stores being out of them. Although, I think I'll be ordering them online.
  13. Wednesdays we have homeschool group from 10-2. Then we leave for church at 5. Sundays we have church in the morning. That is all I have to leave the house if I choose. I absolutely love it. We will be adding visual therapy for dd6 in the next month but we do not know which day yet.
  14. Thanks!!! I'm off to the store to find a flat mop and some microfiber towels!
  15. We are having wood laminate installed right now. There is dust and dirt everywhere from the installation and they are bothering my allergies. I can see dust type particles all over the floor. Some of it may be sawdust from them cutting the boards. I tried sweeping and it really doesn't get it up....neither does vacuuming. I want to wipe it with something damp but I'm not sure if I can do that? Will it harm the laminate? And if I do clean it with something damp, do I need to wipe it up afterwards?
  16. Those are perfect ages!!!! And your kids will be able to ride most things, especailly at Magic Kingdom. We are one of the families that have season passes (to Walt Disney World) and my girls love it.
  17. :blink: Holy cow.....you need a day to yourself and a big bar of chocolate.
  18. This is one subject that irritates me. I cannot stand to hear that someone was drunk and got behind the wheel of a car. And the strange thing is, the drunk driver never seems to be the one to die in an accident....it is always the person that got hit or a passenger in the car. :confused:
  19. I wanted to start a foreign language with my kids while they are young.....but instead of a spoken language, I decided on sign language. I figured it could be very practical and could actually be used here in the States. Is anyone else doing sign language as their foreign language?
  20. No, if your friend settings are at the highest security, then no one can see what you post to your wall......unless you are friends with one of the interviewers LOL.
  21. I have no idea, but I think your boy is a clone of my 6 year old daughter. She needs to be very much in control of things. She's the type that doesn't want me to tell her anything. I'll pull out our math work and start to explain it and she'll start saying "No, don't tell me, I know already! Don't look! You can look when I'm all done." Yesterday I was doing something in the kitchen and asked her to go get something for me out of the back bedroom. I told her what I needed and I was just about to tell her where she could find it when she started saying "No, don't tell me, I know!" And she ran off. I knew for a fact that she had no idea where it was at because I had recently moved the box it was in. But if I had stopped her and told her, she would have had a meltdown fit. A few minutes later she dawdled back into the kitchen and asked me where it was at. I used that opportunity to inform her that she does not know everything and sometimes things need to be explained to her. Most days I wonder how on earth I'm supposed to do this for 13 years.
  22. My DD's are 3 and 6. They have recently begun to love trains. I've been thinking about Christmas and possibly getting them a train table. Probably this one: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3931028 . It comes with everything and I figure we will glue the tracks down or it would just come apart all the time. The thing is, I was wondering if 3 and 6 are getting too old and will they lose interest quickly? They've always loved stopping by Books A Million and Toys R Us and playing with the train table set ups that they have out for kids to use. They thoroughly enjoy that. We actually already have a train table, but it is this one: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2749013. My girls like the idea of the other kind because of how the tracks are all set up. I don't know. It would be their main gift, shared of course.
  23. Ugh. Bullying is really just a horrible thing. I hope that the school does something to protect your son.
  24. I haven't been to a concert in years. Pre-kids I used to go with my sister to concerts and we would pay $50-$60 each to see someone. Right now Id love to see Darius Rucker, but I wouldn't pay big bucks.
  25. Oh no!! Gosh, that is so scary!! Hopefully he'll be able to make some improved safety measures to make sure it never happens again.
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