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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Sending hugs and prayers. I started reading this thread from the last post and kept thinking about being in the audience for something being filmed wasn’t being suggested. That is one of my favorite LA memories so I am glad you will get to do that.......Dh and I have been part of audiences a few times in different studio locations and LA was the best. We also had a great time with a map to where the stars live(d). Ours was rather outdated so we saw Bob Hope’s house, Reagan’s etc. It was fun.......might pay for a tour if we were doing it now, we went back in the 90’s. We went to the beach and drove to both Santa Barbara and Palm Springs for afternoons.
  2. Looks like I read the first four which was all I could find at that time (which I do remember 😉). I know I was less than thrilled with the third.....he goes to California, it wasn’t good but I believe the solution redeemed it to a 3. So I would definitely skip the third. This is one of those if you want to be done, be done, the fourth was better than the third but that is all I remember. I am almost done with both Tombland (my Shardlake) and the Milkman. Thanks to Milkman I now know far more about the Troubles in the 1970’s than I ever wanted to in terms of what it was like to live in Ireland then. What it would have been like to have lived there as opposed to growing up where I did. This girl is only a very few years older than me so it’s easy for me to feel this character. What a woman’s place was in that society at that time. One of my first friends after we moved to England left Ireland with her husband in the 1970’s and never looked back but willingly accepted a really bad marriage in a way that I had a hard time reconciling with her personality. Really strong woman with a strong personality and a career. I understand her better now I think, perhaps her acceptance was cultural from what this book is saying. I know I will never ask her but I am wondering. Milkman doesn’t use names and is rather confusing. People are first sister, first brother in law, maybe boyfriend.....the list goes on and there are a whole lot of them. ........This morning I glanced at the Bingo card to find out if it fit a category........Bildungsroman .........woot!✅
  3. My white cat was sprayed in the face when I was a teen, mentioning the white because I could see exactly where it was. We used tomato’s, lots of canned tomato’s after I had soaped him pretty well. My cat was large, 17 lbs, and hysterical because it was right between the eyes. I was bitten in the whole process so be very careful. I wouldn’t do peroxide unless he is very calm, honestly would hesitate even then. My cat smelled odd for a week or so as I remember but acceptable. Allowed in the house, on laps, and in my bed. He was also peach colored for a few days but OK. Good luck! There are things you can buy now that supposedly work better if you live near shops and can sen someone.
  4. 😉Glad you enjoyed them! I think there were only 6 episodes. I have attempted to read The Crime at Black Dudley many times and not managing it has felt like a bit of a failure.😉. I have wondered if I would like the audio better and I think you answered that! I just managed to hit post while grabbing a slipping computer.......the Argyll series, the first one was my favorite! Maisie Dobbs can be so depressing and I keep going back for more! I have identified several series I want to finish (or at least make progress on) this year and that is one. I am now curious about the new narrator. For the Lady Darby fans, I finished listening to the new release.❤️ It was excellent with some back story finally explained that I had wondered about. I am about an hour into listening to the Milkman. It’s good but thanks for the recommendation to listen, I don’t think it is a book I would enjoy reading. i finished the last few page of Lee Child’s Without Fail early this morning. Not the best in the series but it was my next in the series. It’s another book that I have tried a few times. I actually liked it when I actually read beyond a few pages. Isn’t it odd when Kindle lets you know the point where you have stopped before?
  5. Coots have white bills and are very real. 😉 Moorhens have red...............
  6. I liked the If I live series too! A couple of ideas for your audiobook search....... a couple of all time favorites Anna Lee Huber’s Lady Darby series. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13542496-the-anatomist-s-wife CS Harris Sebastian St. Cyr series https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39149.What_Angels_Fear?ac=1&from_search=true and Lee Child’s Reacher just because I am back to reading those. 😂 Eta Julia Spencer Fleming is good on audio too.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/113002.In_the_Bleak_Midwinter?ac=1&from_search=true I have been rereading Sayers and Christie by audiobook whenever possible in recent months. I love having them read to me!
  7. Mono......for years after my first bout with mono my glands swelled hugely any time I was ill. I had some hair pulled out once that somehow affected a lymph node three inched above the hair loss. The node stayed swollen for almost a year.
  8. The Kate Burkeholder books are fairly graphic in places and I occasionally sort of skim over the violent bits. I think they simply need to be read in order because of an ongoing romance mainly. I haven’t read a current Dee Henderson but these are definitely more descriptive then I remember her books being when it comes to the violent bits. Regarding the TV shows, I looked around on YouTube and found some links. Here is the first one for the Amish to England (I only watched the first couple of minutes but pretty sure it’s right.....wondering if it’s the first two shows because of length). https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uViUnBG7RK4. It’s called The Amish, the World’s Squarest Teenagers. Then the Brits came to the Amish ....... Living with the Amish appears to be on YouTube here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R6wUr87wIAI I watched these years ago and thought it was harder for the British overall.
  9. How neat! My view of accurate probably isn’t very accurate or realistic but I do enjoy Amish mysteries. A couple of years after we moved to England there was a reality show where several Amish teens came to live in England which was followed by British teens living with Amish families in the US. It was extremely popular and I spent hours fielding questions because I was American and I had read all sorts of fictional books. My mom and I had a good time trying to figure out the answers! So here’s some favorites: Kate Burkholder https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6115138-sworn-to-silence?ac=1&from_search=true These are NOT cozies, definitely adult content and should be read in order because of an ongoing storyline. @JennW in SoCal discovered these years ago and I love them. The main character left her Amish family under grim circumstances and returns the area as the chief of police. Marta Perry’shttps://www.goodreads.com/series/56307 I think I have read these. While my kids were little I subscribed to the Love Inspired Suspense series which frequently had books featuring Amish characters and I remember Marta Perry as being a favorite author from that time but have no records. I just checked my Overdrive for Love Inspired suspense and discovered quite a few are available so I checked one out to try, Plain Secrets by Kat Wilkinson https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13545607-plain-secrets?ac=1&from_search=true. It’s been awhile! This is one of my favorites that I have kept. Karen Harperhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/373455.Dark_Road_Home. I believe Karen Harper has some other similar series I haven’t liked them as well. If you try any of these please let me know what you think.
  10. Happy Easter and Passover to all who celebrate. I finished my “Something Blue” book by trying a book from P.L. Gaus’ Amish Country Mystery series called Cast a Blue Shadow. It wasn't bad but I didn’t download another in the series either. Set in a small college setting with some characters who were Amish, some Mennonite, and some converted. Honestly it lacked the charm that Amish mysteries usually have which I missed but was possibly more realistic. I also read the first in a sewing cozy mystery which was fun. It probably was more library than sewing as the main character was a small towns new librarian and the sewing descriptions were super short. I totally enjoyed Elizabeth Lynn Casey’s Sew Deadly and have already checked out the next in the series. Sew Deadly counts as one of my “First in a new to me cozy series” Ten books. I like this category as it’s easy and fun! 😉 Still working my way through the latest in CJ Sansom’s Shardlake Tudor mystery series. Edward is now King and Shardlake is working for Lady Elizabeth behind the scenes. Tombland so far has been centered in Norfolk and the unrest surrounding the implementation of the enclosure laws. It’s very good but an 800 page paper book takes me awhile. I am also listening to the latest Lady Darby mystery by Anna Lee Huber❤️and I have a Lee Child And a Mary Balogh started on my Kindle.
  11. Sending hugs........I wonder if the rash could be from a dye in the cough syrup. Ds had an odd rash years ago that the doctor decided must have been a reaction to the dye.
  12. It’s a suck it up situation. Go, put a smile on your face, and take your Dd along. Try to forget you don’t like shopping for that day and say positive things all day long. I would never have invited my mil shopping for my wedding dress so consider it an honor. If I am invited I will make sure to attend.
  13. Hugs, I don’t think time off will do anything other than increase what he has forgotten. I am another vote for pre calc being his only summer class and getting it done. I am assuming it’s a requirement?
  14. Praying! I am so sorry.
  15. I hope you are feeling better! I finished listening to my long awaited next book in The Expanse series.....Abbaddon’s Gate was awesome! I am now waiting for the next book which I will hopefully have soon. I put them all on hold several months ago and went to next in line and suspended them, the only problem is others did the same thing I think!😜. But I should have it within the month I hope. Trying to settle on my next audiobook. I am reading the new Faith Hunter Soulwood book. It is good but I wish I had done a reread first. I need to do a reread of all of hers including the Jane Yellowrock books because I am definitely missing bits.
  16. I am not in the U.K. currently but have lived there for years. I have many product allergies myself so I completely understand. The Simple product line is my friend, I do well with the basics from them.....bonus they are easy to find at Boots, most grocery stores, etc. I actually just had to order some to the US because of my allergies and I ran out. Target used to carry Simple and still has a couple of things I believe just not my shampoo.... Neutrogena is not sold on the economy in England to the best of my knowledge. You can check amazon U.K. things may have changed. It’s my family’s preferred sunscreen brand and we carry it over. We use the 100spf when possible and there is no 100 spf of any brand for sale in England the last I checked.....probably an EU thing. Just an FYI illnesses and medications are frequently called different things. People can be ill with things like the Chill Fever which I still don’t really know what it is exactly.......but you take Paracetamol (Tylenol) for it. The pharmacist can actually prescribe a lot of basic drugs like cough syrup with codeine and basic antibiotics there. You need to have much more of a conversation about what is wrong then you would at a typical US pharmacy. The pharmacist is the first stop if you are sick there for many. The only general things we really can not get is the 100 spf sunscreen, cold sinus type meds (bring those), and plain zinc oxide. There are things we may prefer........
  17. My best friend never had children but her LEGO collection has been popular with many children......including mine. She has shared them freely with so many kids. She has/had a huge number of figures and mine occasionally were allowed to pick of favorite for their collection. ❤️ Honestly I would find a storage place if he just wants them gone because someday he may want to share them with another child. Or just someone.........my elderly neighbor loved putting LEGO kits together after his vision problems meant jigsaws were difficult. Fortunately he had grandkids that loaned him their sets.
  18. They are very useful! But..........I was so glad when Coyote left with it! So many people seem to be really excited about the psh/changing release that I think that might be my next new series to tackle. I am part way through several urban fantasy series so hopefully I will finish a couple of those first! Keep us up to date with the service dog news! I am sure he or she will be a great addition to your life.
  19. I can totally understand not wanting to finish..........so glad it still stands and you get to keep reading! I enjoyed the Ice Princess also. I actually read the next in the series already, The Preacher, it was not as good as the first but I may not have liked the investigation topic. I am planning to read the third......I still really like the detective.😉 I finished listening to Patricia Biggs River Marked.........I guess it is a sign of a good author when something like otters turn creepy. This is a reread and the last time I read it we visited a Wildlife Park with some South American otters who were incredibly joyful but I couldn’t stop looking at the long, sharp, teeth. This book changed my whole perspective! 😜My view didn’t change with the reread.....those otters were so creepy!
  20. I remember enjoying The Golden Goblet....... Another one here who is out of the loop......
  21. I finished my Fatal series book by Marie Force and am now waiting for the next to become availiable. It shouldn’t take long. 😋 While I wait I started Hush Hush by Mel Sherratt. Going to be honest and say I am not loving it but that may be more a mood thing. Right now curling up with fluffy romance novels is totally my thing since Hush Hush appears to be gritty police police procedural set in Staffordshire...... For anyone who did Brit Tripping last year Staffs is a hard county to find a book for and to bump into one unexpectedly sort of means I need to finish it! I decided to update (umm start) my Brit Trip list and was pleasantly surprised to discover that I have finished 19 counties rather haphazardly.....definitely no following the roads this time through! I took a look at my other challenges too, I think I might need a new set of words for the Scavenger Hunt since I have only completed one book for that challenge. The Scavenger Hunt involves picking a book out and going to page 10, then to every 10th word, for 10 words. Then reading a book with those words in the title....my words just aren’t in enough titles that interest me to make this fun. I am avoiding it. Most of my other challenges have 3 or 4 books completed so I believe I am on track to finish.
  22. Sending more hugs and prayers. I hope your hour tomorrow is productive but even more I hope it is a bit of a much needed break. I am also hoping the neighborhood person works out.
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