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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I did find a sort of separate group of people who paid the higher price and had a queen’s club. They looked way too intense in their group picture for me, huge hats and I am so not a hat person. I am hoping to get away with a fascinator type hair accessory if I do this..😉 They obviously actively meet a few times a year. I am assuming they have their own smaller groups. When my mom did it when a group grew beyond capacity they separated the group in two and added a new leader........first time they did it by preference for evening or daytime meetings. The second split was by side of county for the daytime group.
  2. Just my 2 cents on Disney Dining pricing........I seriously doubt you are getting a deal even if you pick the most expensive item at every venue. Disney will always make a profit. When the plans were created my family was living near Disney with annual passes and used to go into the parks for dinner and a couple of rides frequently. We used to get a couple of kids meals and a nice entree or two that Dh and I would share. I knew many of the menu’s prices well. When Disney Dining was officially up and going many of the prices doubled. They also streamlined the menus and the quality went down imo. We try very hard not to eat at Disney now, we always get Dole Whips but just found those up in St. Augustine (Woot!).
  3. That is my life! I have to agree there is no great solution because my kids have always found what I was trying to keep private, generally by accident. They aren’t even hunting. If I have a humiliatingly trashy book cover they spot it! Mom’s stuff is open season......oddly they stay away from hubby’s stuff instinctually, probably because much of his work is confidential. I don’t touch his devices etc either. Going off what I think I remember from other posts now......... Wondering if you could store the book in a briefcase or something else that is connected with your professional life. Perhaps your girls might have a built in division between mom’s stuff in main house and working mom client papers. I was going to suggest a kindle version that you just keep on a boring kindle reader but remember some of those covers go to all your devices when you check out even when you specify one. My iPad shows everything even though it just has that kindle app. You can delete the covers.
  4. I have been wondering how Red Hat worked out for you. Did you find your areas group on Facebook? I have looked around here for Red Hat but not on Facebook because I don’t do Facebook.. Oddly I wouldn’t mind trying this group. Probably because my mom had so much fun with them. eta.........I just did a new search on my new browser and think I get how Red Hat now works. I think I was in England when I searched before. Thirty dollar membership fee to main organization then they let you have area contacts.......supposedly there are 32 groups in my area. Is this what you did? I will be based in the US again in the fall and am wondering about my friend situation. I have a few acquaintances where we will be living but no real friends.......For that last dozen years I have networked like mad to make friends and it’s exhausting. Because of my American accent I was forgiven if I decided not to continue with a group without any hard feelings. Not sure that starting and leaving will be as easy here. Not sure I am up to throwing myself out there continuously knowing that in the end I MIGHT find myself with a couple of real friends. I am mid fifties and am finding all sorts of senior groups but not the multi age groups I would prefer. Even women’s bible study at my church has two groups and the one that I prefer timewise is all seniors. So I haven’t joined either but next fall plan to join and probably the daytime senior group. I enjoy evenings with hubby and kids when they are home and don’t want to create a schedule that conflicts continuously with what I already love. All I seem to be doing is deciding what I don’t want to do. I am pretty irritated with myself over this. I will get myself moving but I am so not in the mood for this! I am probably going to start by contacting the home ed moms I used to know with grown kids. 😉
  5. I just saw this thread which sort of matches a post I made over on General Ed this morning. Quoting myself in case it helps someone here. It’s supposed to be a FutureLearn free course about all the latest ADHD research.
  6. I thought I would post a link here in case someone finds it useful. It’s from King’s College London. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/understanding-adhd
  7. I was just looking through the new audiobooks on my library website and spotted Disappearing Earth. It does sound good. I added myself to the list. @Mothersweets I finished Dread Nation yesterday and l loved the ending. Obviously there will be another book.......just looked, GR says winter 2020, so we won’t have to wait long! I started listening to All Cry Chaos https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11276223-all-cry-chaos?ac=1&from_search=true and am intrigued. It is a murder mystery set in Amsterdam (my Brexit category) with strong Mathematical ties.
  8. Just and FYI in case you are interested for your Dd. My Dd used to be really involved in organizing a French translation internet group using open source texts, so not all classics......I know they did Tarzan. 😂 but they also did some Duras I believe. Determined totally by what they could download for free. The group has reorganized many times since it’s Duolingo roots. There were members from all over the world the last time I knew.....many native French speakers learning English too. She hopes to have time in the fall to become involved again. If you want details for Middle Girl let me know....this is a mixed group of all ages which worried me greatly at one point but no problems ever.
  9. Yes, my version of Dread Nation is narrated by Bahni Turpin. She is so good.......so many different really distinctive voices. I love both Pillars and Jonathan Strange so I have to say at least your chunky’s are really good books!
  10. My husband would never have done that to me..... Thinking back to the weddings that I attended the ones with drunken grooms and cake smashing (or smearing lightly) are the ones that ended in divorce. Honestly they were the ones where the guests were wondering Why??? That being said the wedding that was magical, gasp worthy, soooooo romantic also ended in divorce after like 6 months. No cake smashing........
  11. I ended up setting the Peter Zak series aside also. I enjoyed them(first two) but didn’t want to commit to a multi book story arc which appeared to be the rest of the series. Btw, Dr, Peter Zak took care of my Medical/Legal square for Bingo! I was able to locate A Memory Called Empire at my library. I have a lot of Sci Fi in the stack right now so am trying something new, I put a hold on it then immediately suspended it. I have never done that with physical books before........pretty sure it worked. I will read it in the fall! So what am I reading.......... Dread Nation by Justina Ireland on audio. I only have a couple of hours left so I might manage to listen to it tomorrow. I love the narrator! I was telling Dd about it and she wants it for her next plane book. @aggieamy it’s a YA, not sure if your Dd is ready for alternative Civil War history with zombies in Kansas.......... Look Alive Twenty Five by Janet Evanovich seems to be the book I am making the best progress on. It’s light and familiar as I have read the other 24. 😂. Persepolis Rising by James SACorey #7 the Expanse.............my favorite series has jumped ahead 30 years and I am having problems getting into this one. My favorite characters are old and listening to their aches and pains is not entertaining. I will read it and am only 5% through so it will probably become great but seriously sad about this development. Silence by Jan Costin Wagner is a Nordic Noir set in Finland. This is one of my 10 challenge areas that is a bit behind schedule. So far I like it........just discovered the author is German not Finnish. Boo! Still plan to count it.........ETA. I am also behind in my Brexit Express (10 EU not UK countries) and don’t have Finland (or Germany 😉) in that category yet. I suspect it will end up there.
  12. This is what my husband uses when things get bad. He believes in using saline frequently as a preventive and things have improved over many years.
  13. Just putting this out there....... Several years ago my favorite high school teacher was offered early retirement after a long series of issues with the district. She took a part time gig at one of the national strip mall type learning centers and before the year was out found herself managing it. She enjoyed it there and stayed several years. Wondering if this might be a path to the tutoring......
  14. If the offer is under your target price definitely ask.
  15. Thank you for sharing with us. Sending prayers........
  16. My kids told me all “true” fans were doing this!😉🤣
  17. Adding another thought to this.......Disney is starting their own streaming service and who knows what that might mean for their content on Amazon etc down the road. My kids own most of Marvel on dvd but have only purchased their favorites, I believe there are a couple they stream on Amazon.
  18. @tuesdayschild Hoping you check in here before searching for another book. Just pulled the book out of my library return bag.........no S. This is Dr. Peter ZAK. So you don’t need to find the S. I had copied it into my book with the S. Might have been me as a childhood friend had that last name with the S. I didn’t think about it although I had vaguely registered the no S while reading as I had the S done when transferring to my notebook.......Strange Dogs was really a really good novella and part of my Expanse series. Btw, I am happily counting my audiobooks for all challenges.
  19. We buy hard copies of most of the content my family really enjoys but they love the free stuff on Amazon. Just have to share a funny recent conversation......... makes me worry about content being altered. If you own the hard copy no one can change it. Me to rest of family: Wondering about getting rid of some of our VHS tapes guys. We have the Star Wars all on DVD right? My Kids in utter panic: You can’t give our VHS away! We own all of the deleted scenes on those.........Disney changed the original movies apparently and we own the original ones!!! Collectors items and my kids are collectors.😂 I gave up on getting rid of the two bins of VHS that are still hanging around after that. DH confessed he has purchased extra new VHS players for when the current ones break and he wants to keep his VHS. @SKLWe have a huge number of DVDs and I have been allowed to toss the boxes for some and put them on a spindle that blank dvd’s are sold on.
  20. Robin, sending prayers your way! The building looks great! Since so many here have teen readers I wanted to post about City of Brass https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32718027-the-city-of-brass?ac=1&from_search=true I started (listened to 3 of 19 hours) and think my kids would have loved it as early teens. My kids adored a series called Children of the Lamp at around 10 and this struck me as a slightly more advanced version of that series. Goodreads classes it as YA. Going to admit I abandoned it as too many audiobooks arrived on my Overdrive. I have started listening to Dread Nation https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38102252-dread-nation and am loving it! Thank you. @Mothersweets! I finished spelling this month’s detective.......Peter Zaks. P.......Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs E......Death Threads by Elizabeth Lynn Casey T.......Spellbinder by Thea Harrison E.......Addiction by GH Ephron R........The Rooster Bar by John Grisham Z.......Zero Day by David Baldacci A.......Amnesia by GH Ephron K........The Wedding Guest by Jonathan Kellerman S........Strange Dogs by James Corey @tuesdayschild Your challenges are going really well, especially classics. I checked on my categories last weekend and am about halfway through most of mine.
  21. On my way out but we drove into a state or national park on the way to Seward. Thant Park had a short cruise and everyone stepped out onto the glacier.
  22. @Penguin Congrats to you and your son! Glad you will be around more. Are you still doing your Latin? @madteaparty I will admit to being curious about your Paris course. When you decide on your booklist please share. @JennW in SoCal I really enjoyed Rivers on London on audio. The narrator was perfect in my option.😉 I will look for Lovely War on audio. I was going to skip reviewing The Rooster Bar by John Grisham but decided I needed to because I mentioned it on Sunday and am afraid someone will blame me for recommending it! He threw out so many laws when he wrote this book (or as he puts it, his work of fiction. It was) that it made me want to throw it too! On my kindle so I didn’t! The college loan stuff didn’t quite track but that was fine because he needed a book and could be forgiven. But so many other things were totally wrong......immigration law.........class action lawsuits....... It was quite an irritating read because I expect better but I kept going to see if it would end in classic Grisham style. It did....also it read really quick.
  23. Thank for the Trader Joe’s Irish Breakfast tea idea. We will be living close to a TJ and I have never tried their tea. I have never seen a water boiler like the zojurushi so I had fun googling. Many community gathering places have huge instant hot water supplies for tea making. My huge boxes of P&G arrived thanks to the great deal on Amazon Peter Pan found so my immediate crisis is averted.
  24. I have been busy adding to my stacks but haven’t actually read or listened as much as anticipated this past week. I really don’t know what I am reading because they are all at the stage where I might abandon them. I have started the third Dr. Peter Zaks mystery, Delusion, which appears to be heading into a multi book arc. I am trying to figure out if I wish to continue knowing that none of my libraries have the final book in the series. For now it sits beside my bed with the bookmark in place. 😉 I hate reading too many reviews/ spoilers in order to decide if I need to read all three of these last books for the series to feel complete. I have also started John Grisham’s The Rooster Bar which apparently is about a group of law students at a for profit sub par law school who are out for revenge.....my description. 😂 These students have borrowed a couple hundred of thousand each for a law degree and now know their odds of passing the bar and being employed are extremely slim. Since the cost of and return on University degrees has been a constant source of discussion and research the past few months at my house I hope to enjoy this book but am only a chapter or so in. I used to love Grisham but the last few that I have read were not favorites. Btw, we have decisions so are thrilled to be moving forward knowing their path! I plan to listen to my next Patricia Briggs the next time I sew.....hopefully I will get a chance this week. I also need to finish The Magician which I am a bit further in. @tuesdayschild Sending hugs and prayers. I hope you are able to work on you new house soon! Also your list is much more impressive than mine.😉👏 @Violet Crown naming characters after appropriate animals sounds like a great idea! @aggieamy Make sure you tell us which DE Stevenson! Feel better and have fun with DfaY!
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