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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Yesterday my family was at the conference center where this competition was held for something else. This team ( or another one in the same blue costumes......I didn’t notice the green) was practicing in an out of the way hallway and were so sweet about letting us through. Really nice girls. What a weird coincidence. Were you there?
  2. My Dd took it. She did not study because Lit was one of her favorites and she took two other Subject exams that day, used Lit for a break in between. She did do a timed exam out of a review book first so she knew how to pace herself. I believe a good knowledge of literary terms was needed, if he needs review there should be sets on quizlet to practice with.
  3. I wonder if you could simply make his classes as a pass/ fail as opposed to part of his gpa. In the dark ages, when I was in college, that was how my college handled classes taken overseas during an exchange.
  4. Just wondering if that is a flat coated retriever as opposed to a more typical black retriever? I think they run a bit sturdier (being polite) per a family member.
  5. My reread seems to be taking much longer! 😂. Looking forward to your review of Storm Cursed......ummmm I still have the last new one Burn Bright (I think) to read because that is supposed to me my treat at the end o f the reread! I really enjoyed this book and thought it did a good job of making the multiple life concept a bit different, at least different from any of the others I have read. I fell asleep very early last night so didn’t manage to read much of Amnesia but enough to be intrigued. Looking forward to reading more but maybe not tonight as I am tired again! For my audio I am in the middle of Corey’s Nemesis Games. I love this world! I am rereading Why Kill the Innocent by CS Harris before starting the new St. Cyr Who Slays the Wicked which I am waiting rather impatiently for.
  6. Thank you so much! It never entered my mind that I could use Zak but I could! I still have the Z issue for both of the A to Z challenges so I would love to get one of those solved now. I just put Zero Day on hold because it looks like something I will enjoy and it’s even the first in a series.😁. I like the look of The Messenger by Zusak so will read that for my author Z later in the year......after making sure the Bookology doesn’t have another Z in the future! Heading out to Church and then off to celebrate Dd’s Birthday!
  7. Before we move on to next week’s thread I want to respond to a couple of posts that I have been planning to add to another post then forgot. I have read two Rebus books and enjoyed them both. Rebus is the reason I chose Scotland as the setting for on of my personal 10 challenges......as in I will read 10 books set in Scotland in 2019. I am so glad you are enjoying St. Cyr. Just read what you can find in order.......the books are set rather closely time wise back to back and the important bits are recapped. The Tripod trilogy looks like so much fun! I had a good time reading about them and they appear to have been published a few years after Day of the Triffods which I really enjoyed and is definitely dystopian. I read Sophie’s World last year and wished I had know about it when we were still homeschooling. Off to start reading Amnesia, the first book with this month’s detective Peter Zak.........which reminds me.......any ideas for the Z in the spelling challenge? I thought I had several identified but can’t find a single one now!
  8. This is pretty much me.....I am completely willing to celebrate a whole lot of things. First day of Spring, Groudhog day......... If cupcakes are required it’s an even better better celebration. I hang bunting at times. But Mother’s Day is not my day to go all out......lots of conflicting feelings probably because of years of infertility. I know exactly how badly some women are feeling and just can’t find the joy. I appreciate a card and maybe a meal out. My daughter (the oldest) was born four days before Mother’s Day and that was a wonderful gift. That mother’s day I partied....as much as a person who finds it painful to sit down and has body parts leaking is able! 🤣. Yeah, I found a dress that fit sort of and sat in the backseat of the car with my baby while Dh picked up carry out from my favorite restaurant! I had waited years for a child.......now I just really enjoy her birthday. Hugs to everyone who finds it painful........
  9. My winning system is similar....I consider it to be my Detective’s Notebook!
  10. That was my family’s first reaction but we have been told they aren’t. Do not 100%believe because nothing, absolutely nothing, about this guy tracks. Honestly it would explain so much if they were....they also appear to be multiplying. On a side note when my niece was 15yo she was in a group that gave themselves prison style tats for “fun”. Thank you internet........ Her’s at least doesn’t want to be removed, many attempts because she hates it.
  11. I am having real problems liking a post with rats! How’s the building coming? We could definitely find you some cozies........Anna Katherine Greene has some good ones and they were even (mostly) written in the 1800’s! They should still be free on Kindle. I love Clue and I frequently win.....it probably is the cozy mysteries!
  12. Ok, I am here. I survived my previously jinxed bike ride which I wiped out on about a month ago. Embarrassment kept me quiet. My kids were along when I fell......their quizzing regarding injuries was sweet, skinned knee and my pride. I did it across the street from a hospital, for real. So this 12 miles, was my redo and everyone has eaten something......leftovers primarily. So I can check in here. Regarding the reread..........No idea how we decide but I am also pretty happy with any of VC’s suggestions. Several are disliked high school reads......Portrait of a Lady and Turn of the Screw being notable in the yuk category from then. 😂 It would be good for me to read them again. I did look around and found several audios of Hunchback available but no books in English. I had already planned to listen to Crime and Punishment this year.......
  13. I just read one last week with an older woman and younger man, Someone to Trust by Mary Balogh https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39006313-someone-to-trust. It is the fifth in her Westcott series and there is another older new couple in the series also. Susan Mallory is one of my favorite romance authors. I just finished her Happily Inc. series and enjoyed it. The main characters are in their thirties I believe........
  14. You should definitely make a list! I finished listening to Milkman (good) and am now on to a 3 book “Expanse” audio marathon. They have all arrived with perfect timing because I am trying to finish a quilt project. I also need to stay ahead of my daughter who loves this series too! She is chugging her way through the paper versions. I read the second AD Scott “A Double Death in the Black Isle” which was a good solid mystery with great characters.....the main character is an abused spouse so be advised. It’s not cozy at all. One of my Scotland reads.
  15. Only one of my ears stays pierced too. I gave up 20 years ago since I am not really an earring person anyway........they were definitely peer pressure when I got them.
  16. I can certainly see interest increasing in The Hunchback of Notre Dame........... I thought I had a free kindle edition but my sort does not seem to be making it appear. I know Dd read it which may mean we have a physical copy somewhere. I would say that this would be a great summer read except availability will be a problem and @Juniejust read it. @Robin MI would be happy to participate in a summer read along but I don’t think Robin has officially planned one so far. I believe we discussed a couple of potentials back in December or January but can’t remember what they were, and it may just have been me and my lists. Ideas, I suspect might be needed.🤔
  17. My library has it! 😁 I finished last month’s spelling challenge......Brother Cadfael B......Cast a Blue Shadow by PL Gaus R......The Last Victim by Karen Robards O......Not Quite Over You by Susan Mallery T........Tombland by CJ Sansom H.......Hush Hush by Mel Sherratt E.......The French Girl by Lexie Elliot R.......Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield C......Connections in Death by JD Robb A.......The Flight Attendant by Chris Bihjalian D.......Disco for the Departed by Colin Cotteril F........Circle of the Moon by Faith Hunter A........Thr Right Attitude to Rain by Alexander McCall Smith E........One Corpse Too Many by Ellis Peters L........Sew Deadly by Elizabeth Lynn Casey
  18. Just sending hugs and prayers, no advice. I remember how sick he was with the gall bladder.
  19. I worry about extensive tattooing and skin cancer especially for very fair individuals. Our dermatologist definitely thinks there is a connection even if the internet doesn’t see one. His first question is do you have any, then any removed? All those tattoos up the neck with all the lymph nodes just worry me now. A family friend is marrying a heavily tattooed guy soon. Heavy beard so no face tattoos visible but hand, a neck, and arm tattoos are visible. There are lots of reasons why this relationship is probably not in the friend’s best interest that I don’t want put on the board so let’s just say the tattoos are simply raise questions but are not anyone’s objection, everyone is worried in general. Much of what this girl has been told does not make sense. So we have all had at go at analyzing the tattoo choices..... His tattoos are interesting and say things that are not true to the best of my kid’s knowledge.......he is covered in mainly anchors and skulls......he has never been in the Navy, a gang, or in prison to the best of our knowledge....we don’t think he has ever been around boats even. They are possibly the worst tattoos ever, as in not symmetrical, color density problems within an image, etc. Even if someone practiced on him there should be some that show more skill. As my son puts it he hopes the guy didn’t spend money on them.
  20. I saved a link from the SBTB blog to share with the romance fans among us. I can think of a couple of BaWer’s who would be great at this! They are looking for new reviewers and actually pay for reviews. They want someone who is truly familiar with the romance genre...... Here’s the link if anyone is interested https://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/2019/04/reviewers-wanted/ My family has been keeping me busy and I haven’t finished listening to Milkman. Hopefully I will manage to finish it soon! After finishing the paper version of Tombland (all 800 pages of it) which I found a bit depressing, I have been enjoying some lighter (in every way) books on my Kindle. A couple of Urban Fantasies, the next book in my Patricia Briggs reread, Fair Game an Alpha and Omega https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12359238-fair-game., and a short story ( although I thought it was a book when I downloaded it 🤣) called Undercover Gorgon https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29368664-witches-war which was quite good. I will probably try and figure the order of these books out and read them at some point. I also finished The Fall of Water https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24558550-a-fall-of-water which is the last in the main Elemental series by Elizabeth Hunter. I may continue with some of the other books. I also read a couple of romances that were OK, Plain Secrets (an Amish suspense) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13545607-plain-secrets and Under the Table https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13545607-plain-secrets.
  21. I keep meaning to get back to October Daye. I liked the first one.😉 Re. The purple box which I don’t seem to have. Btw.........I read the main thread last night late and didn’t feel like posting regarding the log in problems some are still having. My kids made me download a new browser for my iPad and things are now working much better. No longer being signed out all the time and when I am, I can instantly log in. I am now using Firefox if that helps anyone. I had planned to post about the Firefox on the Purple thread but can not locate it today, so putting it here for now.
  22. i hate to see a request go unanswered but fear my favorites are too fluffy for you! 😎 Curious about the dystopia title ....... I recently discovered I actually like some of that genre after reading Station Eleven. I found this list which may provide some ideas https://www.silverpetticoatreview.com/2017/04/28/50-books-love-jane-austen/. I have read both Jane Eyre and Rebecca which are on the list many many times.😉. If you want some historical romances maybe Georgette Heyer, Mary Jo Putney, or Mary Balogh. All of these offer good entertainment value and are offered pretty widely by library Overdrive so you should be able to try them.
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