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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. No problems in the U.K., other places might be harder. Some U.K. banks actually facilitate.......just asked Dh and he thinks HSBC does.
  2. Roughly, you will receive 35% of your husband’s benefit when you turn 62. Lifetime benefit.
  3. The Boxcar Children was my favorite book as a child! We loved them......oddly, I just found the first four books on a charity table and got them for friends who have a boy who is four to try. Kareni, I haven’t started Wild Country yet. I started a rabbit trail early this morning from the cozy I was reading in the dark on my kindle and got hooked. I now know a whole lot about Singapore dishes that contain a nut/seed from a special kind of mangrove tree. They are highly poisonous (cyanide) but there is a procedure people go through to eat them which include burying them for a month to ferment. Apparently tastes like truffles.....I don’t know what they taste like either. 😳Learned quite a bit! The book is part of the Auntie Lee’s Deadly Specials. As soon as I finished on google the book finally explained why the dish was such a big deal, grrr. Halfway through.
  4. This is actually my reason for thinking the quarantine should possibly be caged. The owner doesn’t seem to be reliable.
  5. At the time I was bit needing antibiotics I had always had a cat. I was 17 and lived on a farm. My cat was a pet but loved being outside and spent hours hunting creatures everyday. He was by far the best hunter we ever had. Maybe he had germs from his hunt that day. Hunting is why we thought he was sprayed by the skunk, new to him prey, and he was a big cat so skunks were potentially within his abilities size wise I guess. Healthy cat, lived to 17, always up to date on all vaccinations because he was the house cat. I wondered if it had something to do with the skunk spray at the time, I was bathing him and pouring canned tomatoes etc on him trying to get the spray off. I kept bathing after the bite, it was the deepest bite I had ever received and centered sort of over a fingernail........ sort of put it down to depth and circulation in bite area. We did clean well and bandage but probably 20 minutes after the bite. Also this is information from my childhood but I think the cat needs to be observed for 30 days, a different wild animal bite on neighboring farm. Guidelines could have changed.
  6. Just read the update.....Going to post to bump. I want someone other than Dh to agree with me! No shots in 10 years........obviously the cat goes outdoors so potentially exposed to rabies. I know rabies vacinations are supposed to normally actually good for roughly 3 years (I think that is the number) but are given annually to be safe due to the percentages but that cat is way overdue. I would seek medical treatment. I don’t think you have a choice. I think that cat needs to be isolated/caged now. You need to know where it is for sure. No I’ll keep it in the house...... I honestly doubt there is anything wrong with it but you need to be cautious.
  7. Clean it well and keep an eye on it. I was bitten by my own cat on a finger tip (terrified kitty who had been skunk sprayed in the eyes) and ended up on antibiotics. The infection came quickly, like 12 hours later it was really red and swelling......Kitty recovered well too.
  8. Just did my library run and came home with the new Anne Bishop! As a bonus I somehow was lucky enough to get the latest by Elly Griffiths who is another of my must reads. Lots of fluffy reading happened yesterday because of travel...... Not the Duke’s Darling by Elizabeth Hoyt.......her latest I believe and pretty good if you are a fan. The Day Before Forever by Anna Caitabiano......the last in the Seventh Miss Hatfield time travel trilogy, I wonder if I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn’t waited two years to read it? Well, I have closure and I didn’t fall asleep while reading it.🤣. Seriously I love the premise of these books a vial of water from the fountain of youth allowing immortality to these women who pass it on , they also have a time traveling clock. The idea might be better then the books..... Sweet Tea and Sympathy by Molly Harper.....some of her books are hilarious. This is a new series for me and some scenes are snort worthy but not sure if I will bother to read more. For those who know the author no vampires or werewolves in this series, just a woman from Chicago who gets to know her family in small town Georgia and finds a bit of romance too.
  9. For a week I would simply adjust to a level that makes life work...... When we first move to England I tried to force our bodies to instantly adjust but someone always got sick. The return to England seems to be harder on us so now I try not to schedule much the first week back and my family follows my lead.
  10. Library books ........I only have 9 out on Overdrive right now. Picking up a stack of paper books tomorrow or Thursday. I think I am going to be up first for the new Anne Bishop.....second in line!
  11. So far we have been fortunate and neither kid has needed to withdraw but we have had a couple of gulp moments. Do you have access to something like Canvas for that class..... go in and play with different worst case scenario’s and then some more realistic with effort on a couple of higher weighted assignments. Hubby does the math long hand also and we have always decided to move forward. We knew things could work but if it was a huge reach we would have taken the W without much thought. I think the gpa is more important the W as long as you stay within that school’s limits. I also think your ds is really young and gets a bit of grace especially since he is not transferring the transcript in for credit. With a young student it is really critical for them (and you) to understand the percentages the different assignments have in their overall grade and not panic automatically. You also need to know when he has assignments due because he won’t tell you if you are offering something better......I would offer up fun things without thinking because I am still a homeschool mom at heart who thinks she can reschedule everything. Took a long time for me to get out of that mode!
  12. If it is too much set some aside. Don’t make a big deal about it, just put the book back on the shelf. You might very well find yourself pulling it back at when the time feels right. I found that age to be rather intuitive on my part.
  13. VC, I hope you and Wee Girl feel better soon. Enjoy the cuddles! I loved Trixie Beldon! Magic School Bus in French is a great idea..... I am another large print girl. When reserving a book at the library I always pick a large print copy when it is a choice. Embarrassed to say this but large print copies get less use and are cleaner for a popular series when I realized that I switched. Also I can read them in the car easier which is a side benefit! Have a good trip Hopeistheword!
  14. I just finished How the Light Gets In last night and found the ending really satisfying. Not saying you have to finish it but what I suspect was annoying you resolves with that book. I forgot to say I skipped book 8 The Beautiful Mystery this time through partly because of the annoying issue. I was going to have a long wait for the audiobook and remember the book well.......set in a monastery so everything was different from the Three Pines setting.
  15. @Neginsaid The Louise Penny books are on my to-read list. I think I tried to read the first one at some point, but couldn't get into it. I've heard that her books don't really pick up until later?  I am on my second time through the series all on audiothis time. The first time I didn’t particularly love the first two books and set the series aside for a few years. When I started it again I think I was totally hooked by the 4th book but I had also switched to audio for this series and prefer it. When I started this reread I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the first two books but I honestly think the fact I knew the future is what made them so enjoyable. I am up to A Long Way Home on my relisten so four more to go! I am currently next in line (suspended) for the new book but third for the audio......I hope to wait for the audio. I finished The Ruin last night https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36588482-the-ruin. Set in the Republic of Ireland it gave me a Brexit Special for my 10 categories plus the R in Armand. I really liked this book and believe others have been comparing it to Tana French and her Dublin Murder Squad. I think there are many similarities including some pretty uncomfortable topics for me but I think this book managed to resolve things quicker.......of course it was shorter! 😉. I think I mean more of a didn’t dwell too long on the horrifying, it came back to it, but there were moments of rest. So I was able to keep turning those pages. The next in the series will be released on Thursday! This is a great week for new book releases with Anne Bishop’s latest arriving too. I spent several hours in a car today and managed to read most of Cathy Maxwell’s latest historical romance The Duke that I Marry which has been very enjoyable. It’s part of a trilogy called The Spinster Heiresses and all have been slightly different in a good way.
  16. Waving to @Nan in Mass Hugs and prayers Robin’s Dad. I know this is no real comfort but my brother moved (yes, moved) during his cataract surgery and had a similar result to your dad’s. He had to wait about a month and everything worked out. Now you can tell your dad a story with a happy ending which might help in the waiting. I am loving The Ruin https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36588482-the-ruin.
  17. I went and found the chart that Dd liked to use https://io9.gizmodo.com/how-to-read-terry-pratchetts-discworld-series-in-one-h-1567312812. I think it is really is basically the same as @JennW in SoCal list but artsy. Dd loved following the rabbit trail lines between the main arcs. She recommends Mort as a first book to all because he is her favorite. I have tried Prachett a few times and can’t seem to get hooked but I use it for BaW challenges and have never read Mort. Jenn, do you have the Hogfather movie? Dd watches it every year! Stroud was read here too. Dd liked Red Shirts but not sure if she has read Fuzzy Nation. I need to start a book shelf on Goodreads for Dd I think since she no longer seems to have the energy to find her own books.........she is a graduate student who has little time and shows up at the end of my bed with nothing to read! I keep books for her all mixed up with books for me on my lists these days. Another series that never made the big time in my house but my best friend LOVED as a teen so the kids read them is the Belgariad by Eddings https://www.goodreads.com/series/40739-the-belgariad. They are also on my list of future reads.
  18. Some ideas...........for mystery Patricia Wentworth and Anna Katherine Green (the books with Gryce). We found the Anna Katherine Green’s free on the Kindle. Fantasy.......Have you read Eregon etc yet? I haven’t finished the series yet but plan to later this year. Sea of Trolls.......this one also has sequels which I didn’t read but the kids did. Only read a couple but Diane Wynn’s Jones is an idea. I liked these and believe the kids read many more. I recently listened to The Weirdstone of Brisingamen by Alan Garner which is compared to The Dark is Rising. My daughter would recommend Pratchett to anyone who will listen. These are for a bit later, but you might want to try one. I am not a fan but have a great chart for reading order which Dd thinks is a must. If they click there are 40 of these! I am a fan of the 40........🤣She read them from around 15.
  19. If anyone is having problems seeing the white area my Dd helped me awhile ago......her advice was to copy it and paste it somewhere. I read them in my email because it’s easy to delete. Thank you for typing that out Penguin! If you did it all in white as you were typing you deserve an award. I whited a sentence and couldn’t check it awhile ago......enter Dd. 😉 I read a couple of these many years ago. I have been reading Nora Robert’s Shelter in Place. I think a couple people here read in when it first came out and I have came to the top of the hold’s list a couple of times and didn’t check it out because I wasn’t sure how healthy mentally reading about a terrorist attack at a shopping mall would be for me. I actually thought most of the book took place in the mall as a hostage situation. It doesn’t, and is a less frightening read than anticipated because of that. It is mainly about living life after..........I still have quite a bit to go but will finish it. This is for my Ten Book Chain.
  20. Glad the new one is good! I am going very slowly through this series but do enjoy it! I just finished the third book in the Elementals series that I have been rereading/reading the first time. The Force of the Wind was definitely a new to me read https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24375316-the-force-of-wind and I am off to get the fourth. This series is probably best categorized as paranormal romance but is just enough different in terms of mythology to be interesting. Glad some BaWers reminded me to get back to reading it with their year end summaries!
  21. I think there are currently 8 but haven’t gone back into Goodreads to check myself. I want to add I originally listened to these books so the audio versions are good. Like my Gamache reread I will probably listen again. I just skipped The Beautiful Mystery in the Gamache reread, a long hold and I was happy to move on. That particular book made me sad and I remember it very clearly so onward..... No book blog for me but we do have some among the members here. I actually started following several of the blogs Robin has listed recently that are not members here. I am enjoying the new book ideas appearing on my daily Bloglovin feed, which used to be all quilt related. Lol
  22. My mom really liked “fancy” dried fruit and nut mixes.......
  23. For Julia Spencer Fleming fans......she is one of my favorite authors. She writes an awesome mystery series featuring an Anglican Priest who happens to be a woman that stalled at a huge cliffhanger a few years ago. I am sad to say she halted because of her husband’s terminal illness but just learned that after many years the next book is ar the editors. My cliffhanger will hopefully be resolved sometimetime in 2020........ The series starts with In the Bleak Midwinter https://www.goodreads.com/series/41301-the-rev-clare-fergusson-russ-van-alstyne-mysteries. I think I feel a reread coming on eta...... I thought the giant emoji didn’t happen from iPads, they do, but I managed to delete mine!
  24. I think it is a good idea but I am not the one for a great note. Two years ago my dear friend died in March. Last year I gave some wonderful bulbs for the garden to her husband and daughter to show I remembered the day. They were colors that friend loved. It was definitely the right decision as they seemed to be so comforted to be able to talk to someone else who remembered.......they really wanted time and to share stories.
  25. I updated all my records yesterday.....For Scotland I have two so far. My requirement is simply set in Scotland..... The Sunday Philosophy Club by Alaxander McCall Smith which I loved! The second in the series is planned for later this week. Btw, I did my planning for spelling Armand Gamache yesterday too! Lots of A’s so either I need to wait to read this one in March or read another in the series very quickly! 😉 A Small Death in a Great Cove by AD Scott which was filled with uncomfortable subjects, the main character is an abused wife. The murder is a horrifying one, small child. The village is not happy about Italians and Poles moving there post WWII.......I could continue with my uncomfortable topics but will probably try at least one more in the series so it was actually not bad. I have been first in line for Ian Rankin’s second Rebus mystery for quite a while so hopefully Hide and Seek is going to appear in my Overdrive this week! I also have the first in a Val McDermid series set in Scotland which I have read parts of years ago. Not sure if The Distant Echo is one that I have read or not but looking forward to it.
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