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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. My poor feet........when I was about 5 my grandmother lived with us and there were all sorts of rituals regarding her feet. She refused to walk without her special shoes.......not even to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night(she shared my bedroom so this was a problem for me). I made fun of her and sort of wonder if this is her revenge! As others have said 55 has been a rough year. Lots of aches and pains. On the other hand I no longer care what others think which is nice.
  2. This week my focus was on spelling Guido Brunelli but I was sidetracked a couple of times.....😁 Hubby and I are in the midst of a major junk clean out and basic stuff reduction. Cannot believe how much we have accumulated over the years. We haven’t gotten to books yet but I have started pulling favorite patterns out of 12 years of a favorite monthly Knitting magazine. Hubby plans to scan them for me......not sure how I feel about that other than I think I want to keep my hard copy. I listened to Silence Fallen by Patricia Briggs and Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft and totally enjoyed both. I already have the next book in each series in my stack.....so will continue those stories so. I read When a Duchess Says I Do by Grace Burrowes for the I in desperation. It wasn’t one of her better stories and normally her books are favorites. Upon a Winter’s Night by Karen Harper was an Amish suspense story that I enjoyed. It’s part of a series but I read it happily as a stand alone. Finally The Liar’s Girl by Catherine Ryan Howardhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36036244-the-liar-s-girl?ac=1&from_search=truewhich was really quite good! I started it because the Ilona Andrews I am reading wasn’t on the old Kindle Fire I had with me and was captivated. I read it in a day. Set in mainly in Dublin this book is the story of a young woman who as a freshman in University who suffers a double horror......her childhood best friend is murdered by a serial killer and her boyfriend confesses to the murders. Now 10 years later the murders have started again and her former boyfriend will only talk the Garda via her. This book had me hooked and probably got downgraded to 4 star wise because the ending was a bit too........not sure what but not what I wanted it to be! Currently listening to The Cat Who Wasn’t There which I remember as a good one. I hope I am right! Reading Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews for my I. This is one of the series I sort of planned to finish at the start of the year when I created my Last Book in 10 category. Enjoying it but not captivated at a quarter in......I may not finish this series this year. 🤔 @Negin Hugs
  3. I am so sorry. I am so glad you went to the hospital so quickly. I have had several miscarriages and going in for a normal ultrasound and not seeing the heartbeat is so awful. Somehow just being told never sank in, honestly I felt pregnant until I wasn’t. Hugs.......
  4. Honestly I would go with both if they fit nicely for genealogy but if not I think it’s fine to go with the last name she shares with her children and their descendants. Because she will be buried next to first husband that makes complete sense. Dysfunctional family story........my grandmother was originally buried on a huge birth family plot with her second husband’s last name, as far as possible from my grandfather because it was the only way second husband would allow her to be buried with her family. As soon as second husband died my mom and her siblings had her moved next to their father. The joint headstone is in the first husband’s name.
  5. I have the latest St. Cyr waiting to be read. Totally looking forward to it! I am trying to finish this month’s spelling challenge first and just have an I to go......it will be one of Ilona Andrews Magic books. I also have The Scholarhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42482181-the-scholar waiting. I really enjoyed The Ruin and think you might like this series also. @Æthelthryth the Texan Has been reading these also. Btw I did it! Getting that æ to work was a major coordination effort for me which required a dc for a tutor! 🤣 I know I have seen Tea with a Black Dragon on a previous list and could not source it. It’s now in my Overdrive so I will definitely be giving it a try. I haven’t tried reading The Linesman yet, it’s sitting on my Overdrive’s wish list and will be checked out the next time I have room and need a Sci Fi book. Glad to know you are enjoying it! Sci Fi / Space Opera is a genre I am learning to be fond of.
  6. I’m sorry, hugs. I would call the PT and let them know. Years ago when my mom had her first BC surgery the PT was able to get coverage for lymphadema massages which I guess is hard. Had to resubmit a few times.
  7. As I remember I solved that curiosity by reading the descriptions for the rest of the series........I can’t remember the answer so it may have just convinced me not to move on!😉 Eta......While going through the Dragon link I found Tea with a Black Dragon and am intrigued. Has anyone read it?https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/435415.Tea_with_the_Black_Dragon?ac=1&from_search=true
  8. I always use the shelf liner paper in the US. It makes clean up so quick if something leaks and when you move out your shelves are like new. They don’t sell the stuff in the UK and I thought about the sticky contact paper but was afraid of ruining the cabinets somehow so I have been using parchment paper to line things. Dh and I cleaned some cabinets yesterday that were in embarrassingly bad shape, spills and leaks galore but the paper kept it off the wood perfectly. It wasn’t easy like wiping proper liner with a damp cloth but far easier than scraping dried molasses (treacle) off the shelf. He loved just pulling the paper out......pretty funny because it’s always been a “Honey, is this necessary” type of thing when we move because it takes time to line all the shelves. I was low on parchment paper and he went and bought more so we could finish the job “the right way”🤣🥰with parchment paper!
  9. Thank you for the links. Once again you added to the hold’s list! Just wanted to let you know that the first link is bad but does have me thinking of good dragon books. One of my favorite dragons appears in the Fred, the Vampire Accountant series. This series is fun and very witty @aggieamy even enjoyed one. I listen to them.....great narration. I read the first in the Lady Trent series and felt a bit ambivalent towards it. I decided not to continue to read this series so am watching to see if you move forward through the series. Hugs, your classmates missed out. I haven’t encountered that book either but was surprised to discover my Overdrive has it in many languages. Planning to check it out and read it in English......I almost checked out the French version by accident! I love the Horowitz series! I hope you enjoy the audiobook. I have the new one on hold....pretty sure it is in book form. I need to read another Stevenson. I think some more have been added to the Prime free reading library for those who have access.
  10. Just read about the beam business and trying to post quickly. We had a buyer like yours who wanted an expensive rather unneeded major repair done before closing that hubby and I had no interest in doing to our house. It was a falling market and we were letting them have a nicely updated house for what we had invested in it. We had already cut the price by 15k for them. Problem is if they have a mortgage the repair may just have to be done......or planned on because of the inspection report. Not giving you the report is sneaky, mean, and totally screwed up btw. I thought both parties were given the report within like 48 hours, pretty much everywhere. Call the broker, this is a massive screw up. The broker deserves to know! Plus hopefully they will help you solve it. Basically what we did......They borrow the amount you agree to and take responsibility for the repair being done......certain mortgages if a major repair is stipulated by the inspector they are stuffed no mortgage. You may now be stuffed in future for mortgages because of their inspector............but they may be able borrow the full amount and the mortgage company essentially pays for the repair when they eventually do it. No a dime for other repairs. Think it was FHA that made it work for us. This was 13 years ago.
  11. First hugs! It is unlikely you can get through the list of repairs at this stage. You need to sit down with Dh and assign dollar values to each repair that cannot realistically be done. If you can get a quote even better. Give the buyers money at the close ....... which is probably what they want any way. This was a cash sale not a mortgage right?
  12. 😂I will admit that I was hoping for audio ........ my current audio book Senlin Ascends is awesome. I previously abandoned it on Kindlehttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38603891-senlin-ascends.
  13. I thought you were writing a book with a wheat farmer!😉 Btw, I grew up on a fruit farm where wheat was a resting crop. Sure looks like wheat to me.
  14. Hugs, you have a lot of stress right now. I hope you hear about the interview soon and that your a/c gets repaired!
  15. Another Goodreads fan, For my quick sort of challenges I use different Goodreads shelves. I also have a notebook that I use plan and to keep track of challenges, my shelves show all qualifiers and my notebook has what I plan to count. Of course I write in erasable ink!😂 Tudors are my favorites! I will confess that Alison Weir has never been a favorite but I think my complaints regarding my last attempt at one of her books centered on font size. I need to try again on my kindle! I went off hunting and I ran into a recommendation list for Tudor fiction which has some I haven’t read https://www.bookbub.com/blog/new-historical-fiction-tudor-era.
  16. The Poisonwood Bible is a book that has sat unread on my nightstand for at least two years. Obviously I am unsure......I really need to try to actually read it this summer! Just finished Death in a Strange Country and actually really loved it. In part because I suspect it is setting up some great stories in the future.😉 I went ahead and rounded up and gave it 5 stars over on Goodreads. The negatives I had read mainly had to do with the books treatment of Americans which I think were amplified by the readers knowing the author is an expat. As a fellow expat, she was a bit harsh but I am not sure which culture was presented worse in the end...... I have two 10 book Chains in progress............Death in a Strange Country is the 7th book in one of my chains. Woot! My next book fo the chain will be Dressed for Death by Donna Leon. I guess I will chain Death for book 8 and either read another Donna Leon for book 9 or chain using Dressed. Lots of cozies with Dressed in the title. My chain so far........... 1. Broken Ice by Matt Goldman 2. The Ice Princess by Camilla Lackberg 3. The Princess and the Pea by Victoria Alexander 4. A Murder for the Books by Victoria Gilbert 5. Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop 6. Wild Country by Anne Bishop 7. Death in a Strange Country by Donna Leon
  17. The Sentence is Death is on my hold’s list. I have been looking forward to it and glad to read your good review. @tuesdayschild From a prior week’s conversation.......I just finished reading The Veiled Lady by Agatha Christie and really enjoyed it. Very short and clever. @Violet Crown I enjoyed the sheep story.........
  18. @Negin Thank you for the wonderful photos! Forty Autumns sounds like a fascinating book that I definitely need to find. It’s been a busy week so not much quilting happening which means I am only 4 hours in to Senlin Ascends https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35271523-senlin-ascends?ac=1&from_search=true which is my current audiobook. I previously abandoned it in book form because I was horrified that the main character misplaced his bride. His honeymoon to his dream vacation spot....the Tower of Babel......is a disaster. There is much his guide books forgot to tell him. In audio form I seem to be loving this book. So glad I am trying it again! I finished Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe which was reviewed as a fascinating combination of Sci Fi and magic. It wasn’t bad but I don’t plan to continue reading the series. Sort of a “not special enough” rating. I was reading it jet lagged and in cars etc so I may be wrong.......the book jumped around quite a bit, I had a hard time figuring out what was happening. which is my major complaint. Also the characters weren’t quite as compelling as those in Sci Fi series that I have continued to read. I now have a much needed U for this month’s spelling challenge! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35520564-a-big-ship-at-the-edge-of-the-universe I finally started my Guido Brunetti book, Death in a Strange Country. From my browsing on the internet this one is frequently mentioned as NOT being a favorite. Sort of put me off but I am also planning to use it in my “10 chain challenge” connecting with Anne Bishop’s Wild Country. Anyway, I actually am enjoying it so far.
  19. Obviously I miss my brand of teabags since I started a recent thread.😉 Dd misses lemonade (a fizzy drink that is not Sprite) when living in the US. I have to say my family adjusted pretty well to living in the UK 13 years ago and most of the things we missed were either replaced by new favorites or have showed up on the store shelves here. We now have Taco Bell which was my big one in the nearby city. Cakes mixes arrived. Canned pumpkin is easier now......
  20. I’m not sure how old your son is but I did The Sword in the Stone as a read aloud at about age 9 for Ds. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/316845.The_Sword_in_the_Stone. I thought it was great! My son thought it was long.....my daughter loved it.
  21. Thank you, I just checked and my UK library doesn’t have Goblin Emperor in paper form. I think I will wait until fall when I can listen with a paper copy right beside me. 😉
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