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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Congratulations! I had no idea so many were expecting......
  2. 😂 Well I am out of milk and never even considered adding whiskey to my tea this morning. What was I thinking? Such an obvious solution! I am drinking a sugary Latte mix I found in my cabinet..........So, Jaffa cakes........ I would offer to bring you some but Dd would eat them on the plane! Seriously, hoping to travel as light as possible so she may be dependent on snacks everyone likes! I haven’t had a digestive all summer........We did drive by the McVities factory the other day, I almost took a picture for you!
  3. I hope your return to the workforce goes smoothly.......and I will look forward to your posts, so stay in touch!😉 I am glad that A Voyage to Arcturus is enjoyable! So now I am wondering if the tea and whiskey is a mixed drink or does he drink them separately? 😂 Sometime this fall I will find out.......trying to wrap up things and make the jump to the other side of the pond. My Kindle is currently well stocked with quick reads..... btw The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt was so boring that it stands out in my home ed memories, for some insane reason I tried to use it as a read aloud. Tried is the important word in that sentence! I finished Sweep of the Blade the fourth and last book in Ilona Andrews Innkeepers series. Loved it! Now I am waiting for the next book.......
  4. I would go with option 2 and decide if he wants to go back to the program at the end of the year. Both of my kids were young when they did their first calculus text.......Life of Fred......which I knew from boardies did not make the whole course for the AP but was an enjoyable start. With Dd we spent another year exploring the basic topics using a Uni text I bought used which I no longer have and my notes on those years are in storage......other words sorry can’t spot it on Amazon but believe Applications was in the title. It delved into each topic deeper and on a practical basis showing how calculus is used in economics, engineering, chemistry.......Dd especially loved that book because it showed her exactly what she could do with her math abilities. They did several mathy mooc’s At the same time and were more than ready to move on at the end of the year. A firm foundation in Calculus is really important for many career paths. We recently have seen a friend of the dc’s hit a major stumbling block because the basic Calc 1 wasn’t strong enough for the later coursework.
  5. I have been carrying Thunder and Roses around on my Kindle for about a year now but haven’t started it. The series is actually one of my best friend’s favorite historical series so I know when I start it I need to read the whole series because BF is waiting for me to read them all! I think needing to read it all makes it a bit intimidating. @Kareni have you read more in that series? I finished One Fell Sweep which is the third in Ilona Andrews Innkeeper Series. I must of read it very quickly the first time because my memory of events in that book was spotty at best. I have the new book Sweep of the Blade ready to go...... I need to start reading the books I have set aside to finish the Detective Spelling Challenge and am planning to start The Golden Hour https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42282946-the-golden-hour today for my G. It’s a book I suspect I will either love because of the Edward and Wallis Simpson connection or abandon quickly!
  6. @Negin You aren’t complaining! From your symptoms I wonder if you have a pinched nerve or disc issue.........I have seen several DIY book props linked on craft sites lately and thought I would post a link to one in case you or your daughter want to make one to try. http://www.simplysewingmag.com/fast-fat-quarter/how-to-sew-a-tablet-holder/.
  7. The only way I will ever get 7 loads done is if I packed everything up and took it to a laundromat! So 7 loads on a normal day is superwoman territory imo. I also sort my loads very carefully to reduce the chance of ever having to iron!
  8. I’m glad she is up to having visitors, I know your visit meant a lot to her. Saying a prayer for her and the baby.......
  9. How did the visit go? I hope she is doing well.....
  10. Hugs! I know you read on an e reader at least some of the time......I have a case that lets me put the book on my nightstand and I lay on my side. Maybe a new case or stand would help
  11. In search of an E and a new to me Nordic Noir book I checked out Killed by Thomas Enger https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35960953-killed. I really enjoyed it and had no idea it was the fifth and apparently last book in a series. Henning Juul is a newspaper reporter as opposed to the usual detective. The references to the past were so well done I missed that there are apparently whole books about them😉. Sometime in the future I want to read the rest of the series but definitely need to wait....... I am on a Ilona Andrews marathon........partway through reading the Innkeepers series and just started listening to the Hidden Legacy series! I am almost done with The Book Charmer which is a Kareni recommendation. I will be in the car for most of tomorrow so will hopefully manage to get some reading done.
  12. My Saturday Brit Tripping........ Today we stopped at an old favorite Roche Abbey.........my Ds loved ruins as a child and this was possibly his favorite. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roche_Abbey. We took so many boys there over the years and never lost any in the canal!😉. I plan to remove my dc’s pictures in a couple of days so please don’t copy............I couldn’t resist a picture of the road in.
  13. I have spent a long time in hospital while pregnant with a different issue but I had many roommates with the BP. I think BP issues mean they want you fairly flat and on left or right side which means things like books get heavy and crafting can be hard. If you talk to her before ask if she needs anything for crafting as she might feel you are the perfect person to make a request to. I knew exactly what I wanted and had to ask someone who did cross stitch to get it. Hubby couldn’t find it. She is bored, scared, and uncomfortable. Your company is the best thing. If you feel you must bring something I loved magazines of all sorts. My mil brought me a stack most weeks of gossip type ones. My nurses loved taking them after so they were completely great entertainment because the staff visited me too. 😂
  14. How fun to be one of the first! When you come out of hibernation let us know........I did end up putting the first Jane Yellowrock on hold. Thank you so much! I spent most of my free time yesterday finding books for my Asian Detectives, Scotland, and Nordic Noir categories and writing them down.....I have a bad habit of putting them on wish lists and having problems sorting the books out. I did Sci Fi too....... Happy Birthday to James! Glad the Money Pit is almost done.......all I can say is a/c is a wonderful thing. I am looking forward to returning to mine, couldn’t sleep last night because I was too warm. I think it depends on if this series really appeals to you. I am not sure which Commisaire Adamsberg I will be reading but my libraries don’t have the first. I put a couple paper copies on hold that are before Climate of Fear which my Overdrive has. I plan to try the earlier paper books first because I want to be able to read what I have access to in order and Have Mercy on Us All https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/128894.Have_Mercy_on_Us_All?ac=1&from_search=true sounds so good. I plan to read more than one.
  15. I added in some writing assignments from Stanford’s Reading like a Historian https://sheg.stanford.edu/list-reading-historian-lessons
  16. Before you know it your Fire will be sitting propped in it’s stand all night long beside your side of the bed! It’s my ultimate just in case I can’t sleep, weirdly combined with it takes care of itself if I drift off. It’s perfect! I loved the Keeper of Lost Things! 🥰. I have just gone back to listening to Department Q and am almost done with the second book, which I do not like as well as the first. The first third of the Absent One made me abandon it a couple of weeks ago, but someone here really enjoyed the later books in the series so I decided to try again. I am two hours from done and the book has grown on me......probably at least a three........he has a new staff member who I really like. 😂. The Linesman will definitely be read this fall! I need to make a list!
  17. I think someone here will know if part of The 39 Steps by John Buchanan is actually set in Scotland.......google is failing me.😞 It’s a book that I have planned to read this year. I have been busy looking at my 10x10 categories, removing overlap, and trying to make them look like my ideal dream image. I want to improve Scotland by adding more variety in authors.....want to stay in the mystery suspense genre. My Sci Fi needs work......I had wanted to explore works by many different authors.
  18. FYI, We just got a car with lane assist and it seems to function where there is only a center line most of the time. Also I had a long talk with my “student” who I haven’t had to ride with but she has using lane assist in her car with the professional and likes it.
  19. I have spent most of my morning off on rabbit trails instead of reading. Somehow ran into this http://libraryblogs.is.ed.ac.uk/annexe/2014/11/26/favourite-character-from-a-scottish-book/ which is interesting......Scottish Sci Fi for either 10 category. I even found the book on my Overdrive. Now I just need to read as opposed to putting more books on hold etc.....
  20. I loved that book! For those who don’t know which book we both read it’s Beau Crusoe by Carla Kelly......rather unusual subject is featured. A reread of Jane Yellowrock is probably needed by this reader too. Maybe.........definitely plan to do this for the next Soulwood. I just looked at the release date( end of October ) and will think about it........😉😂. Maybe I should start now and I would be done before the next Soulwood! 🤣 I am loving the Innkeeper books (four with the new one) by Ilona Andrews that I am currently rereading and am finally done with Patricia Briggs. I was thinking about rereading the Hidden Legacy books next and Sapphire Flames makes four in that series too!
  21. I just checked the return and I have a few days to fit The Book Charmer in! I just finished Shamed https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41150434-shamed and enjoyed it. A few months ago @Junie and I had a bit of a conversation with recommendations by me regarding my reading of books set in Amish communities. I know I recommended Linda Castillo’s series about Kate Burkeholder but believe I recommended reading in order and Julie had very few availiable.....the latest Shamed could be read as a stand alone without missing much.......lots of reoccurring characters but no important happenings with these characters if that makes sense. I think there is enough background to find the book enjoyable. I also read a novella in the same series called In Plain Sight earlier this week......I am totally fascinated by mention of a museum that houses the wardrobes of the different types of Amish, Mennonites.........I would love to go and compare. @Violet Crown I thought of Wee Girl today.......Dd is currently working her way through two sleeves of Jaffa Cakes with her long term JC eating buddy. Both looked at the plastic wrapped sleeves I set out and announced I had bought the originals because the first cookie in the sleeve is packaged upside down, chocolate touching. Apparently I can’t slip counterfeit Jaffa Cakes by them anymore!
  22. I actually have this book in the Overdrive stack right now, I think it is due soon. I was prepared to let it slip by unread but now will attempt to give it a try! Currently reading the latest in the Kate Burkeholder series, Shamed, and loving it. I will be as close to a read in one sitting as I am capable of!
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