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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. This company came up last week when I was ordering yarn. I ended up using Knitpicks because I used it years ago but did wonder about going elsewhere. Almost posted a thread!😉. Glad of the reviews......
  2. What can I say other than I am looking forward to reading Voyage to Arcturus!😉 @Negin I am so glad you were able to see a specialist and now have a diagnosis. I hope the exercises start to work quickly! I finished reading The Golden Hour earlier today and ended up really enjoying it. A mixture of fact and fiction which spans two world wars and two rather romantic couples. Apparently one of the couples leads back to another series by the same author https://www.goodreads.com/series/165486-schuyler-sisters which I will eventually read. Behind the other couple loomed the Windsor’s. I am still a bit fascinated by the multiple sides of this historic couple. I still don’t know if I like Wallis but have came to the conclusion that perhaps Edward never wanted to be King and Wallis was his romantic excuse of a way out. Wallis apparently worked very hard running the Red Cross in the Bahama’s which made me like her more than I ever have before. Part of yesterday’s library haul was The Windsor Faction https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17654681-the-windsor-faction?ac=1&from_search=truemy alternate history that @Kareni located for me last week. There is apparently a recently released memoir written by Wallis’ personal secretary that I am curious about https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40844323-the-windsors-i-knew?ac=1&from_search=true. I think my tracking that book down will depend on how interested I am after I finish The Windsor Faction. 😉
  3. Happy Birthday to your DH! 🥳. Our anniversary is my dh’s birthday which is always a bit confusing in terms of where the emphasis goes. 😉. I just got back from a trip to the library all by myself, bliss. It’s been a really long time since I just wandered around on my own in the library instead of dashing in to grab my hold’s. I came home with a stack of hold’s but added a couple of cozy mysteries to that stack. Not much reading this week, I managed to finish Miranda James’ latest A Pawful Truth https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42426873-the-pawful-truth before Overdrive snatched it away. I have my reader turned off because I have lost both The Escape and the Golden Hour from my iPad this week and want them preserved in their half read states someplace! I am still listing to Ilona Andrews Hidden Legacy series. Before I forget I finally read the prequel to the Expanse series. The Butcher of Anderson Station was not anything new or surprising if you have read Leviathan Wakes......but I now have my permission to start watching The Expanse!😂🤣😂. FYI, I believe most of the first season takes place in the prequel which is why I thought I had to read it first.
  4. Stacey, I am so very sorry. Sending prayers to your family and your Dh.
  5. @Robin M Happy Anniversary to you both! Sending lots of hugs and prayers that the fire inspection will mean you are finally done!
  6. Brit Tripping to Bolsover Castle.....https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/bolsover-castle/history/ Bolsover is known locally as a Pit Village because of the coal mining that once occurred there. It sits on a high hill off the M1 with incredible views and is very close to Hardwick Hall, if one could drive directly between the two points. Takes about 15 minutes via the M1. William Cavendish is Bess of Hardwick’s son and he created the indoor riding stable which still stands there......demonstrations with a Lippizzan Stallion or similar riding style happen there on weekends and are fun to go to. The area is small and tickets are a bit hard to get but we have been in previous years. William also had the walls/ceilings inside the Little Castle covered with interesting art works.......the Saints, Hercules Labour s, Greek Gods are the ones I can think of right now. Identifying the pictures were favorite homeschool projects for my kids once upon a time! I apparently took very few pictures that didn’t feature my kids on our recent visit so please don’t copy...... The view is incredible from the original building. Complete ruin although it doesn’t look like it in this picture. On wall with the riding area in background. On wall by Little Castle... The doorway here is big....Ds is 6’4” and frequently needs to watch his head when we visit historical buildings.
  7. Thank you so much for letting us know! I see her on Goodreads occasionally but completely missed this. Congratulations @Angelaboord!!! I am looking forward to reading your book!
  8. The books are scripted and I thought they were very clear and my Dd especially really enjoyed the 1 on 1 activities. The lessons are definitely teacher intensive but fun. Directions were clear. We did all three levels plus the first algebra. My dc’s are now homeschool graduates so the early LoF books hadn’t been written yet but I believe Prof B would be a good supplement. We are also LoF fans. The Prof B program is actually one of dd’s and my favorites so I recently bought all three teacher’s books on the secondhand market as I couldn’t locate mine for my library. 😉. As a side note I spoke to Professor B several times about my kids progress through his books. He used to love to speak to his customers and would speak to you when you ordered the next book via phone. 😂. He had great stories about all the ways his program had been used over the years. I actually received an email when he passed.
  9. I recently finished Miss Julia’s School of Beauty by Ann Ross. It was a fun read even if I thought the solution for her main problem was totally obvious. She finally married her love interest in a quickly wedding chapel and after the honeymoon discovered the marriage was’t legal. Instead of just getting married again she spent the entire book moaning about the embarrassment of it all.........and trying to fix it other ridiculous ways .😉it was entertaining and I did give it a good rating so it wasn’t a bad book.......https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/668552.Miss_Julia_s_School_of_Beauty
  10. I thought of another forensic mystery series which is far gentler than any of the ones we have been talking about so far. Sharyn McCrumb wrote a series of books about a forensic anthropologist back in the 90’s https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/135104.Sick_of_Shadows?from_search=true which I really enjoyed. No where near the detail as these are cozy mysteries.
  11. Like everyone else I loved the first few Scarpetta books then they got sort of sad and dark. I used to really enjoy the Deaver books also. I recently went back I caught up on the Alex Delaware series and I never stopped reading Faye Kellerman’s Decker. Both series have actually held up quite well.......I love Faye Kellerman’s books and have reread the first few several times. fwiw.....another Reich’s fan. Another series I really enjoyed is Stephen White’s Dr. Alex Gregory. It’s another psychologist series which has now ended after like 20 books. The series became darker but nothing comparable to Scarpetta.😉 https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1241240.Privileged_Information?ac=1&from_search=true
  12. Good luck! Showing the place you are living in is tiring even if you aren’t trying too hard. 😉
  13. I am going to suggest a few books that I think are your type 😉 Angelmaker by Nick Harkaway https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12266560-angelmaker?ac=1&from_search=true is sort of an alternate history meets steampunk. Good fun and was really popular here a few years ago. Snow Blind the first in the Dark Iceland series https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25067569-snowblind really enjoyed, I actually should bump my Goodreads ratings because I remember these books really well! James Thompson’s books set in Finland https://www.goodreads.com/series/57865-inspector-kari-vaara He was an American who married a Finn and I love his books........he died young so there aren’t many. Peter Lemaitre’s series set in France is fascinating but not for everyone, quite violent, I need to go back and read again as more are now translated. I started with the second https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18743849-alex and am not sure that I would like the series if I had been able to start at the beginning. Other good easy reads that should be availiable ...........Donna Andrews has a fun cozy series. CS Harris and the St. Cyr books Anna Lee Huber Miss Julia
  14. 🥰. It’s on hold! I suspect you just saved me hours.......thank you! Mysteries? What are you in the mood for?
  15. Thank you so much for the places to start. I had never thought of a gel and that makes sense as it isn’t white to start with. Can’t wait to give it a try actually. It says it lasts 8 hours so perhaps I can get him to put it on his neck in the mornings and apply again if we go out later.......... The armrests seem to be the big excuse with Dh as to not putting anything on as we still have to get home.😉 I definitely have sun damage just not to the extent my husband does. I have something for else for faces and can’t remember what and didn’t bring it with me. I am not attached so will definitely be trying the Neutrogena Sheer Zinc recommendation. My kids have already been using the Neutrogena spray on for their activities and love it!
  16. Thanks for all the fun links Robin and Kareni......I have been too busy looking at all the alternative histories to post.😀. Not sure what I will pick but Dread Nation https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30223025-dread-nation?ac=1&from_search=trueis appearing on those lists and I loved the audio book earlier this year! I am reading The Golden Hour https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42282946-the-golden-hour which is going very slowly because of my curiosity driving me to google repeatedly. One of the time settings is during WW2 involving King Edward’s abdication and Wallis Simpson. I am not liking Wallis much! It’s a period I don’t know much about beyond the fact that Edward seemed to send Wallis to stay with many of his friends.....the anniversary was a couple of years ago and many historic properties were highlighting their connection with that romance. So I know several places she stayed in. I have ran into several articles regarding how he chose love over duty and what if he had picked duty.......the world may have been very different. Maybe I need to follow up with an alternative history where he stayed on the throne for my next book! 😉😂🤔 I didn’t see one but they must exist. I have moved on to my next Ilona Andrews reread, going to read/listen to the Hidden Legacy series. I have the first Burn For Me on audio.
  17. Back when I used it there was only one or two books I think. I bought one as a supplement and I remember my Ds really enjoying it. I don’t remember it as spiral but I already had spiral....A Beka.
  18. I think that is probably very true as it makes complete sense......coverage will be limited for a very few hours. But I am currently thinking a few hours is a place to start. I do think my husband’s greatest period of greatest unthinking exposure is in the morning....he tends to go outside and get caught by a neighbor for a lengthy chat before sitting down to work. I think I can get him to moisturize as a habit each morning on his neck and arms but he would never agree to sunscreen that early in the day because he doesn’t plan his mornings outside. 😉 I am hoping to start a habit and to get him to improve at putting sunscreen on more frequently in general over the next year......he is my major concern (redhead with a history of skin issues). I plan to lead by example......he wears a baseball type hat almost always. I plan to go hat shopping and find a nice floppy hat for myself and hopefully convince him upgrade to something with some greater neck coverage. If anyone has suggestions regarding sunscreens that don’t rub off slightly on armrests etc let me know.........black seats show everything. I always hear I’ll wait until we arrive......
  19. Now for Brit Tripping.............Bess of Hardwickhttps://www.english-heritage.org.uk/learn/histories/women-in-history/bess-of-hardwick/ is possibly my personal favorite among Tudor woman. She was born very low on the aristocracy pole and clawed her way up to be married to one of the richest men in England. I have heard her classed as Elizabeth 1’s bestie by some, doubt that, but certainly trusted as she became Mary Queen of Scots jailer. The house she built is Hardwick Hall and sits about a hundred yards from the “castle” she was born in. To Harry Potter fans Hardwick is Malfoy Manor but there have been some landscaping changes since filming😂. My kids are standing on what I have always thought was the entrance walkway used in the movie. It looked different last time I visited! https://www.pottermore.com/features/behind-the-scenes-malfoy-manorThe tapestries are incredible......and the fireplaces fascinating........the last two photos are the original house that is undergoing extensive renovation and a photo of the wonderful towers on the main hall as I crossed the road from the old hall..........once again please don’t copy so I can remove my Dc’s photo in a couple of days....
  20. I wanted to check with my Dd before I posted, neither of us can think of any. We both connected Staryk to stark which a word for strong in German. I did finish the latest Nora Roberts release this morning. Under Currents was a book which was definitely a page turner but filled with a theme of spousal abuse, so a trigger for many. I read it very quickly...... @Negin I Hope the exercises work. My BF has suffered from a similar issue ( the diagnosis for her is disc related) and physical therapy has helped greatly which for her was basically supervised exercises. I am glad you are enjoying the pictures......I have collected enough to be able to post on Saturdays for several more weeks.
  21. We are going to be living where we will be getting a lot of exposure to the sun and it’s so easy to go outside for just a minute and spend a half hour. I wear a makeup that is SPF 20 so I am comfortable with my facial coverage for short periods but I would love to find a way to protect my arms, neck, and legs. I use Neutrogena Dry Skin sunscreen when planning to be out for extended periods but it wipes off on armrests etc so not the daily solution I am hoping for. I want a lotion that soaks in and moisturizes with the spf bonus, I guess. Something with some sun protection mixed in for both me and Dh to use daily, preferably unscented. Does such a thing exist?
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