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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. My son is the one who loved Potholders. The Klutz kit gives you a superior loom. It is angled slightly and the hoops don't slide off as easily. After using those rather expensive supplies we bought hoops wherever we could find them! He made blankets etc. Out of potholders. It gave him a craft to do while dd and I knit. He can knit, crochet, and cross stitch but never finishes anything. The potholders get finished.
  2. Lamb is preferred. For liver too. I do not like them but I chat with my butcher!
  3. There is an exchange program in Europe where children who have not reached puberty exchange for 6 months with a family with same age and gender child. Each child spends 6 months with the other's families and become fluent in the foreign language. So one year total. No prior knowledge of the new language required or desired.
  4. I still miss where we lived when my kids were little. I loved the town, the neighborhood, and my beautiful fenced in yard. Since I was the only home ed mom there my life would probably not be great now. I understand this. I also know it was a great time in my life which is what I probably miss most.
  5. I don't think this is what you are looking for but Elementary Greek comes with a really nice workbook to do the exercises in. But completely text specific. Both dcs have done well with these materials. I think Memoria Press has a starter workbook course. Never seen it.
  6. I just put a reqest in at the library for this! This one just needs to be picked up from the library! I love Kathy Reichs! I was a fan before Bones which I find completely different then the books. I highly recommend starting with the first book. Lots of good characters come and go throughout the series. I am having problems quoting you properly. I can't get to the last line to delete it. I'm sorry!
  7. Just want to say Ellen McHenry's chemistry was great. We all loved it -- and I hated chemistry in school.
  8. MIL was from Fife. I always had to work hard to understand her relatives. It probably made the move here much easier. Dh never had to "work" to understand his family so he struggles with the different accents.
  9. Just wanted to let you know that I did not know you only had two choices because you use Seton. Sorry for throwing the a beka into the mix. With that in mind the supplement with another curriculum is a great option. I would add LOF to the list of potential supplements. That and MCP might be really good together. We did have MCP (either 2 or 3) my main memory of it was it didn't really add anything-- not that it wasn't good. Just not a great supplement for my kids. :)
  10. One of the things that amazes me about the accents in our area of England is the difference a few miles can make. We laugh that we can't mov to one village that is all of 3 miles away because we have no idea what the locals are saying! I had thought it was my American family until British friends told us they don't shop there for the exact same reason!
  11. If you can find Teddy Robinson it was fabulous. It has been awhile but we loved it. Same with Milly Molly Mandy and Raggedy Ann.
  12. I would plan on about 2 weeks. I would rent an apartment/holiday house in 2 locations. One very convenient to Rome and the other along the coast. That way you have a base where you can spread out a bit and easily eat yummy baked goods etc from markets. It always takes me about three days to really recover from jet lag going east. I would want a few extra days for recovery. If you haven't watch Rick Steve's travel videos for Rome and Italy. They are really helpful.
  13. I looked to see if you posted in the new pre k /k board and don't see one. The WTM boards are the right place to post just not the best forum choice.:) Just want to say you haven't left it too long at all for a classical education. Your daughter is really young still. Go at her pace. Both Winnie the Pooh and Beatrix Potter have heavily illustrated single story versions. Check your library. Try one of those. Keep reading what she likes and slowly mix in other stuff. Good luck and give the other forum a try!
  14. Saxon has it's good points but no one here does well with the black and white densely laid out pages. We prefer A Beka which has more critics than Saxon! :) We are a pretty mathy household with kids who are mathy and pretty self directed. Tried most things over the years for enrichment if nothing else. We keep coming back to A beka as our spine. I am placing an order next week when we arrive in US. DS also has a problem with not writing things down which leads to errors.Refuses to copy the problem etc. I am actually contemplating just having him write in the upper level a beka books. They are his since dd used other materials (NEM, LOF mainly). He will still do LOF which he loves and does well at. The main problem for him is accuracy which dh and I suspect needs drill for him --we just ran him through Saxons test booklet for prealgebra(I already owned it) he started off getting 50% or so right because of sloppyness he is finishing with mainly 100% grades because he is writing on them and has slowed down some - I made him redo until right. Good luck on your math search. If you have a chance go to an a beka materials display and look at the math books. You might like them. ;)
  15. Okay Jean, I will join in today because we(dh and I) have had an exhausting day! We have been busy all day trying to pack for the States. Luggage is in car. Prepare the house --repair work is being done in pretty much every room while we are gone by the landlord so massive tidying. We have returned library books. Dropped a baby present off with the parents to be. Bought the food and made dinner. Lots of laundry. Ripped a part my stored school books because I couldn't find one that dd thought she had to take with her, it was on the bookshelf, then it was part of the luggage reduction sort. It has been busy! Really tired. We still have a lot to do tomorrow.:)
  16. Just wanted to say thank you. One of my to do list items for today was to create a similar list. We are heading to the States on Monday for a a couple of months. History will be library books since they will have access to a really great library. I can't believe you did it for me on the day I needed it! Talk about timing!:)
  17. Make sure you send them with easy luggage(no chance of customs issues). Since you are flying behind them you carry anything that has value etc. Also you might be able to fill out the forms for them so they just need to hand them to an agent. If not I would find a copy on line and do a practice run. :grouphug:
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