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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I am so sorry Pam. I prayed this would not happen. I know in the UK they take a scrapbook(I think they call it a Life book) with them to each placement which the foster parents are supposed to update. Are you able to send something like that with her so she will be able to see how much she is loved later? Also I will keep you in my prayers -- she hasn't left your care yet!
  2. Just wanted to say I agree with the pp. I didn't start buying the teachers keys until grade five when they made correcting work much quicker. We really prefer abeka math. Just bought the remaining high school ones for ds.
  3. Thanks! My ds took the picture and thought of using it when I was in search of an avatar!
  4. Dd has no interest. Now her brother loves it. I think your dd might enjoy the full game more but be warned about the amount of time that they want to spend on it. Ds uses almost all of his screen time on minecraft. That would be fine if he wasn't supposed to be doing a programming class also.
  5. Laura, my quote function doesn't seem to be working so .... There are a few degreed librarians at our central library. They are very much behind the scenes individuals with little interaction with the public. I did not mean no degrees anywhere in the system. I generally only go to that library once or twice a year because parking is difficult. My village branch which we go to practically daily has no one with a degree. I am not complaining, they do a fabulous job! When I am in the states we have a branch libray down the street, not a central libray, there are at least two librarians with degrees working at that branch. They are also actively working with the public. It has been a similar situation everywhere we have lived in the US.
  6. You look great! After I saw your picture I checked your siggy and can't believe you have a 21 year old child. You certainly don't look old enough!
  7. I am going to reply to all the comments about librarians having a masters degree, before someone blasts me please remember I haven't lived in the UK that long. I am pretty confident that none of our local librarians have a degree remotely related to library science but they do make up for it by their level of interest in what we need. Pretty sure they all sort of fell into it through part time work. They truly know what is happening in our village and have helped our family settle into our new life in many ways. We met them first.;) I am going to continue a bit... The computers are used. Frequently all three of them. The book selection is not large--it is part of what was a 25 branch system with one large library covering our area. Interlibrary loan works well. I pay 20p per book. After I got used to it I don't mind. Th kids interlibrary for free. It really is the place to go for information in our village. When the bus routes changed they got all the seniors straightened out and on the right bus. Lovely people. We pay £2 for a week dvd rental I think. Not a service we use often. Once again it is the only place to rent dvds for miles (unless you count the next villages library 3 miles away). Once again a needed service but not free. They also run some great events for everyone. I know the area where this author was speaking. About 2 hours north of us. Can't believe his library isn't a similar set up. We belong to a couple of other library systems for neighboring areas and they all operate about the same from what I can see.
  8. We visit for an afternoon most years. The old town area area and fort are fun. We usually do street parking by the water if possible--I think it is free. You can also do paid short term parking at the fort. We also see dolphins in the intercoastal usually.:) We plan to go to the fort with the ferry this year thanks to the other thread!
  9. I am really glad that we have never bought a Horrible Histories book! Actually my dcs don't like them so haven't supported his 6.2p either. Didn't know about the 6.2 p that was interesting. Seriously our family goes to maybe one movie a year. We no longer buy everything on dvd. No more room. If we buy something we have to get rid of one which ends up in the cheap amazon resale market. We watch most things on the tv. Which thanks to the tv license is really good-- think basic cable in the US. I know several people with no TV license who do not watch telly. There are choices. Seriously just dd and I read 6 or 7 books a week(sometimes the same now she is older) which would cost at least £50 a week new. No way long term. I love my library. All those books would hit the resale market and give Amazon more business. Plus kindles...
  10. I hope this will make you feel a bit better. Dd meets with friends maybe 3 times during an average week. We all spend a couple of hours with her BF's family (her parents are our BF's too). She goes to another group event biweekly--very lite sports activities. Planning to start going to another group this spring, more for ds12 then dd. Game playing, like dungeons and dragons, it is teens but far more boys then girls signed up. Then on Friday afternoons we meet at another friends house normally. She has church friends but doesn't always get to socialize much. Like your dd she has never had a huge interest in the standard kid activities. She does participate in both a patchwork and watercolor painting groups where she does have many friends who are mainly 60 plus. I honestly think this has given her the added friend time she needs. Her same age friends are all very busy. Just no time to meet more. She has some friends that live over an hour away that we meet occasionally for days out. Dd doesn't text etc. Only emails if she must. Does enjoy skype on occasion. She has commented that all the texting one of her friends does would drive her nuts--no peaceful time to concentrate.
  11. This looks like a great website. Thank you! I just bought an Excellence in Literature guide to help me stay on track. These are pretty much all old literatue but thought I would mention them because relatively inexpensive so possible supplement for you. I have volume II because dd has already read the books for volume I. I have barely looked at it. It gives links and ideas for a guided study with essay topics as opposed to typical (SL type) study guides. You spend 4 weeks on each selection with honor's extra reading ideas. EIW also has by the same author American, British, and world lit. For dd I think they will work well but probably not what ds will need.
  12. We tend to fall in with Ellie's basic schedule also. We have our huge influx of new curriculum in the winter months but pretty much keep going year around. We take time off as needed for activities and days out. DH and I were just looking at Dds credits and technically she will graduate mid year. At that point she will be doing enough outside work that she probably won't notice much difference! ;)
  13. Praying :grouphug: Do your best to rest. A really great OB gave this advice when spotting-- never stand when you can sit and never sit when you can lay down!
  14. My ds12 has been reading these since he was 7 and loves them! Still reads them again occasionally. Definitely British humer.
  15. Short seasons are pretty typical for British TV. I think 6 episodes is the standard but you never know. Here's the other odd bit they never air at the same time on the major stations. So Dr.Who can be 7:10 one Saturday and 6:25 the next. If you have a guide several things are aired again later in the week. We missed tons of great telly the first few months. I always buy a TV guide and record everything. Most American shows are aired in smaller 6 to 8 episode chunks. My dc's can't believe how long an American season is. They also have only 3 commercial breaks per hour by law. Really nice after you get used to it. I get up and actually accomplish chores during breaks.
  16. FYI citrus is another comman allergy. Might be his problem.
  17. I honestly don't think you are going to need to do anything special. Your boys are big enough to go on all rides so she won't be spending hours on little kid stuff. A friend recently took his dd15 and sds's 8 and10 for a week at Disneyworld. She had a blast with no special girl activities. She was just so happy to be there--first time. Personally we always choose Mickey character dinner's and dd was a princess girl!;) Mickey is fun!
  18. Mother of Divine Grace makes a study guide that covers just the second half of Henle 1. Very similar to the MP guides.
  19. Last night Ds wanted to watch Star Wars. It is a VHS and we rarely use the machine anymore. I walked through the living room a half hour later to the movie rewinding on screen? Asked why? It had to be done so he could watch it. I reached down hit stop then rewind. 30 seconds later he was watching from the start. He was very enthusiastic. Could not believe how clever I was. How well that ancient machine actually worked. I had no clue he hadn't started VHS movies himself.
  20. We started with Prima at around 8. Have taken thing slowly over the years but my dd really knows and loves Latin. Other languages and grammar come easily to her. It has greatly enriched her life. Right now she is self studying using Wheelocks and loving it. Ds has not be a huge fan but I must add that he does use what he learned daily (he is currently having a break from it). His foundation is solid.
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