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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I love Cherry Ames too! I have mine from a used bookstore but there are quite a few for the kindle. Also the first 3 or 4 have been republished.
  2. For your phone you need a new sim card if you phone is unlocked and will work in Europe. Buy the sim after you arrive. It should be cheaper. I gave up on taking a curling iron long ago.
  3. The books do not correspond to grade levels. Depending on what else you are doing you might want to get one and try it. For instance there is one with several American history topics. My friend did one book a year with great success! I had all of them and used them intermingled with unit studies for years so it does depend on your families style too. We did still use them for fourth grade if that helps.
  4. I really enjoyed the Hermitage, Andrew Jackson's home. It was a bit outside of the city but great. Dh is a Vanderbilt alum so the campus is fun too.
  5. I like the Arithmetic Made Simple -- I saw copies for. 01 so great value. I also looked at Ray's. I actually think I used it one year as a child. That brown cover looks very right. I loved that book. I can't figure out what HTT is. Can't find an abbrevation list that works today. As someone who is currently packing my curriculum purchases to carry back to the UK I know how limited 2 smallish boxes really is. I have that much for the next year or two. If you have awhile to gather I would take it very slowly with essential first. Then another round of shopping.
  6. Sounds fascinating! Another one for my ever growing list. One of my mom's closest friends did not take her vows. I have never known why but she is the kindest most generous person I know.
  7. So many great suggestions. What a fun thread. I would definately take the Drawing Textbook for art. Small little paperback with so much to offer. For the younger years just plenty of colored pencils and paper. Have them draw what they see. For art history either Sister Wendy or Usbourne's History of art. Someone mentioned Christian Liberty's Science Readers. They contain a wealth of information and are good graded readers--duel purpose. Paperback and relitively small--inexpensive too. Good nature study. That plus some ellen McHenry downloads would make a great core science. When added to a good science Encyclopedia. I plan to think about this more. Right now all I can come up with for math is Professor B. Mainly because it could be adapted to many children. Imo plus through algebra lightly. I know this is not enough so need to think more. You really need the white board.
  8. But the thing is you have tried. I hope to do the dewey decimal challenge and I suspect it will be a challenge to give up fiction! When I start reading Herodoctus you will know that dd is reading it too. You and my little girl love difficult books which I so admire!
  9. Welcome and congratulations on your baby!
  10. :grouphug: I just wanted to add that I am so sorry about your grandmas. That is a lot of unexpected sadness for anyone to process. Please be kind to yourself and don't worry about other people's comments. : grouphug:
  11. Pretty sure Giraffe just envies my village library! But I was really honored to be listed with the two of you. Actually couldn't believe Giraffe was saying that about me considering the great stuff she reads!
  12. Thank you!:) I hadn't seen the website. I love illuminated books. They are so beautiful and fascinating! My favorite part of many museums.
  13. Welcome! Fill us in on the age of your son and if you are looking for Christian or secular curriculum and we will do our best to answer you questions!
  14. We loved the books but they were read out loud to dc's who couldn't wait to find out what happened next! I have always loved the first movie. The commercials make all three of us cringe. Not at all right. At some point I am sure we will break down and watch so we can make comments but not til it is free on the telly!
  15. It took a month or two for my email inquery to be answered. I was told to buy an episode on amazon $29 and email them proof. They would then email answers for freefor both series. Someone recently posted that they called the station and were sent the answers for $40. I would call. I gave up. Our problems smoothed out during my long wait so not worth the effort now!
  16. I had been wondering about her too. I always appreciated her posts. I will be praying. :grouphug:
  17. This week I finished the following: 45) The Sudoko Puzzle by Parnell Hall which was just plain fun! 46) Trapped by Kevin Hearne and waiting for the next one in the series. 47) Children of the Book by Geraldine Brooks which is my first Dusty book. Also one of my 5/5/5 books. I have a category of dusty's given to me by my bf. I always love her choices but don't manage to read them timely. I loved this book! It is a book about a book.......an illuminated Haggadah. The book actually exists although much of the book is fiction. The story begans in Sarajevo in 1996. As the fighting ends a book conservator specialising in Jewish documents travels to Sarajevo to examine the Haggadah which has been saved from looting by a librarian. During her examination and repairs she discovers many interesting things--insect wing, wine stains, piece of hair. The remainder of the book is a really well done set of flashbacks explaining her many findings interspersed with a very personal journey of discovery for the curator. I particularly lovered the flashback set at the start of the Spainish Inquestiton. Great stuff. The author even managed to provide a surprise ending. Loved it! I am going to start the week with a cozy from theat bf dusty pile -- Grace Interrupted by Julie Hyzy. I started once and liked it, but was interupted.
  18. Just came back to say that during my second friends treatment it has been clearly explained that eating must be a set diet and NO HERBAL supplements without approval. This includes many kinds of tea, I guess. She cannot even use a herbal mouthwash. My friend who died used many supplements. I can't tell you how much this new knowledge has haunted me. I hadn't investigated further because I could not handle more. Just read the above post about vitamins. It all makes sense. I am really sad right now but glad to understand more fully. Also no hair dye for two years. Not everyone losses their hair. My cousin never did although she bought everything ahead of time.
  19. Thanks for the update. When do the catalogs get mailed?
  20. I own both Memoria Press and MODG. They both are more-- containing quiz and testing materials. MODG is more extensive by far. Also has several great charts to use when learning different declensions etc. Really nice and useful. Imo We have the 2 year version.
  21. I recently bought the rest of abeka's math program for just that reason. If they are missing the foundation their knowledge is never going to be complete. Ds is not happy with me about this and it is boring but needed. My ds has always been great at math. Done exceedingly well in some competions. Big math ideas he loves. He has read most of the LOF books which is very different from doing them. He has done halfway through Algebra 2. He has also picked up much from dd who does her work and is advanced but complete in knowledge. He likes to jump around. AoPS, LOF, NEM, and other topics from the library. What this makes him is a kid with big math ideas missing basic skills. Sometimes just missing terminolgy but usually the one lttle thing that makes his work 100% right. I also have to fight with him over writing his work down. At best I have a few chicken scratches. He is also careless with his daily work even at home tests. After a couple of frustrating months where I tried to figure out what was missing in algebra work(NEM tests were his downfall--daily exercises were great) I gave up and ordered the abeka. Right now just working through the quizzes and tests mainly. Going to the text for more when one is missed. I have found a couple of missed concepts. I know there will be more. Is abeka the best for this? Honestly probably not but for me since I am most comfortable with it and great price used the job will get done.
  22. Unfortunately I have been in your position twice with close friends in the past few years. They have both had cervical cancer but my mother has had a double mastectomy so I know far too much about cancer. Much depends on your friends reaction. My extroverted wonder of a friend wanted people around and children running through her home until the end. She passed away in November after a three year battle filled with chemo and experimental treatments. It has been devistating for me. Her parents moved in as support and her husband quit his city job (when recovery ceased to be possible) so food, cleaning(other than the mess we created was unwelcome). Our job as friends was to fill her house with laughter and help finish up her garden. Which we will be opening for charity this summer. She did want dvds to watch. Could not concentrate on books. My other friend was also a friend of Hellen's. She was diagnosed one week after Helen's funeral. Her reaction has been very businesslike. We are getting things done. I have had her dd (my dds bf) quite a bit. Not much else has been wanted. You name it, I have offered it. My TV hating friend now watches stacks of dvds so we have been dropping those off. When she feels well and is alone I go over for a chat. I have been in the states for the past few weeks. Her initial treatments are now over. We are now at the point of building her strength back up. Walking at least a half hour each day is supposed to reduce the chance of reoccurance greatly. The one special thing I did for the second friend was make a prayer shawl for her treatment. There are lots of great patterns--I found mine at Debbie Macomber's (the author) website. I cried and prayed over it as I knitted it. Healing for me too. My friend loves it but I knew she would. I did not know they existed when Helen first became ill or I would have made her one. By the time I knew things were so advanced that it simply was not right for that friend. All you can do is be there and offer. The children are the hardest part. I have spent quite a bit of time with bothe friends children and adults say some really dreadful things to these children. Being there for the kids has helped my friends greatly. Also foodwise while I haven't really cooked for my sick friends I have for their husbands and children weekly. Something special just for them tells them you care. Sorry for the huge number of typos. I can't fix without getting kicked out. Helping with the insurance issues is a huge thing to do for your friend. Helping to relieve some of her worries is a huge blessing.
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