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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Thank you! I hadn't found those. There are also some TOPS units on a NASA site for free. Naturally I already own them but thought I would let people know. I think one is Far Out Math.
  2. We started with Prima. It was a good year. Yes, Latna Christiana and first form repeat things taught in prima but repetition is not a bad thing. Dd has repeated basic latin several times, just did the first five chapters in Wheelocks for fun, because we keep buying new text books cheap on Amazon. She always starts at the beganning and picks up something "important" along the way. Her favorite format is MP, she has done first start french also. If you already have Prima and everybody is enthused it is perfect for you!
  3. I will be honest and say that I had not gotten that far in my planning. My thought was to download a copy onto my kindle just so I wouldn't have to haul a chunky book around with me. Is there a recommended translation?
  4. This is on my list for sometime in the next couple of years. Has anybody who has read the book also seen the movie? I have an opportunity to see it this week. Should I watch it or will I ruin the book?
  5. Praying for good news Tuesday! :grouphug:
  6. I have frequently seen Classical Mythology and More.......by Colakis recommended. I have never seen it nor do I own it but I do think about it often! I wish there was more time!
  7. :grouphug: So glad you slept well! I hope today has been better.
  8. I think Lingua Latina is the great program if what you are planning is two years of latin/ foreign language. This recommendation is simply bacause it is the most appealing to me of all dd's latin curricula. Someday I will finish that course!:) If your plans are more long term Wheelocks or Henle with MODG study guides.
  9. Aleph is compared in some reviews I read as being very close to the Alchemist, which I have not read. Honestly don't plan to. I will read his boo The Zahir at some point. That was what I was hunting for and ended up with Aleph. I didn't think it was terribly hokey, I did mamage the bulk of it in one sitting and I really wanted it to put me to sleep! The Siberian railroad was interesting. The author did take it and I think the past life experiences are his as well. Very odd also appeared to be Catholic but consulted Buddists etc. Honestly not enough railroad to put up with the rest of it. The main thing I will remember is a suitcase of powerbars-fish for breakfast. It is also a very long trip with fewer stops then I envisioned. Would still like to go!
  10. I couldn't sleep last night so I ended up finishing my South American continental challenge. It was good for me in the sense that it is not my typical choice at all. 51) Aleph by Paulo Coelho -- Brazilian Born It was a book about the author's own self journey. At the same time he travels extensively including the trans Siberian railroad, something we have talked about doing. It was reasonably good but quite different. The whole book hinges on this statement "I am the Aleph, the point at which everything is in the same point at the same time." This book is he attempts to reconcil his past lives with he current life. Correct some past misdeeds as he recognises others he has known before. I also ended up back in the Spainish Inquisition again. I said I wanted to learn more! ;)
  11. Dd and I have been reading them together for a couple of years. So since she was 11 or 12. Generally I read first then her. She has always been great about remembering which ones I said she should wait on -- can't think of the name but the Piorot on the Egyptian dig that was too hatred filled imo. She read it a couple months ago. Tommy and Tuppence and Miss Marple are her favorites. I think listening together would be fine. The old Marple movies are fun too.
  12. We spread them out over a longer period of time. Probably 15 months or so each. I tend to have several things going at once like SL etc. We dis start a new one when finished just didn't do daily all year. Took breaks. You can run them fairly easily together. The same week in different levels correspond reasonably well. Both dc's could do the chants together and then seat work.
  13. It was the easiest way. No appointment just send if asked. Better to be prepared.
  14. Lanny made some great points. I want to add that one of my hardest things in the UK was getting my own National Insurancs Number. Functions very similar to a Social Security number in the US. Everyone gets one on their 16th bday normally. Expats receive one if they are seeking work. As a stay at home mom I spent hours going through channels to get mine so I could start a pension account. Other types of bank accounts need them too. The website said easy. Easy is not having to ask your MP for help. I had the equivalent of permanent residency at that time. I refused to lie and say I was a job seeker which I know caused my prblems. We didn't ship a container. The cost was huge. If dh is having it paid through his job great but we quickly realized we could buy new and save money. Moved with luggage and shipped a very few boxes. We bought an industrial converter for electronics. Spent roughly £100. Works great. One other odd thing I needed was to be able to prove I spoke English fluently. The easiest way was my college transcript. So I ordered one.
  15. Just finished #49 Ghostwalk by Rebecca Stott. It was interesting but so many storylines intertwining I am still sorting out what really happened beyond the obvious. It was simply a good book,not a great or must read. It was one of my dusty's from my best friend. Obviously chosen because of our proximity to Woolsthorpe Manor, Isaac Newton's childhood home. One of the themes was Newton's connections with alchemy and what those connections meant to his future success. The main character was a woman ghostwriting a novel about Newton's life started by her mysteriously dead mentor. Much more going on including animal rights and supernatural activities. A very hard book to describe. I also finished #50 Guilt by Jonathan Kellerman. It was the best Alex Delaware book in the past couple of years. Although I was left wondering if they got the right man in the end. If anyone else reads it I will be curious. One innocent just did not seem innocent to me. We ended up not flying home tonight. Dh has work here Friday so an extra week in the warmth for all of us.
  16. :grouphug: I am sorry it has turned out this way.
  17. We did 2, 4, 6. Skipping was not a problem workwise. Afterwords we have been quite foreign language intensive. Dd does latin plus a few more. Just bought WWS for ds because he lacks organizational skills.
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