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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Kennedy Space Center used to have an area where you could pull off on your way in and look at a couple of rockets. I think they were apollo ones but long time ago. When they were little they loved those more then the paid for part. There are supposed to be some great walking trails near there too in the nature reserve. Dixie Crossroads in Titusville has great deals on kids meals. Good food in general. Highly recommend if you go over to Kennedy.
  2. I am around page 200 also and I think it might be starting to come together a bit. I am happily reading now but finding it rather slow going. I have had to google names to keep a couple straight.
  3. Your game selection is great. Many of the game books are using the grid system. You can print a few online so they can see them. We have used far more games then books. Our favorite game brand is Thinkfun. Great logic games like River Crossing. We have logic books from sale tables which they do for quiet fun.
  4. This is what I can think of right now. I will put my thinking cap on for more. We love Gatorland. About $25 per adult. Coupons can be found normally. Ds loves it there. We go for his bday treat frequently. Restaurant wise one of our favorite take out/casual is Pollo Tropical. There is one near the airport but I am not sure about Disney area. An Orlando based chain with Cuban food. Their grilled chicken is great. We also love the yuka fries and tostones(I amnot sure how to spell). Black beans and rice are great there too.
  5. We always tried to use it but never came close to completing it. Neither child seemed to work well with it. So many other things to use and enjoy. It never felt complete so I would add a bit and before long we would have dropped it completely.
  6. You made me laugh. Dh wanted to know why..... he got the Matthew Consake right away. Knew what your dh was talking about and had it right. How......must be a guy thing.
  7. This should make you feel better. Ds13 loves to drive me nuts. Today during his geography he was making a list of nonrenewable resources. He listed chickens. Yep chickens...Why because what if we neuter all of them and they can't reproduce???? We would quickly eat them all. I explained that no one neuters chickens. Lots of work plus you can just not have roosters. No, my son wants to neuter them all. Also managed to sidetrack geography pretty well. Must of been fun irritating me because later he was doing something with dh. As they walked away I heard "So dad how do you neuter a chicken???"
  8. Mainly bumping you but I will add my 2 cents. The only person I "know" who did both did them back to back. Great success -- high AP scores. With the writing style I suspect that might be the only way. On the positive side if her math abilities are well developed a chapter a week for chem 1 is easily possible. We are halfway through and dd could move really quickly if ds was not involved. ;)
  9. I already cheated on 1q84. One of my e library books was going to disappear today so I read it. 62) The Geek Girl and the Scandalous Earl by Gina Lamm Time travel light romance. Fun quick read but the main character spoke in 4 letter words. All that swearing was not attractive and very unnecessary!
  10. I ordered the first one. None of my libraries have it. :( Have you read Sebastian St.Cyr books by C.S. Harris? These sound simular. I read the first in that series a couple of weeks ago. Really enjoyed it.
  11. Over on the 52 books thread several of us just finished 1984. For me it was a reread. I know I read it and wrote a paper on in before 1984. Apparently I remembered none of it! I would love to read what I wrote. I am so curious what the teenage me found to say. The topic I remember writing on was such a small part of the book. I plan to go on and read Bradbury when I have a chance because they were part of the same course and see if the paper came from one of those. That being said it is a harder book then I was giving it credit for. Also a bit boring. Pages of very repetitive politics. Fascinating now but I have removed it from dd's list of must reads for high school. I no longer consider it vital and doubt she would enjoy it. On the other hand ds might really like it.
  12. Dd finished Robinson Crusoe today too! Her review pretty much corresponds with yours. I had planned to read it so we could discuss it. Not sure that I even want to try now.;) I think I will just join her on her next book! I did finish Kitty takes a Holiday today. A fun read! Plan to start 1Q84 tonight.
  13. I finished it this morning. I know I read it in the late 70's. I know I wrote a paper.....I wish I had kept it because I would love to know what I said. I did find it very interesting but it was nothing like I remembered.
  14. The Annenburg Learner website is also quite interesting. Saylor University is another place to look. It is a free university that is still in it's early stages. There are quizzes built in and certificates at the end of courses. Everything I have looked at used online resources. Khan academy for algebra would be my recommendation. I did vote for WTM rhetoric and also think it could work well.
  15. We are in England also. No problem here. Quite a bit to do actually. Not as formal and the groups tend to be more social. Ireland and France are legal places to home ed also. Not sure about the technicalities but for someone who was only there for one year with visas to match probably no problems. Germany, unless your husband's employment is with the US DOD, it is illegal.
  16. Due to dh's work I am an old hand at this. We travel frequently for long periods. These are some of the things we have learned. It normally goes smoothly but things do go wrong sometimes. Depending on where the home is we sometimes cover the toilet with plastic wrap. This prevents all the water from evaporating and has the added bonus of preventing unusual visitors. One house we had frogs -- they died.:( A bit of bleach in the toilet water helps too. Turn appliances off if possible unless someone will be in frequently. Our freezer was hit by lightening when we were gone for three weeks. No one discovered it. The mess we came home to was huge. It was throughout the house -- hundreds of flys. Absolutely disgusting. If you want to leave your freezer on try to eat it down a bit. Limit you exposure. I do. Make sure your neighbors know that you have lights on a timer and which rooms they are in. Our neighbors called the police because we had a "break in" -- yep two weeks into our vacation our neighbors noticed a light in ds bedroom, the timer had been on every night for two weeks but we had never put the timer in his room before so ...... it was somehow our fault. Whoever is collecting our mail has permission to open if it looks unusual. Sometimes we forward sometimes a friend gets it. Odd things happen when we are gone as you can tell. Much better to get a phone call so you canfix the problem. I clean like crazy before leaving. It makes the return much easier.
  17. My friend has a pair of very happy lovebirds. She has about 15 babies a year. They are all handled and loved in her home. If she doesn't have friends who want the babies they go to the local pet shop. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a bird that is that friendly.
  18. What a great collection! I think the CM style was what I had at bookmarked long ago. This certainly gives us options. My friend's wife recently passed away. She left behind stacks of great curriculum that she had planned to use. That now needs to be turned into something that can be used by a person with a very different style. So hard! Thank you! My friend is also homeschooling a very independent older child. This might be perfect for both of them. Thank you! This one might be perfect for my ds. I love the water and fruit and veg being included. Made me laugh. He needs that part too!
  19. I am trying to help a friend make a weekly school schedule for use with his dd7. At one point I had several links that could be used. One where someone had shared a very Sonlightish (is that a proper word???) style one. I can't seem to locate any of them right now. Please share if you have something that might be helpful. I figured this might help others who are just starting their planning process too! Thank you!
  20. Ds has completed a bit more than half with no real issues so yes.
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