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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I probably would because they will be together. You are familiar with what they need to accomplish--train etc. So they will know the basics first. I would give them a mobile phone so they can check in with someone when they reach the gate. My kids love airports and understood the signs from their first flight so your teens will catch on quickly.
  2. A combination of the two is what we have always done. So it can work well. But I will be honest and say that I had no choice because MP has not always been quite so complete so the choice was not really there for me.;) I would pick a SL core that both children can enjoy. Ds did mainly SL work and dd was heavily supplimented with MP and VP.
  3. Jean--I am glad you are improving a bit. I don't normally look at your daily thread but I wanted to know how you were. By the time you are starting my day is almost done--at least the productive part. So all your plans make me feel like a failure normally.;) I have a question about the Miss Jeffries mysteries. Would they be appropriate for dd14. She loves agatha christie etc. Basically she likes good clean mysteries, not fond of tEa scenes. Would these be good for her? Thanks!
  4. I have heard good things about the enviromental center. On the list for this year. Legoland is great in the UK. Would like to visit the Florida one.
  5. Well I finished a couple of paranormal romances on the Kindle today. They were not great but I did enjoy some of the characters. If I hadn't used my prime pick for the second one I may not have finished. There were demons which is the one paranormal I would rather not read about. When I returned my prime I was able to get My Dear Charlotte which I have wanted to read since week one. That was good -- I kept thinking it would stop beinga prime choice before I was ready for it! Here is my list so far: 5) The Witch's Dream-Order of the Black Swan by Victoria Danann(Prime) 4) My Familiar Stanger-Order of the Black Swan by Victoria Danann(free) 3) Merry Christmas Alex Cross 2) Murder Must Advertise by Dorothy Sayers 1) The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Bradley
  6. I voted other although I did go to my 10 year-- I graduated 30+ years ago. It was OK. I went with my 2 best friends from high school, the reunion was OK but we had a great week. Haven't gone again for a variety of reasons -- like I live in England! One thing that I found fascinating was the people I truly enjoyed seeing again were not the ones I expected to but they probably were my true high school friends. I would go since dh is willing to go to. It will be interesting and possibly fun! Until we moved overseas I got together with a dozen college friends for a picnic each summer. That was great. Our dc's were the same age so lots in common still.
  7. There was a very similar thread about a week ago -- I would do a search. It mainly depends on you and your dc's. How do you want your homeschool to be? How much time do you have to sit down and just read books? For us SL is very "me" intensive. We do cuddle together and read aloud for at least two hours most days. It could be done with less but for my ds that is how it needs to work. Dd likes the cuddle time also -- she still arrives to do SL with her brother even though she has other work she is responsible for. We have used quite a bit of MP over the years too. Dd thrives on their format. It works best with an independent child who enjoys writing. Can it be used differently -- of course, and ds and I do it verbally but dd probably learns more from it.
  8. I just clicked on the link for the resource. I do wonder if I had a really early version of that book. I pulled our own together with a huge stack of resources several years ago. That book actually looked amazingly like what we ended up with. It looks like it might have lots of cut and paste potential and all in one book. I would be tempted to do that combined with some travel type videos from youtube.
  9. We used Galloping the globe as a base for this. For the animals I used Zoobooks. I had most of them already because I had been subscibing for years--i wouldn't recommend subscribing just for this. There were puzzlle type worksheets for the animals which we enjoyed. Janice Van cleave has a good inventor's and scientist book which could be pulled in. We did some cooking too. They recommend a Christian science book with galloping that we found coordinated oddly well. It is Considering God's Creation by eagle wing publishers. We loved it--filled with great hands on science crafts which actually explain how things work. Geography Songs is regional by continent and a great way to learn all the countries names. The secret to this for me was managing to resist my desire to have each continent have the very same activities. I had to use the great material I found when I found it. It was Ok to not have the same categories all filled for every continent or country. Part of the fun was the newness daily.
  10. Great advice has already been given but I want to add to pack fresh fruit. I know it gets thrown out at the end but too many sugary/salty snacks get icky. We take 4 oranges and 4 apples. They are thirst quenching. We have always just gotten adult meals for all. We have been known to get one of each and mom eats what everyone else refuses to.;) If we ask really nice they serve our kids before full meal service starts. That way they get the full set of choices
  11. I know the feeling. We are heading back to the States next week. I already have books requested there! Can't wait and I do have a library here that I use all the time. I just have to request most things -- really small library part of big system. Which is hard work to research everything. Enjoy your library while you have it and read lots of fun stuff!
  12. We truly do live in the heart of Robin Hood country. It is amazing to see how far flung the villages are that lay claim to him. We like to think he lived in our area because of the Roman Road to York but villages 50 miles west claim him too!
  13. Dd's favorite is Quizlet. She can make her own Quiz but lots of Quiz material already there.
  14. My daughter is on the same track. I am pretty sure the answer is no. From the little bit of modern greek she has been exposed to a word here and there if she is lucky.
  15. Thyroid could definately be a large amount of your problem. When mine is off everything goes out of sync. I just want to say the pain/tEa not necessarily be right. Never been painful but I was surgically diagnosed by an "expert" as a 4 on the 5 point scale. I had been diagnosed as a 1 a couple of years before by a different OB. The doc did cutting edge research for endo. I wouldn't let your concerns be brushed aside due to lack of pain.
  16. We went on a few paid vacations pre dcs. They were paid for. Generous meal allowance. Really nice hotels etc. I would go. I have always heard that the activities are fun and quite plush. Sweden is an expensive destination so go and enjoy it. I really doubt that spouses are expected to go on the factory tour. You will probably be given a completely different activity. You have time to plan for child care. You may have more options if you stop thinking strictly local. Probably easier for someone to come to them. I know for us the emergency plan has always been my single best friend. We would have to buy a plane ticket but that would be cheap for a really nice vacation.
  17. Just want to say on the front seat issue my need for a "co pilot" who is actively reading signs can be huge. Remember I am driving on the other side of the road in the middle of nowhere much of the time! Ds does a better job. That is the reality of the situation. If we are going someplace new and I can tactfully make it his turn for the front, I do. He is younger but is the better spotter by far! :) That being said dd has more activities that require my driving her so it balances.
  18. I think you would be fine in jeans for the contemporary service if you decide you want to try it before you have a chance to shop. You should probably attend both services before deciding because your interest in the activity side of things is so strong. I would want to experience both groups first since you will be working with both groups should you join.
  19. :grouphug: I will pray. I have to add my vote to the let the Dr.see what an attack is like for you. You strike me as a pretty upbeat person who probably doesn't complain nearly enough. The doctor may not understand the truth of the situation. Seeing might trigger a new idea that might help. I know my ruptured disc is not the same thing at all but post surgery I was kindly yelled at for not complaining more. The doctor apparently took one look in the operating room an couldn't believe that he had allowed me to live with that for months.
  20. I volunteered at a library as a teen. Generally I shelved and cleaned books. Habits like that die hard. I clean our books using a washcloth and warm water with a bit of dish soap and splash of white vinegar. You would be amazed at how disgusting the water is when I am done. I stand them upright to dry and air out overnight. A librian at our old library actually noticed that I always brought the books back clean and thanked me. I will be honest I say I don't enjoy reading books without clean looking covers. On a side note when ds was little the pediatrican actually mentioned library books as a way he could have caught something. We had been quite isolated because of colds and he came down with something new. So shethought it was possible.
  21. I am assuming the dc's involved were the 11 and 9 yr olds. I am a softie so I would probably plan a new trip but be warned that my two really started to fight at that age pretty constantly. Lay down rules now especially about the car. For some reason where in a car can start a war in seconds. Ds now always sits directly behind me. Therefore he moves depending who drives. Dd gets the other seat. We have front seat issues now. No easy solution there.
  22. Praying for you to find the best solution for your family. It i great that you have found some new possibilities!
  23. Also want to add that they are made of quilted fabric not two pieces of fabric sewn together. They are generally the pot holders found in my friends kitchens here. Hang them on oven doors. Personally hate them--I go to IKEA and get oven mitts. The fabric made so much more sense when someone said goose bow tie--that I got. But a pot holder that will burn you is stupid!
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