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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I would set aside 30 to 40 percent. Depends on state.
  2. A wonderful fellow home ed mom had this problem. She went to many group meets but in the slightly disorganized home ed world I live in made no real friends but several good connections. I blessed to be one of these--similar education philosophy and a son that matched her family age wise. She opened her home every week to a group of 10 or so moms. Obviously big house giant yard. Maybe 5 families a week showed but she persisted. Sent fun emails with great field trip ideas every few months. Through those couple of years I showed up maybe once a month for something. Stayed in touch but never got overly close. Too busy. Then came word that she was terminal with cancer. We went to see her and I knew I had missed something. For the last 6 months of her life we made time for the weekly meets. I finally got to know the other moms she loved. It was all in the effort. We are an eclectic group to put it mildly--all beliefs and backgrouds. She taught us to play nicely with each other. When she died she left us a letter asking among other things that we continue to love each other. We still meet weekly and so far are successful. Our kids are a big family ranging from newborn to fifteen playing together which shen loved watching. The last time I was with her we sat and watched them all through her bedroom window. She loved them and us. Sorry for the long seemingly unrelated ramble but what I want to say I learned from my friend -- we need to be kind and get to know those people already in our lives. There are no guaranteed right people or place. My friend was a_n amazing woman and gave me a special gift that I had been sorely lacking friends and the knowledge that a sunny afternoon is more important sometimes then another math assignment
  3. I prefer to buy food grown in the UK whenever possible-- generally local when able to. Most fresh foods are clearly labeled in the larger stores. When I buy local I generally know which farmer grew whatever. Our butcher has a sign that says our beef is from this farm etc. I really like knowing.
  4. Trying to figure out how to multiquote. Obvious not quite right. But I can't believe our slightly nerdy daughters were actally being cool! Both my dcs still like the show too.
  5. My daughter and her best friend revisited My Little Pony again at that age. Used their own money to improve their collections. Had a blast for a couple of months. I wouldn't worry a bit.
  6. We have always used a wide variety of materials. We check out huge stacks of books from our library which generally are not Christian. A majority of what I purchase are Christian. My personal philosophy has always been along the lines of our home school and church will be where they learn the Christian point of view -- most other experiences will not be. I don't really worry that much of their education has been from the Christian perspective. I feel it will be a great basis for their future education.Use what works best for you and your children.
  7. I would look at quizlet. It is an amazing site with lots of quizzes. You can also make your own. We love it.
  8. I know I hate it. My mother's home is unique and very scenic. I hate it when people ask if we ever want to sell it contact them. After my father died several requests. Literally I was answering the door to personal requests while trying to plan a funeral. It was just terrible! I honestly can not ever imagine letting any of those people have it. As you can tell I am a bit attached but most people are to their childhood homes. I know you are planning to wait awhile but it is worse when I or she knows the people. It feels like people are forcing a decision that we are not ready to make.
  9. I don't have experience with anything other than the kindle fire but it is working well for us. Both dc's are getting them for Christmas so I won't have to share anymore! A majority of pdf's have worked well. The ones that haven't frequently cause problems on my laptop too so...
  10. I have to agree with TWTM. I have loaned my extra copy to a couple of friends who had decided to send their older children to school because they lacked the confidence to continue with home ed. They are all still at home and doing very well. It really helped them.
  11. :grouphug: Everyone has done a good job describing it. It is loud and they do check on you frequently. Each time they told me how long until they would check on me again and I counted the seconds. It helped. I think valium will help greatly.
  12. I am not sure if they still do this but in high school I belonged to Medical explorers which was a special interest part of the Boy Scouts. Our local hospital sponsored a group of us. We saw and did a lot. No autopsies. I was one of the only people who never passed out during an activity! So a fair amount of blood I guess. Of course people did pass out looking at cat scans???
  13. I bought my Oz books from a company called Books of Wonder several years ago. I was just on their website. Can't remember what I paid but not $25 a book -- I bought them all in one go! The kindle has all the Oz books by Baum for free. Another good author for that type of fiction is Edith Nesbit. We like the Children and It and The Phoenix and the Carpet alot. They are availiable with prime but once again free on the kindle. My dd loved the Little Women books.
  14. I think it goes more quickly if you order a complete core. I have received those in Florida in slightly over a week. It sometimes takes a while longer if they have to pack individual items.
  15. We did the tests. I considered them to be practice for biology. They do the study guides as we do the chapters. Sort of a note taking guide.
  16. I am going to respond because no one else has. I think the books are the ones that were given with Chick-fil-a kids meals 6 or so years ago. The red racer one looks familiar and I know they were Dave Ramsey. We actually bought some too. They were good. Well presented and engaging. I am sorry I can't remember more. I have never used the other material. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
  17. :grouphug: Glad the Doctor listened to your concerns.
  18. Dd and I spent the morning baking for friends. Took a bunch over to a friends house where the mom, my best friend is ill. Also dropped a plate full off at an elderly friends. More to drop off tomorrow.
  19. Can you argue based on the fact that her "best" co op friends are going to be put in the older group? With a since she is able to keep up. My church did this to ds. Leaving him with a class of girls??? His 6 month older friend was put in the older group. Academically ds was way ahead of friend. Socially too -- ds could sit still. Hurt ds feelings hugely. We didn't participate.
  20. The stuff everyone else has suggested sounds really good. Just wanted to mention Janice Van Cleve also has one of her themed science books on dinos. Your library may have it and they are normally very helpful.
  21. I love abeka math. Personally think it is the best spiral program out there. We used it through algebra. I am considering going back to it with ds now. We used a lot of their stuff when my kids were little. I agree the phonics are great. I really like the handwriting. Dd gets lots of compliments.
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