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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Dh thinks it's a great idea, as do I! I know my mom would love if someone did that for her. It's useful, practical, fulfilling, and meaningful. I say go for it!
  2. As much as this would really stink, I'm with you on the new flooring. We're saving for hardwood floors for our entire downstairs, and I feel like it's taking forever. I hope you can get everything fixed soon! Have fun choosing new flooring! :)
  3. I think eloping and having a party later is a wonderful idea! Dh and I still wish we had done this after 13 years of marriage. Wishing you much happiness!!! btw... a video would be lovely! :)
  4. That's wonderful news! I'm sure she will have an amazing time & what a joy it will be for you to listen to her retell her stories about her outing! Keep us updated! I'm eager to hear how it went. :grouphug:
  5. How horrible!!! I am so incredibly sorry!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  6. I would not go. I agree with others who have said your short labor last time and the hemorraging are complications that could affect you dangerously. Of course, you could be perfectly fine too. However, the "what if" factor in your situation is one that needs to be taken into serious consideration. If dh could go and take the kids, that would be the best scenario, but if that is the case, have a friend nearby whom you can call on if labor begins while they are all still away. You should not be left 100% alone since you have no idea where this labor will go. Will dh be able to come home swiftly once the funeral is over? If you are really set on going, I would get a copy of your medical record so you can have it on you if you need to give birth in a different hospital.
  7. My ds was like this a couple of years ago too. He's slowly becoming more humble as he can read now, and he finds more information that refute "his ideas". So far, it hasn't affected my teaching him... probably because I avoid topics of which he "knows everything". :)
  8. Although this is non-fiction, I recently enjoyed reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, and it would follow nicely after reading a book like The Help. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series was an intense ride if you want more fiction. It kept me completely engrossed the entire time.
  9. I have nothing to add as this is the first time I've heard of Oceania; however, I need to chime in and say how fascinating this thread is! :bigear: Great question, Bill!
  10. For Gymboree, I think that is reasonable, and the clothes last forever. If you like their styles, but want them to be more affordable, have you checked out their sister company: Crazy 8? We really like their clothes, and you can often find them marked down to 75% off. I have trouble shopping at thrift stores for my boys as they are pretty thin, and I have trouble finding slims that fit properly. I've had luck with Old Navy, Oshkosh, and Crazy 8 for pants. I also find that thrift stores do not have a good selection of boys' clothes. I'm not sure if it's because they wear their clothes harder, or if it is just like this in my area. For us, I buy online on clearance or at an outlet store, and I always use coupons on top of those prices. I think buying brand new is definitely possible if you are savvy. Follow the sales and use coupons/coupon codes. Children's Place is another store where you can get amazing deals at the end of the seasons.
  11. It's so fascinating! I'm also becoming emotional every time they bring someone up... I'm so happy for these men and their families.
  12. I'm sorry, Joanne, and I will be saying prayers for all of you. It's wonderful that your FIL had a beautiful day with family before deciding to go. :grouphug:
  13. Praying!!! Please update when you can. :grouphug:
  14. First thing that popped into my head was Ezekial Ryan. :)
  15. Blocking my ears and yelling, "NA, NA, NA, NA! I'M NOT LISTENING TO YOU!!!!" I can't go there right now..... ask me again in February :D
  16. We always stay in Mount Pleasant at the Hampton Inn there. It's clean, offers free breakfast, and it's the perfect location between Charleston and Isle of Palms (great beach there). Definitely take a carriage tour of the city. You can learn so much about the area: its past, its architecture, and its role in the Civil War. We've never been to Fort Sumter, but we are looking to go there. I've heard that's a great historical experience. Just walking around Charleston and relaxing in the Battery area is wonderful. Be sure to eat at Jestine's Kitchen - a tiny little place on Meeting Street (I think) that serves the best coconut cream pie ever! Charleston is one of my favorite places to visit! Enjoy your trip! :)
  17. Crimsonwife's example from MCP is most like the math I had while growing up. We were presented a small example in our textbook; the teacher went over the lesson for a bit in class, and then we went to town doing problem after problem. I am just now feeling like I'm "getting" math as I teach my son using Singapore. I vowed to find a program that didn't just require rote learning because I was never able to see math, instead, I just went through the motions and hoped the answer was right at the end.
  18. Laura, I came across this article today too, and it has been on my mind since reading it. Like you, I'm asking the same questions... why is this so bad now? What has changed? How can this be fixed? My heart breaks for the kids in the article and for their families. My heart breaks for the children who are currentlly struggling with this on a daily basis. As a former teacher, I have witnessed bullying; I have brought it to the administration, and I have watched them sweep it under a rug... repeatedly. This is all despite NO TOLERANCE policies. As a staff member, I became essentially powerless because it was in the hands of the higher-ups. All I could do was provide a safe refuge for some students by allowing them to come to my room during their lunch "to do extra work". I still cannot comprehend how so many schools are allowing this type of behavior to continue. Sadly, the technology that children/teens have access to now only exacerbates the bullying behaviors. I don't know how to fix it, or if we can, because I worry that this is just the moral state of our society as a whole.
  19. Hmm... (regarding the police response)... I hope they contact you soon. I'm so glad to hear your dd is okay and that she didn't understand what was said to her! :grouphug: Amen for small mercies!
  20. That's horrifying!!!! I'm sorry! Is your daughter okay? I'm in awe that the police have not shown up. Is that normal for where you are?
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