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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Wonder Woman Anything Bugs Bunny Tom & Jerry Dukes of Hazzard Family Ties The Facts Of Life Smurfs Who's The Boss The Brady Bunch Solid Gold American Bandstand Wheel of Fortune Knight Rider A-Team The Love Boat Mighty Mouse Can you tell my parents were very lax regarding TV viewing while I was growing up? eta: Thought of some others... The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie, Gilligan's Island, and The Lawrence Welk Show (we watched this with my grandparents every weekend - they lived behind my house)
  2. I feel your pain as we have an officer in my neighborhood who drives recklessly also. I agree with videotaping him.
  3. I met one when I was 3 years old - she's my sister :) The other I met my sophomore year at college. We worked at the bookstore together and then became RAs in the same building.
  4. I love that you asked this question as I've already grown tired with our science curriculum because it's tough doing experiments with my wild 3yo ds running around. My eldest and I end up frustrated, and due to his perfectionist personality, meltdowns occur and it is affecting his learning. In the past 2 weeks, I've reverted to the WTM way, and ds is loving reading books, watching science shows, and going outside to explore his surroundings. It feels incredibly simple, and I'm partially freaking out about it, but he's content, I'm content, and we are getting science done regularly now.
  5. Liquid: water Solid: homemade home fries - we had breakfast for dinner tonight! :)
  6. I know many who love oysters... as for me, I cannot stomach them.
  7. Originally from New Hampshire, so what comes to mind is meatloaf and mashed potatoes (anything with mashed potatoes, actually! :)) pot roast with potatoes and carrots shepherd's pie lasagna and warm bread my grandmother's chicken soup and saltines w/butter on them chicken pot pie grilled cheese and tomato soup Now that I've been in the south for a while, I've added homemade mac & cheese to my list... so good!
  8. For ds7, The Wizard of Oz - chapter 6 to be exact. For ds3, The Runaway Pumpkin - he's enjoying Halloween/Fall themed books right now. :)
  9. Oh, how I LOVE Acadia! Dh & I honeymooned there and went back a few years later. It's probably been 8-9 years since I've been there, and I JUST mentioned to Dh yesterday how I'm longing (yes, longing) to go back. So, with that ramble, I say take the mountain route! I love the scenic route and will take that over a highway any day. However, getting there ASAP and saving time for Acadia is also a fantastic option because it's just so stunning there. You didn't mention how much time you had, but that is a factor. Do go... you won't regret it!
  10. We also like Mem Fox books here. Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge and The Magic Hat are popular with my kids. The Little Island by Margaret Wise Brown is also another good one that often gets overlooked. I agree with checking the FIAR lists. Those books are faboulous, and my boys have loved them all. eta: When I mentioned this to ds (7.5), he said The Raft by Jim LaMarche and all the Holling C. Holling books (although those are bigger picture books).
  11. Thank you, OP, for asking this question, as I feel my situation is exactly like yours and it drives me crazy. We always help pick up before we leave friends' homes unless the mom insists that we leave it. I try to get friends to help clean here before they leave, but I've had some instances where the moms just say, "Ok, we need to go" and we're left with a disaster. I've actually stopped inviting these families over and opt for playdates at parks instead. I feel it's only courteous for my children to help pick up when they are helping to make a mess, just as they need to clean up at home.
  12. These are the first ones that come to mind... The Notebook Dirty Dancing Shawshank Redemption Pretty Woman Notting Hill Sound of Music (my all-time favorite) Sweet Home Alabama Casablanca Serendipity Say Anything Life is Beautiful (in Italian) It's a Wonderful Life As you can see, I'm a sap for romances and (usually) happy endings.
  13. Oh my goodness, YES! I LOVE this movie still! I don't think I've ever seen Ladyhawke, but in mentioning it to dh, he said, "GREAT movie!" Remember the Breakin' movies? I used to love those... I saw one recently, and it was BAD! (Yet, still fun to watch.) :blush: I'm drawing a blank, but I agree with others that the following are not bad at all: Breakfast Club, Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, Sixteen Candles.
  14. Someone has a chip on their shoulder.... Hmmm... They need some herbs to help them relax... I wonder why that wasn't mentioned?!? :lol:
  15. For us it really depends upon the fad - cost, durability, possible longevity (Crocs come to mind) and morality of the item. We live in the suburbs of a major city, so fads are definitely a part of life here, and ds#1 is exposed to them primarily at church or in the neighborhood. Silly bands are very popular at our house, and ds has many that he trades with neighborhood kids or other homeschool friends. Another popular fad are the tennis shoes by Sketchers that sparkle and light up. I can't remember what they are called. Each pair is about $40-50. To us, that is too much to spend, so even though ds#1 has asked for the boy version of these, we've explained that they are too much money and a regular pair of sneakers will be just fine. He doesn't argue with us. I believe if he were at school, however, he would probably fight the issue more because he would feel the peer pressure. My friends' children who attend public/private schools around here are often asking for things (even at age 6 or 7) because "everyone" has one/them. I'm glad we homeschool and can avoid the fad peer pressure for the most part.
  16. YAY! I'm so happy to hear she had a wonderful time! Even better than that is she has a friend! :)
  17. My son and I do the school reading together (taking turns reading aloud). He and I discuss characters, plot, and basic literary ideas; then he gives me a 2-3 sentence narration that I write for him (usually) and he illustrates. For his fun reading, he often has a non-fiction book and a fiction book going at the same time. He does fine with keeping everything straight.
  18. :iagree: We're using R&S 2 for English and AAS for spelling. Ds is an advanced reader, but I find him guessing on new words rather than using phonics skills to attack them despite doing the entire PP book together and supplementing up to ETC 5. I'm glad I'm not alone in this and that the OP asked this question. :bigear:
  19. I've read all the posts, and I wish I had something new & insightful to offer. You've received excellent advice from others. I definitely would try to corner your dad and have a heart-to-heart with him if only to ease your mind so you know that you've tried to address the situation. None of this is you; something is going on with him, and all who are around him are receiving the backlash either verbally or through the tension he is creating. I'm very sorry you are going through this. :grouphug:
  20. I consider myself an Independent, but I tend to lean more toward conservative. Most of my friends are conservative; however, I have some who are liberal. I don't usually talk about politics with friends because emotions tend to run too high. With that said, I do like to hear from my liberal friends though to learn why they feel the way they do in regards to certain subjects. I don't recall a time where my thoughts were changed, however. I do feel I can garner a better understanding of a topic/position by discussing it with others though; I just need to carefully choose whom that person may be.
  21. That's incredible! Congratulations!!!! :hurray::thumbup:
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