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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Praying for you. This is where you will rise up and prevail. It will not be easy, but you will be okay. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  2. Some of you ladies have great things planned! Tomorrow morning, I'm meeting a good friend for coffee, then I'll do some laundry and clean the bathrooms. Ds1 has a soccer tournament that begins late tomorrow afternoon. My son's team has been undefeated for 3 straight seasons. For the first game, my son's team recently beat the opposing team 10-0. So, we're planning on having to play at 8:30 Sunday morning. From there we'll head to church, then there may be a game at 1. The end of the year soccer party is later in the afternoon. Thankfully, we love all the kids and parents on this team! :) Sunday evening, I'll organize my school things for the week, and then RELAX.
  3. Denise, I have been following this from your other thread. I am SO incredibly thankful that it has turned out well with the other boy's parents. Your update was a breath of fresh air in what could have been a terribly tragic situation. I'm so glad the other parents are receptive, confidential, and concerned. Hopefully, you will find some peace tonight and be able to get a full night's rest. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  4. My son was on Singulair for about 2 months when he was 5. It made him incrediblly irritable and anxious. We took him off and tried something else (that I can't remember right now), and he returned to his usual self. I'd be very cautious of Singulair.
  5. This makes me utterly sick. I am so disappointed with Amazon.
  6. :grouphug: Saying prayers for you. You are not alone. :grouphug:
  7. Another vote here for liking the name and requesting you keep your avatar! :D
  8. I can fully relate, and what you are feeling is natural disappointment at an expectation/want that is not going to be met as you had hoped. It does not mean you will not love your new son or that you are a bad mom. We knew we were a two child family from the beginning, so when I was pregnant with my second child, like you, I really wanted a girl. I *thought* for sure I was having a girl. When the u/s tech said I was having a boy, I was in disbelief. I must have asked her 6 times if she was sure. She finally said, "Honey, I've been doing this job for 24 years, I know a *enis when I see one." I shut up after that, but left the appointment completely disillusioned, disappointed, and down-right sad. I cried the entire car ride home and occasionally for a few days afterward. It wasn't that I didn't love the baby inside of me, it was that I thought he was someone else. Even after he was born, I feel as if it took me a little longer to bond with him than my first son. However, that did not stop me from providing the best possible care for my little one, and within a couple of days, I was fine. I am now incredibly close to him, and I cannot imagine God not giving him to me. I don't know if you are Christian, but what helped me was really reflecting upon the fact that God obviously felt I needed to be a mom to boys vs. girls. Since He knows my path before I do, he gave me the children I'm supposed to have. I know I will/do have moments (like when I'm shopping for my niece and the girls clothes are so darn sweet) where I may lament not being a mom to a girl. Yet, if I just remember that I've been given who I'm supposed to have, I feel peace quickly. Go easy on yourself. :grouphug: Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy!
  9. Highlights magazine was (and still is) a big hit for my ds. Legos (Creator sets) and Playmobil (knights and priates, especially) Games: Blokus, Rush Hour, and Mancala
  10. The sites given so far are good. You can also try www.smartsource.com.
  11. :iagree: Thank you! As a former ps teacher, this is what I was going to say. Basing frustration toward ALL teachers around the teachers in NJ is overgeneralizing, and it's uncalled for. I worked in a wealthy educational area, under a union, but we still had very high health insurance costs & copays, were one of the lowest paid states in the country for teacher salary, and we often had to purchase things for our classrooms out of our own pockets if we wanted to do the job well (so that is what the we did, to the tunes of thousands of dollars per year). Nearly all of the teachers I worked with in the middle school (140+) had summer jobs because their 10 month teacher salary could not cover basic expenses in this state. Until you have worked in a classroom, in the system as it stands now (esp. after NCLB), then you have no true idea of the nature of it. Do the NJ teachers milk the system? Yes probably, but that is only in ONE state. The vast majority of states have underpaid, overworked teachers. As with the rest of the economy, they are being pushed to do more with less as well as be expected to "fix" the products of society that parents have neglected (not all parents, of course). A teacher's job is hard. Not that it's the only hard job in the world, but to not recognize it as difficult is a fallacy. The fb post may be annoying, but it's no different than the rants about teachers in this thread. When you get right down to it, we all have something to complain about, and we all want pity from somewhere. Sometimes a little compassion is what works best, however.
  12. I think what you said was perfect! Your mom's response was equally great. I'm sorry your sister was up on her horse though!
  13. We were together for 5.5 years before getting married. We met our first year of college, began dating 2nd semester, and got married a year and a half after we graduated college. We were engaged for about 10 months before getting married. As for my sons... interesting question. They're young yet, so I haven't really thought about it in depth. I would like to say they will not get married until after they graduate college (so no earlier than 21/22). Ideally, after 24 or 25, but God may have other plans for them.
  14. I LOVE food, so I can't just name one... so here are my top 3 Pizza Mexican guacamole - I could eat it in a bowl with a spoon and be perfectly content!
  15. Wrestling each other in the middle of the floor. I think the youngest one is winning (he usually does!).
  16. Praying for you, Christine. I'm so glad you have some options. Thank you for the update. BIG :grouphug:!
  17. I chose other because I had one displayed and would still if it were not for one of my boys throwing something, hitting the frame, knocking it down, and breaking the frame. I've yet to find another frame I like.
  18. 1. A picture of my youngest son at 4 months old 2. A picture of my 2 sisters and me 3. Our china hutch that used to belong to dh's grandparents in Texas 4. Clutter on my breakfast bar in the kitchen area 5. A pile of holiday toy catalogs that I was browsing for ideas - Brilliant Sky Toys is on top
  19. My 7.5 yo ds is asking for Legos esp. the Atlantis sets, a baseball bat & glove, a bow & arrow (foam arrows are ok he says), a Kung Zhu pet, and books. Costco has an excellent Casio digital keyboard for $170 that comes with the stand and bench, I believe. Our former piano teacher recommended it.
  20. :iagree: I almost posted a thread about this yesterday! I HATE making lunch for us! Btw, we are also in a school slump. I gave us today off, even though we're behind, because I had NO desire to teach. We hung out with other slumping homeschool friends instead. It was a good day! ;)
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