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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I just don't get this whole thing. Maybe a few years from now, after he did something tangible, but this is so premature and presumptious. It taints the award entirely.
  2. Unbelievable, just unbelievable! You have EVERY right to be livid! Let us know what response you get from the email to the coach.
  3. Growing up we had a female dog. My parents searched specifically for a female when adopting because "females have better dispositions than males". I don't know if that's true, of course, but they believed it! :tongue_smilie: I know plenty of people who had/have male dogs, and they were/are wonderful.
  4. :iagree: I'd also like to add lessons are short & sweet for little attention spans ;)
  5. We switched in April of last year and haven't looked back. We were using Horizons 1 (similar to Saxon) and ds hated it. We switched to Singapore and all is well!
  6. I find myself yelling "Boys!" more often than not! I always mess up their names and call one the other's name... Use what name you like for your son.
  7. can you tell me what the first symptoms were? DS2 took a pretty long nap today which I chalked up to a busy weekend. He came downstairs happy and played normally. He was a little cranky, but he sometimes wakes up after naps that way. While he was sitting on me, he felt a bit warm, so I took his temp rectally and it was 101.5. I gave him child Tylenol, fed him dinner, and now he seems perfectly fine (this was all about 2 hours ago). He's jumping off the couch, running around like crazy, and wrestling with his brother. I'm thinking if it were swine flu he'd be knocked out cold? I'd love to hear others' experiences with it. Thanks!
  8. :grouphug: My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
  9. GREAT price on the ones you did get which are very nice! I was going to tell you #4 was my favorite :) Love the designs in the leather.
  10. I taught remedial reading for a couple of years using the Wilson Reading Method (derived from Orton-Gillingham), and this is the technique we used with our students. I use it with ds now.
  11. The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein Green Eggs and Ham or anything else Dr. Seuss
  12. Having read them all and formerly teaching 5th grade, I would say it's inappropriate for that age.
  13. Simply Sharks Academy because my oldest son is obsessed with them, and that's ALL he wants to talk about lately. For my youngest it's the Mommy's Trying to Survive Age Two School
  14. We moved 16 hours away, and I agree with all the other posters in terms of logistics/ease once you arrive. We left both sides of our families who had never left the area, and we both lived there for 30+ years before our move. Like you, we had a huge network. One thing I suggest is to take the time to drive around your local area and take a last look at some of your favorite places. It sounds corny, but we made the time for that, and it provided some closure since we kind of said "goodbye" to each place. I also went into every room in our house right before we drove away -- they were all empty; I just stood there and remembered a few of my favorite moments in them. As silly as this sounds, I got this idea from a children's book where the child character says goodbye to his house. I'm big on needing closure, so for me, these things helped tremendously. HTH! Best wishes on your new journey! :)
  15. Oh my gosh! That's what these things in my mouth are??? They are so annoying, and they only started recently. I just realized I could push them out with a q-tip, but some of you have much better ideas! Is there any way aside from removal of the tonsils to get rid of them? I'm always worried my breath stinks as a result, so I chew gum all the time.
  16. :iagree: Our pastor supports the parents' rights to choose what is best for their children; however, he would not ever homeschool his kids due to his own convictions on it. He's not against it per se, it's just not for his family. His children attend a private Christian school. My homeschooling is not something I broadcast around him. Ironically, his wife is one of my best friends, and she fully supports what we do with our kids!
  17. A lighter day here... Singapore CWP1 -- subtraction word problems & showing your work. (ds 6)
  18. I didn't know Legos made one; however, Playmobil just released an Egyptian line earlier this month. DS wants the entire line and their Roman line... I'd have to take out a 2nd mortgage! :lol: www.playmobil.com
  19. As with other posters, my DH works a lot of hours, and I do the schooling alone. We made the decision together to hs, but I implement it. You need to do what's right for your family, and homeschooling provides a unique type of freedom that you can't find anywhere else. You don't have to worry about rushing a child off to school in the morning, parent meetings, picking them up or being home for the bus. You can adjust your days around DH when he's available, which is something mainstream schooled children cannot do. We just came back from a beach vacation since this is the time of year when DH can easily get time off; plus, we were able to save money by going in the off-season. If you need your lives to be flexible, I can think of no better choice. Best wishes with your decision! :)
  20. Most definitely not! Would you think less of me if I told you that I've already purchased my tickets to New Moon on opening day?
  21. You are not alone. Your dd sounds like my 6yo ds. We are struggling with the same things at our house. The responses to this have been helpful to me as well. Sending you hugs :grouphug:
  22. We were using Horizons 1 last year at the start of the year and supplementing with Singapore. DS didn't like Horizons and only wanted Singapore, so we dropped Horizons mid-year. The transition was smooth. I added IP & CWP for more practice to make me feel more comfortable since I was used to Horizons more traditional way vs. Singapore's mental math.
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