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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Since you only have 2 days, I would stick to staying in Boston as there's tons to do there, and like another poster said, the traffic is BRUTAL sometimes even when it's not rush hour. Definitely do the Freedom Trail in its entirety. There's so much history on it - I always loved doing grave rubbings in the cemetaries. Eat in the North End (trail runs through it) as the Italian food is amazing, and Mike's Pastries is a must as others have said. You could spend a good part of the day in Boston Common and the areas surrounding it. Boston is a fun city and taking it in on foot is definitely do-able. The Duck Tours are a lot of fun too! I'll be up there visiting family the following week (originally from NH), and we're definitely planning at least a day in Boston. We're going to the commons too to ride the swan boats (just read Trumpet of the Swan). Ds is so excited (me too!). Enjoy your trip!
  2. Yes, this has always perplexed me too! I must say though... since pulling ds from preschool and homeschooling him for K, it's amazing how he's come out of his shell. He's also stopped comparing himself to others! I know it's still early, but I hope it lasts. Sorry you had to hear a comment like that, but you answered it wonderfully!
  3. I keep hearing great things about lapbooking. Could anyone point me toward great web links or books where I can learn about this and have it as an option for ds? Not sure if you need this, but he'll be in 1st studying Ancients (SOTW 1) and WTM biology topics - animals, human body, and plants. Thanks so much!
  4. This is an inspiring thread. I'm SO tired of paying ridiculously high cable bills!
  5. We pay $20 for a 45 minute small group lesson (ds and another child). We'll be switching to $25 for 30 minute private lessons in the fall. We also have a yearly supplies fee of $40 that covers all books.
  6. Although I'm not a huge gardener, I did try to plant sunflower seeds that were 2 years old last year (kept in the house in a closed space), and they did not come up. The packet said for 2007, but I figured I'd give it a try. You could always try, and then get new seeds if they don't grow... after all, the trench will already be dug :)
  7. :iagree: Your dd is blessed to have you in her life. You did an amazing thing for her.
  8. I love, love, love my French door refrigerator! The food is right in my line of vision, and since we spend more time in the fridge, it's great to have everything at eye/arm level. I grew up with a top freezer, so I was leary of the bottom freezer, but it's so much better than a top one. For some reason, I feel it holds more. It's not overly heavy when full since the rollers make it slide out very smoothly (ours is a Kenmore). I told DH that this is the only type of refrigerator I'll ever have. All my family & friends who have side by sides or fridge on the bottom models love when they have to get something out of mine because everything is so accessible and "in your face". :) Oh, and I cannot forget to mention the tray drawer in the fridge where you pull it out and can fit multiple platters. Love it!!!
  9. I just fiddled around with it... Neat site! Thanks!
  10. I have a very sensitive 6yo ds, so thank you for posting this (and for all the responses!). Although dh and I would love to see it, I guess we'll be waiting for the DVD. I've learned I have to be very careful with media also. He had a scary Veggie Tales experience at age 3, and to this day, refuses to watch them! You are not alone!
  11. My mom was diagnosed with MS in '94. It was a huge blow to our family, so I understand your shock. Fortunately, she has been in remission for years now, and with careful monitoring of her sleep, stress, and eating, she is able to keep it under control. The doctors are very pleased with her prognosis. I pray your sister is able to take the same path as my mom. It's such a tough disease, but they are making strides in treating it, so she can still live a full life. You'll all be in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted. :grouphug:
  12. My 6yo would probably die if I were to get rid of his Playmobil! We use the bin technique for his as well, and according to him, it's okay if they are mixed up as he has the pirates fight the knights anyway! I'm with you though. We have a downstairs playroom, and I'm ready for it to be gone. I've also been thinking about a big purge and how I should go about doing it as I have 2 boys: 6 & 2 so their toys are still somewhat "seperate".
  13. As a mom of 2 boys, both very different in personality, I would say aggresssion and boisterousness is normal; however, for this child, it has clearly been allowed to progress too far. As other posters have said, it sounds as if he really needs strict boundaries immediately. I also would be willing to lose my friendship for the safety of my children. I realize that could be extremely hard on you, but we are our children's first role models/teachers. Allowing them to continue to receive abuse from others is showing them it's okay. This could have severe repercussions in the future. I'm sorry you are going through this. It's such a tough situation, and I feel terrible for that little boy who doesn't seem to have any guidance. He's the one who will ultimately suffer the most in the long run. Good luck as you continue to deal with this.
  14. I also read it last year (for the first time), and it still haunts me sometimes... the end especially. I love Steinbeck. He is an amazing author who is truly able to reach into the souls of his characters and share them in the most poignant ways with the reader.
  15. No worries... it's a great question! I'm always willing to share :)
  16. This may seem like a silly question, but is the only place to buy AAS on the www.all-about-spelling.com website or are there other places that offer it? Thanks!
  17. I only have about 6 months left in the 31-35 group... then I'll be joining the majority! :D
  18. I wish I could share with you the version of this song that my church band does. As soon as the notes begin, I become choked up, and most of us are crying by the time the song is done. Our female lead vocalist is utterly amazing. I tried to find you the best version I could here Enjoy!
  19. I LOVE this song. I get chils every time I hear it!
  20. 989 miles! I was born and raised in southern New Hampshire. We now live about 20 miles outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. I always say I should have been born in the south. I feel at home here.
  21. :iagree: Triple coupons are the best! I also like Lowes Foods. The people there are always so nice.
  22. I yearn for country over soccer mom, and I am a soccer mom! Ds loves it, and dh is an assistant coach and will most likely coach his own team next season. Like the op, I don't fit in aside from appearances. The fact that I homeschool already sets me far back -- I've even received odd looks on the sidelines when they learn what I do. The county sports "politics" drive me crazy. I would take country ANY day... it's just not in our plans right now as Dh needs to be near a city for work. :sad:
  23. Your samples are fantastic! I wish you were doing Ancients, as that is what we're starting this year. I'd definitely look into buying your work!
  24. :iagree: I loved Kris with Keith Urban! They sounded so great together!
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