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Everything posted by jenL

  1. L.L. Bean also has great, warm PJ's for boys. Like Land's End, not cheap, but they will last and fall under the LLBean guarantee for life.
  2. Me too, unfortunately, age and the birth of my 2nd... my recent OB appt. led her to put me on birth control to try and get it to be manageable. I'd love to hear the correlation between cloth pads too!!!
  3. DH has IBS. It was first diganosed years ago as lactose intolerance, but like you, he would be fine if he occasionally ate dairy. He went to another doctor who ran some tests, and diagnosed the IBS. He takes a dicyclomine pill before every meal to calm his digestive track. He does have triggers though (spicy and fried foods usually) and stress is also a huge trigger for him. Some days are better than others with it, and it does disrupt our lives every now and then, but far less now that he takes the medicine with every meal.
  4. Saying prayers for you... this is our biggest fear, so my heart hurts for you and your DH. :grouphug:
  5. I agree with the above posts... here are a couple more... Rumble in the Jungle Commotion in the Ocean Are You My Mother? by Eric Carle
  6. I hate to admit it, but I'm this way too. I really have to force myself to schedule crafts and to then follow-through with them. It's not just the clean-up for me, it's trying to keep my wild 2.5yo under control. He's a naturally messy child as it is, so having craft stuff out is often a nightmare. DS6 LOVES doing crafts, so I try really hard to let him create with limited supplies (NO glitter here!). He's appreciative, and it makes me feel good to see him so happy. I'm hoping that when my youngest is older, I won't dread it so much.
  7. Thank you for mentioning this as we're planning on using the computer to watch shows & movies using Hulu and/or Netflix. This is very helpful! It looks like we'll be sticking to cable then. I just wish they didn't charge an arm & a leg for it! :mad:
  8. I don't know your daughter, but based on her description, I would let her read it. It's an excellent book that I recommend to pretty much anyone I know. When you get time, it's worth the time.
  9. I'm going to try to remember this when I get to SOTW vol. 2 next year! :)
  10. I could not have said this better! This is the verse I always turn to during times like yours. :grouphug: I've prayed for you... God bless. :grouphug:
  11. Thank you for posting this. It was my first thought when I wrote the date on the the whiteboard for ds this morning. Imagine where we'd be without the brave souls who fought in WWII...
  12. We're twirlers here, although I grew up with it being cut. Even our 2.5yo tries to twirl his!
  13. Forgive me if this has already been discussed (I did a search but didn't find anything)... our family is not technical or gadgety, so we need some advice... DH and I are tired of paying our ridiculous cable bill (bundled with phone and internet), so we are looking for ways to cut back. We think we have the TV part figured out, but we are trying to figure out how to keep the internet for a reasonable price. Around here, we can get a great price on DSL (Windstream). We've never used DSL nor do we know anyone who does. Our concerns are reliability and speed. Is it equivilant to cable broadband (or maybe better?). I believe we can get different speeds up to 12K. We're also using laptops and a wireless N router in case that is something you'd need to know. TIA!!! :001_smile:
  14. It looks great!!!! I really love the cork floor - we've started looking into them for our house. For where you used to have the closet doors, what if you put up a tension shower curtain rod and created a nice curtain to cover that doorway? You could tie it back when things needed to be taken from there, and it would still make the room look nice.
  15. I used to love this! I haven't seen it in such a long time... I didn't realize they even played it anymore.
  16. We got our son a Leapster for Christmas when he was 4, and he still uses it happily. However, he's never used a ds. I think it would probably be taking a step backward if he had.
  17. What about a homemade calendar of great family moments for his office? I'm working on one for DH.
  18. Day 66 here. I wish we were further, but we lost a whole week to H1N1! We'll catch up at some point though :)
  19. Thank you everyone for your honest answers! I really appreciate it. I'm going to share this thread with my sister. I think she'll find it to be very helpful and encouraging. I know she wants to hear about people like her, so your stories are perfect!
  20. Yes, she was successful outside the home, so putting it that way will work for her. Thanks!
  21. Sorry, I forgot to add that... he'll be starting K. I told her she really can't mess up K, but she is worrying about later on down the road despite me telling her to take it one year at a time. Also, please don't think I think there's a problem with someone who is disorganized, laid-back, etc. There's nothing wrong with that at all; we are all who we are. It's just not ME (although I often wish I were less serious), so to try and help, it becomes difficult. I know she won't do the homeschooling thing like me, and that is fine because it's her family, her choice, etc. I just didn't know how to help her because she wants answers, and I know my methods aren't like her style (if that makes any sense). I guess I don't want to mislead her in this is what I'm trying to say. I want to be honest and guide her as a supportive sister should without making her feel inadequate because we are different and will approach this differently, kwim? As Jean mentioned, I'm going to direct her here. :)
  22. :iagree: I agree, especially since if they did care, these rules surrounding swimming would not be in effect in the first place. Do not feel guilty about the dr. note. It's the truth, that was learned while attempting to deal with the problem. I'm so glad your dss has you!
  23. This post is for my sister. She desperately wants to homeschool, but she realizes she may not be cut-out for it because she is so unorganized, laid-back, a procrastinator, and sometimes just plain lazy (all her words). I've been homeschooling for 2 years now, but I am completely opposite of her since I'm anal-retentive, mostly organized, structured, and thrive on schedules. She wants my help and advice to get started, and my initial thought is my nephew would be better off at school because he needs the structure and the education would get done. She said today that she's concerned about homeschooling him because he has some behavior issues that she "created" because of her shortcomings in the areas mentioned above. She really does believe in homeschooling (she says), and she loves how my son is thriving in it. She and her husband hated school and do not want their children to feel that way, so she thinks this would be a great option. My question for the hive is what advice would you give knowing all this? If you are someone like her, how have you made homeschooling happen for your family? Also, are there any books you would recommend for her to read to get started? I'm hesitant to suggest TWTM because I'm worried it would be too structured for her. I have suggested some CM stuff, however. Thanks for reading this and any help you can provide!
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