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Everything posted by SwallowTail

  1. Not to put too fine a point on it, but statistically, a child raised in a Christian home is likely to go through a phase in their twenties where they reject the church. I am not sure there is much distinction between children who are homeschooled, public schooled, and private schooled in that regard. In fact, possibly more children raised in restrictive Christian homes will reject the faith of their parents than otherwise. There are several good book sont he topic.
  2. Summers here are miserable, so we do more school then than the rest of the year probably. It allows us to enjoy the fall weather and harvest festivals and holidays.
  3. I wish I could, but don't think I could do that much. I have made some adjustments recently that may help a bit htough.
  4. I liked it and thought it was fun and easy, but I have an aptitude in that area and have pursued it as my career path.
  5. Thank you for sharing that encouraging story of perseverance. I am so happy for your daughter!! (and find new hope for my own in your story)
  6. I plan to return to my PhD studies in polymer science and engineering when dd is a bit older. If we have no more children, I can resume coursework to some extent and just bring dd with me. She can study while I am in class or in the lab. I will do it part time for at least the first couple of years.
  7. I have not had a chance to read the replies, but here is a supplement regimen that has worked for me: Morning: B-complex Fish Oil Vitamin D Evening: Calcium/magnesium (1000 mg/500mg) Evening Primrose Oil Fish Oil Vitamin C
  8. Yes, they contain BPA. They off gas fairly significantly for 24 hours following installation. After this, as with any material containing BPA, very small amounts may be released with high temperatures and mechanical abrasion. When a dentist has to weigh the pros and cons of these against mercury-based fillings, it is really a simple decision though, as they are still far less toxic.
  9. I have this problem just within the last couple of years as well, and it is infuriating. It happens on shirts from target within 1-2 washes. I have had it happen to Loft and Gap shirts as well as ones from other designers. I think my Talbots and Ann Taylor ones have held up better. I don't wear jeans often, so it isn't that (skirts usually). I am short though (5'4"), so the theory about hitting the counter just right seems plausible. Also, in recent years, I had lost a lot of weight, so it wasn't weight gain issue. I also line dry my tops. It is really strange.
  10. I answered 7, but am not sure if that was okay, b/c it includes the nights my dh cooks, as we take turns. We also do make things that allow for leftovers, so some nights, we may not cook a new meal, but will eat nutritious, home-cooked leftovers. We probably go out for a quick dinner at Moe's maybe 1-2 times/month.
  11. A year or so ago, I could eat the way we eat, and spend around 500-600/month for our family of 3. Now, I struggle to keep under $800/month.
  12. I got rid of: - grains - sugar - white potatoes - tomatoes (with some occasional exceptions) - corn I limited: - fruit - beans - coffee I added: - eggs from free-range chickens - meat (especially beef) from grass-fed/finished, organic, local cows - bone broth - fermented foods - Greek yogurt - lots and lots of greens - lots and lots of water - coconut oil It helped tremendously, but not totally. of course, my strict adherence has waned a bit in the last few months, which may be why I have experienced an upsurge in pain.
  13. There is a fascinating premise/line of thought somewhere out there about how our constant bathing is part of the puzzle as to the low levels of Vitamin D, even with exposure to sunshine. The synthesis of vitamin D in the body takes time, and occurs in upper layers of the epidermis. If you shower or are swimming while in the sun, you can effectively remove the fatty acids where the reaction/synthesis is taking place, thus preventing the body from making the vitamin D. My family gets mild sun exposure and also takes hefty supplements.
  14. 32/32, raised Protestant, now sort of a roaming non-denominational believer. I am incredulous at their cited average scores. I wonder what demographic they surveyed to get that breakdown, perhaps a very young crowd?
  15. I would also look into PANDAS, as well as sensory issues and food allergies. My dd's tics are escalating lately, and I need to head down this path further as well. We had hoped her OT would help reduce anxiety levels, which would theoretically reduce tics, but it isn't happening. I have long suspected allergies and PANDAS, so that will be our next step.
  16. My MIL "only" graduated from high school, but is tremendously successful in her field (insurance claims adjusting). She is VP of a large company. My former research advisor got his PhD in Scotland. Another very good friend who has been VP, director of technology at various companies got his PhD from a state school in the midwest. I don't think I met anyone in my field when I was working who went to an Ivy league school. Many were European and attended the (far superior, IMO) schools over there for their education. But many of my very successful colleagues went to various state schools here in the US. Most of my peers from grad school (a state school in the US, but one with one of the best polymer science and engineeringprograms in the country) went on to be incredibly successful. In that field, I measure success by publications, income, prestige, recognition in field, beign atenured professor at a great school, becoming a research director or VP, etc..
  17. I have granite in this house, which I like. But, I had Silestone engineered quartz at my previous house, and I *much* prefer it for durability and easeof cleaning. Fabulous stuff.
  18. Not that I have ever seen. I don't let him (or anyone) see me cry either though, if I can help it.
  19. Can you cover it with a blanket? We had a very warm winter, and it was in the 70's for a few weeks, maybe the 80's, and many of my trees and plants were blooming. My peach tree had buds on it. Then it froze down into the 20's two nights in a row.:confused: Many of my plants and trees were horrribly damaged. That was about two months ago, and temps have been consistently very warm (even into the 90's), and that peach tree *just now* put out some flowers. Same with my apple trees. I thought they were dead. All that to say, maybe you can cover your tree and protect it. Also, pile mulch up in a nice heap at it's trunk base. I have heard of people piling blankets around the trunk as well, or putting a light under a blanket.. The sprinkler trick only works if you run it the entire time the temps are below freezing.
  20. Yes, I paid $5.25 for a bottle of water last night. That was shocking, to say the least. I won't be doing that again.
  21. By no means make the assumption that she is being fake with you when you are alone. That is most likely when she is most sincerely herself. Due to sensory issues, I get overwhelmed in social situations, and sometimes do act more aloof to my close friends in a larger social setting. This is most pronounced in the first few minutes after they or I arrive, as I transition into the setting. My brain finds it awkward to make the shift between the closer interactions tha occur in smaller groups (or one-on-one) to the more casual, distant interactions in a larger one. So, since my brain is confused, I act strangely. :shrug:
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