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Chrysalis Academy

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Status Updates posted by Chrysalis Academy

  1. I just planned our lit studies . . . for the next 6 years. Silly wabbit!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Penguin


      Was The Reader's Odyssey helpful? I have it in my amazon cart :)

    3. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      lol!! I knew you guys would appreciate my industrious efforts!

    4. kiana


      Great ... now you can start re-doing the ones for next year when you change your mind ;)

  2. I think we have a hit for Spanish - The Fun Spanish! Mo begged to do a second lesson today - and that's a first!

  3. I've already gotten my teeth cleaned, grocery shopped, and done a load of laundry. The kids aren't awake yet. Guess I have time for another cup of coffee!

  4. In the middle of a SWB audio lecture marathon. Love!

  5. Is the moon in Cancer today or something? I have two hormonal, emotional girls on my hands. And I'm getting crankier by the minute . . .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FloridaLisa


      That was our yesterday...

    3. Robin M

      Robin M

      My yesterday as well. Lots of weird customers. One accused me of being rude when I thought I was being nice. :0

    4. quark


      One word. Chocolate. Take 3 and call us back in the morning!

  6. It has rained 6 inches overnight, streets are flooded, schools closed. I know it shouldn't make a difference for us - but I still think it's a good day to snuggle on the couch under a blanket with a stack of books!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Roadrunner


      I ordered kids not to sit anywhere near a skylight, which is hard in our house. I am also afraid of all the oaks crushing in through the glass. Our house is surrounded by trees. Kids are happy though today. :)


    3. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      We just went for a wet walk (PE, right?) The river is up over the benches we usually sit on. But the theater is not under water, which is all the kids really care about. Final Dress is tonight!

    4. Roadrunner


      It's pouring here! We just got electricity back. Kids want to run down the river, which has been pretty much dry for the past six month.


  7. It's 3:17 am. Why am I up, you are asking? Dog got sprayed by a skunk. Right outside our open bedroom windows. The house reeks and I might be about to vomit. Good morning!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      We live in town, but it's a small town, we're near the river. This is our first skunk encounter. It's truly horrific. The baking soda/peroxide thing worked on the dog, but the whole yard and back of the house reek.

    3. 8filltheheart


      Yikes! So sorry. I remember our dogs getting repeatedly sprayed when I was a child. (I remember b/c I would have to help give them tomato juice baths. But your HOUSE! Oh my! I hope you can find a simple solution.

    4. mommymilkies
  8. It's official: at 5' 8 1/2", my 12 year old is taller than me. How did this happen?????

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Yeah, she overtopped her grandma at 9. But I didn't think it would happen to *me*!! LOL

    3. RootAnn


      Obviously, it happened overnight and by MAGIC. [My eldest is within an inch of me, but I think she's done growing. DD#2 might overtake her sister & me if she keeps growing at this pace.]

    4. ScoutTN


      If you feed them, they will grow!

  9. It's official! I've mastered PreAlgebra - at least according to Alcumus. On to Algebra 1!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Um, a really long time??? LOL. It seems like at least 3 or 4 months, maybe longer, but I did work on it in spurts.

    3. Roadrunner


      :) I am just starting.

    4. crazyforlatin


      We have to use Alcumus if enrolled in the class, but it's more fun than I thought. Nerd fist bump.

  10. Let the fall theater season begin! Shannon was cast in the teen production of Zombie Town, and Morgan was invited to be Stage Manager. Very exciting for her as she is not technically a teen yet!

    1. quark


      Yay, hope they have loads of fun!

    2. Arcadia


      Lovely. Have fun!

    3. PinkyandtheBrains.
  11. Missing a vanished friend :-(

  12. My beautiful girl is 13 today. Happy birthday, love of my life!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kfamily


      Happy Birthday!


    3. mommymilkies


      I hope she had a great birthday!

    4. quark


      Have a wonderful 13th year Shannon!

  13. My beautiful, wonderful girl is 12 today. I can hardly believe it. My life is so enriched by her presence. I love you Shannon!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Roadrunner


      Congratulations to you and Happy Birthday to Shannon!

    3. ScoutTN


      Hope it has been a lovely day for you and your lovely girl!

    4. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Shannon is touched and thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes. She's happy to finally be 12!

  14. My fabulous, amazing, beautiful daughter is 14 today!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Peaceful Isle

      Peaceful Isle

      14 is a great age :)

    3. crazyforlatin


      Happy Birthday to S, wishing her the very best this year!

    4. Kfamily


      Happy Birthday!

  15. My girls just got their casting calls for Winnie the Pooh Christmas - Shannon is Kanga, and Morgan is Piglet, one of the principle parts. So proud of them both, especially my little one who gets to step out of her sister's shadow into the spotlight!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mama25angels


      Congratulations to you and your girls

    3. SparklyUnicorn


      Congrats! That is so exciting!


    4. Kfamily


      Congratulations to both girls!

  16. My modem got crushed in a tragic furniture-moving accident, so I'm going to be taking an unintentional board break for a week or so while I'm waiting for a new one. Unless I sneak into the library again to check in with y'all!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. quark


      Oh no! Hope you get it fixed soon...can't have you away for too long!

    3. PinkyandtheBrains.


      Ack! Enjoy the break!

    4. RootAnn


      We'll miss your wisdom. Read something great while you are off. :-)

  17. Note to self: No posting before coffee. This may prevent embarrassing posts in the future.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Penguin


      "Not before coffee and not after wine." Too funny.


    3. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Got my mug in hand, it should be safe to dive in!

    4. Chelli


      I thought your blopper was hilarious! I knew exactly what you meant, but I think in one post you made all of us other homeschool moms feel like slackers. 1,000 page paper! :)

  18. Nothing makes you feel more like a dinosaur than pulling out your old science textbook to plan a unit, and realizing that it is *20 years* old. Um, yeah, they have probably discovered one or two things since then . . .

    1. kiana


      I remember when I watched a film in history class, came home and said something to my mother, and she said "... I watched that on live television"

    2. Penguin


      All of my college textbooks are long gone. I occasionally pine for my Calculus book, but otherwise no regrets over ditching them.

  19. Off to meet a Boardie in real life! Yippee!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Luckymama


      Oh my gosh, i'll be somewhat close to you when visiting ds once he moves to Mountainview!

    3. Penguin


      Well, I highly recommend setting something up if you can manage it. I knew I was going to be within shouting distance of Chrysalis Academy while I was visiting a friend in CA, and all the stars managed to line up for us to have lunch together. Do it if you can!!

    4. Arcadia


      I'll probably go up north to Wine Country when it is whale watching season.

      Mountain View would be near enough to me.

  20. Off to meet fil for the first time. He and dh haven't spoken in 30 years. This should be . . . interesting.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      First meeting last night went well. We'll spend the whole day together, with other family members thrown in. Thanks for all the good thoughts, it's sure an interesting family dynamic.

    3. quark


      Interesting, certainly. Stressful too. ((hugs)) and hope it continues to go well.

    4. Crimson Wife

      Crimson Wife

      Best of luck to your family in mending the relationship.

  21. One of our favorite traditions: Not Back to School Day! We're off for pancakes and hot chocolate.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. idnib
    3. quark


      Yummy! We completely forgot this year. :( I've been so absent minded. Must treat boy to something this week. Glad you are having fun!



      Sounds like a plan! We need to start that.. hmm where to go? I honestly don't know.. McDonald's, Denny's or Home cooking??

  22. Only an hour in, and I already want to strangle my 9 year old. Or myself. That is all.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RootAnn


      Enjoy your clean kitchen!

    3. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Math can bring out the worst in all of us! Good for you for getting something productive done in the midst of the frustration!

    4. Roadrunner


      I hear you. I am ready to send both of mine to school today.

  23. Proud of my big girl - she just came home with a blue ribbon from her first horse show!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ScoutTN


      How exciting!

    3. swimmermom3


      Congratulations. Showing horses teaches great skills. Wishing your dd many happy experiences.

    4. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      You are so right, Lisa. She is maturing so much, learning to overcome fears, and learning both self-reliance and trust. And she has such a nice group of friends at the stable - horse girls are the best!

  24. PSA: Do not let your child search for "pussy willows" on the internet. Or if you do, be prepared for the question "Mom, why are those ladies in weird bathing suits?" At least they were wearing something . . .

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      The perils of studying botany using the internet! Who knew.

    3. ....


      My oldest (really into plants) says to be careful with a couple of plant names - I think she said Dutchman's Pipe Vine was one. There was another that was REALLY bad, but can't remember what it was. ;)

    4. 4ofus


      Yeah, there is a lady at our farmer's market who makes little stuffed kitties out of upcycled sweaters. My son wanted one but they were $$$ so we looked up "sweater kitties" online to try to find a pattern. Um. Don't. We went back to the market & bought from the lady.

  25. PSA: If a poster suddenly disappears, let the mods know. It may be an overactive malware glitch, easily fixed. No need to assume they have entered the witness protection program!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      I went for my run - should be safe for another day!

    3. 8filltheheart


      See, what I need to be worried about is the fact that multitasking apparently destroys your ability to concentrate. I'm doomed!

    4. Critterfixer


      I can't even jog on a treadmill, let alone multitask on one!

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