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Everything posted by kewb

  1. My ds just turned 12 on Monday and I can honestly say the last few months have been torture for me. Moody, negativity, rebellious, all normal and all driving me nuts. This thread has given me some good ideas and made me want to cry at the same time.
  2. We use Growing with Grammar and Writing Strands. Although I am considering a different writing program for next year. Completely secular and my kids love it.
  3. Thanks for the link The kids are watching the female sleep for the last 15 minutes.
  4. I usually just throw in what I have on hand. One of the kids favorites involves a large handful of swiss chard (you have to steam this first and get rid of the thick stems or it won't blend proberly), plain yogurt, an avocado, frozen berries, and bit of flax seed oil, and sometimes I throw in some honey.
  5. I am very sorry. I know how difficult it is to have to put a beloved family member to sleep. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.
  6. I'm embarrassed to say my latest ear worm is My Hump by The Black Eyed Peas. It is such a ridiculous song but it is catchy. Thankfully, someone in this thread mentioned Defying Gravity and now that is the tune. I love that song.
  7. As we always say in this house "You eat a pound of dirt before you die." It does not bother me. I have seen my kids do grosser things then doling out food and touching the straw to a juice box.
  8. I believe it will work on any size wart. I would imagine that a larger wart would take longer.
  9. It is a very subjective question. Lots of variables. Did you ask your librarian? They often have great ideas. One way to gather data would be to poll people at a supermarket or your house of worship. An equal number of males and females. Further broken down into parent/non-parent.
  10. Pretty much never. If I don't like something it just does not cross my radar to make it. Usually if it something he wants he makes it himself.
  11. He is probably color blind. The gene travels on the x. If your mother is color blind then both of her x genes carry it and you are a carrier. It is not life threatening but definitely something to mention to your doctor the next time you bring him in.
  12. I used duct tape on my kids plantar warts. It took a few weeks. At night I would soak a small piece of cotton in apple cider vinegar and put that on the wart and cover with duct tape. During the day I used just the duct tape. I was treating my kids during the summer so the duct tape often came off during the day. If it hadn't then it probably would not have taken as long.
  13. Some of my favorites: Mikaela Sarah Rebbeca Celeste Madison Abigail Bella Eleanor
  14. I would go with the black dressy blouse and a piece of jewelry that sparkles. Either a brooch or earrings.
  15. I prefer raw honey. The store bought honey does work but I find the raw works best. I wash my face with honey every day. Since I started doing this I no longer need to use an astringent. My kids use it and it works great for them, too. I'm glad it is working for your son.
  16. I'm just over the border in NJ. Where in New York are you? I am friendly with a few people in NY who would be happy to help you if you live near them.
  17. Spring Fever is running rampant around here. It is quite the epidemic.
  18. The edges are burnt. I would have eaten it. I would probably not order it again.
  19. Thanks for the tips. I thought you could only go up to two players. Good to know we can all play at once.
  20. After reading the threads about this game I just bought it and used it tonight. I used the remote and nunchuk. It was a lot of fun and I only stopped because the kids wanted to play.
  21. I have done turkey and brisket at the same meal. It really depends on how many people I am feeding. My family has only done gefilte fish because that is tradition. Although, I think one year my mother made a salmon mousse.
  22. My 9 year old refuses to learn how to ride a bike. I have decided that she will learn if she wants to. If she never wants to, that is okay, too. I was in 6th grade before I learned and a neighbor boy taught me.
  23. Basically I take whatever vegetables I have on hand: i.e. carrots, celery, peppers, beets, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli, onion, whatever you like chop coarsely toss into a zip loc bag a couple of tbls of olive oil and a packet or 2 of herb and garlic dressing from Good Seasons shake and dump into a roasting pan. Place in a 425 degree oven for 25 minutes or so, unitl done to your liking. Sometimes, instead of a seasoning packet I will chop up garlic and toss in basil, oregano, crushed red pepper, thyme, a little sage, sea salt, and pepper. It really depends on my mood and how many minutes I need to shave off of prep time.
  24. After the seder we start everyone off with a hard boiled egg and some salt water. Chicken soup with Matzo Balls Gefilte Fish Brisket Roasted Root Vegetables another vegetable dish but I have not decided what it will be yet. Here is a fun website to get some ideas: http://www.theshiksa.com/The_Shiksa/Welcome.html
  25. Thanks for the heads up. I have been thinking of using oak meadow for science next year.
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