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Everything posted by kewb

  1. No, I am not offended by someone wishing me good cheer and health. Whether it says Merry Christmas or Season's Greetings or Happy Holidays, or Merry Chriskwanzaka, or Festivus for the Restovus does not matter. It is the intent behind the card that matters to me.
  2. We rarely use ours. I could live without it. I will admit, that sometimes it is really handy for quick reheating.
  3. My ds has the following: 1 pair of sneakers 1 pair of dress shoes 1 pair of boat shoes 1 pair of sandals 1 pair of snow boots My dd, othoh....
  4. Same here. I can not believe some of the pics my son's friends post. I have told a friend or two on occassion when I think their daughter's pic crossed the line. Most of the time I mind my own business. These parents trust their kids and don't want to here otherwise.
  5. We are all big Charlie Brown fans here. My kids learned empathy and how not to behave. Every Halloween someone gets a rock. I think kids love the characters because they ring true. They may be extreme examples of human behavior but they are real. To this day I remember one moment of kindness from my older sister due to Charlie Brown (there were others, but this one always stands out.). We were watching Snoopy come home and I was crying because Snoopy left. My sister said to me "Don't cry, he comes home."
  6. If the people don't drink I usually bring flowers. Sometimes, for a good friend, I will bring cookies on a little dessert platter for them to keep.
  7. Italian Heroes Quinoa Black Bean Salad Gazpacho Grilled chicken (I love cold grilled chicken) Antipasto
  8. Believe me, I have thought about just using the table pad with dh's family.
  9. Rude, rude, rude. It is very bad manners to comment on someone else's eating habits and/or to display disgust at someone's food choice. Yes, it is even more rude to continue to make comments after being told that the comments are not appreciated. I will tell my children to slow down at our dinner table when it is just us.
  10. Well, I can play this, too. Corn Chowder-ready and waiting to be heated. Turkey is roasted and carved and ready to be reheated. Stuffing-prepared and ready to be reheated. Mashed potatoes-done and ready to be reheated Veggies-prepped and ready to be roasted tomorrow. Cranberry sauce-ready to be served. All that is left to do is set the table and I won't do that until everyone has eaten tomorrow so my tablecloth does not get dirty.
  11. Yum, dilly beans. I haven't made those in years. I know what I am making this weekend.
  12. My ds had an Indiana Jones themed party for his 10th birthday. I printed out google maps for each guest with direction from their house to ours and added the party details. Spilled coffee on them and baked them so they would look like old maps. I decorated our entry way with rubber snakes (instant party favor). I decorated the party room with fake gems and bags of gold (gold nugget magnets-oriental trading) We did a fear factor taste test and a treasure hunt. Ate cake and watched the first Indiana Jones movie. Then everyone went home.
  13. Don't buy a corner lot. I love my house, but it is on the corner. Shoveling snow is a major pia because we have twice as much sidewalk to clear.
  14. I am pretty sure you can prep the stuffing ahead of time. You can also steam the broccoli and reheat.
  15. Did my shopping yesterday. Today I have been cooking. Mashed potatoes-check. Cranberry sauce-check. Stuffing-check. Corn Chowder-check. Prepped veggies for roasting on Thursday-check. Only thing left to cook is the turkey.
  16. As someone who does not celebrate Christmas, I really do not care what the greeting is as long as it is given with good spirits. Happy Holidays is about retailers not wanting to offend any of their customers. The employee who objects needs to get over it. If they do not like that the management is telling them what to say to the customers then they need to seek other employment. And for the love of all that is good in the world, don't forget the hearts! <3.
  17. When I went to check out it said the item is no longer available.
  18. Other. I believe in old earth and evolution. I also believe that just because I believe in evolution doesn't mean that there is no G-d.
  19. I love mashed turnips, and roasted turnips, and I always add them to vegetable soup. I also love kohlrabi and celeriac.
  20. Our favorite muffin: Oatmeal Raisin Muffins: 1 1/2 cup water 1 1/2 cup Old fashioned rolled oats 1/4 lb butter 2 eggs, well beaten 1/2 cup honey 1 tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon 1 1/4 tsp baking 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 1/2 tsp vanilla 1 cup raisins Preheat oven to 325. Boil water. Turn off heat and add oats. Stir in and melt butter and let cool. Add remaining ingredients. Mix well. Bake in greased muffin tin for 20 minutes. Sometimes, I add in come chocolate chips or substitute the raisins with chocolate chips. My dh likes them if I add some chopped walnuts with choc. chips. Since he is the only one who likes nuts in his muffins that treat rarely happens.
  21. I am hosting this year and the menu is: Corn Chowder Roasted Turkey Stuffing Cranberry sauce Roasted Root Vegetables Mashed Potatoes Chocolate Mousse Cake Fruit Salad
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