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Everything posted by kewb

  1. A couple of times when I was a kid I would dream about my friends. Those few times my dreams came to pass. Nothing life threatening or altering just happenstance. Mostly my superpower is being able to know it is my mother calling when the phone rings. I had this ability long before there was caller id and individualized ringtones. After a couple of years of marriage I was able to identify my mother-in-law.
  2. I would not offer any advice unless asked. No one likes unsolicited input. As for the classroom-treat all children the same and do not accept misbehavior from anyone. Based on the limited info, if it was me, I would be seriously evaluating if this is a friendship worth maintaining. The old Dear Abby question to relationships applies to friendships "Is my life better with or without this person?" Once you answer that your course of action will become clearer.
  3. Are you looking for food items or housewares? I often find that I need to put together what I want.
  4. I would think the person asking was an idiot and I would expect dh to enlighten them. And if dh did not enlighten them I certainly would. Doesn't matter if family or not. Those kinds of questions are offensive and an invasion into ones privacy.
  5. I watched the 1968 version with my kids when they were 10 and 12. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063518/?ref_=sr_2 There is a definitive butt shot of romeo but I told my kids about it in advance and it was no big deal. Truthfully, we spent more time speculating on a relationship between Leonard Whiting and Zak Effron becaust they look alike then on the fact that we saw his buttocks.
  6. Yes, I do think some things require a phone call. At the same time I would be happy to be notified at all. It is not what I would do but if I let my knickers get in a twist over everything that I would do differently I would spend a lot of time twisted.
  7. Goodness, I don't know how I missed that thread last year. I think I will bake some cupcakes today.
  8. A lot of the boys around here do it. I find it bizarre. I can't believe it is even remotely comfortable. My ds thinks it is stupid. I know quite a few of the boys now wear compression suits underneath (which, seem an awful lot like a speedo if you ask me). One of his friends did it (even under his swim team jammers) and I asked his father about it. He told me there were a coupe of reasons-fear of bathing suit falling down. In the case of the speedo-somehow he thought his privates would be less visible. His father hated that he wore the underwear under his team suit. Said it looked like he was wearing a diaper. He finally got him to stop last summer when he told him the high school coach would not let him wear his underwear.
  9. I use a body moisturizer and a facial moisturizer. I can't remember to take my multi-vitamin every day; I don't know how i would remember to apply eye cream, night cream, foot cream, etc.
  10. I am unaware that I have been offensive all these years when I referred to my lunch that I brought to work in a brown paper lunch bag. How many of them were offended when I picked up that brown paper lunch bag and proudly announced I was brown bagging it while heading to the lunch room? Oh, the humanity. However, if I am presented with evidence that this term is somehow racially charged I will stop using it. As for citizen I really am unable to think of the last time I used it in a sentence when speaking with someone. I feel I must use it next time I see someone. Challenge accepted.
  11. Yes, it lead to specific treatment with the possibility of reversal of the disease. My dh was only diagnosed a few weeks ago but already the antibiotics and supplements he is taking have radically reduced his symptoms. He actually has had a few days where he felt good.
  12. I would ask for a brain spect if you did not have one. His bloodwork came back inconclusive for lyme and the brain scan showed lots of damage consistent with lyme, fibromyalgia, and something else that I am forgetting the name of. I am glad the NP was helpful. I found on this journey that they are often great to work with.
  13. Just out of curiosity, were you tested for lyme disease. I just spent the last year and a half with my dh on a journey to get him a diagnosis for his extreme and unexplained pain (to the point where he lost his job because he could not function). We saw every ologist under the sun. No one knew what was wrong with him but here are some pain killers, some medication to help your nerves, and please have some injections in your spine that might help (they did for 6 weeks). He was finally diagnosed with a co-infection of lyme disease and bartonella. Point of my ramble is if you have not been tested I recommend finding a lyme literate doctor in your area and getting the full blood work up.
  14. I make these all the time: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/homemade-granola-bars-recipe/index.html I do modify the recipe. But if you have never made granol bars before it is a great starter recipe. I use unsweetened coconut and I omit the brown sugar. The honey and dried fruit make it plenty sweet. Sometimes I reduce the honey to half a cup instead of 2/3 cup. I usually replace the wheat germ with flax seed meal. I use whatever dried fruit I have on hand. I have also thrown in chia seeds and sunflower seeds. My family likes dried apricots, blueberries, and raisins. I often throw some chocolate chips in there, too.
  15. My family asks for my homemade macaroni salad all the time. It is so simple and is so much better then store bought. 1 lb macaroni, cooked 1 carrot, grated 1 stalk celery, chopped 1 red pepper, finely chopped 1/2 cup parsley, chopped 2 tbl vinegar 1 tbl olive oil mayonaisse salt and pepper to taste Cook macaroni and let cool. Whisk together vinegar and oil and mix with macaroni to coat. Add carrots, celery, and red pepper. add salt and pepper to taste. Add mayo to taste. Mix in parsley. Chill for at least 2 hours
  16. I think to each his/her own. I know some people who felt this way when their babies were born and didn't let anyone near. I ddin't get to meet my cousins baby until he was 3 months old because they were told to keep people away. No skin off my nose either way. I will respect the wishes of the parents and patiently wait and smile and nod.
  17. Roots. I move in and plant them deep. My parents bought the house I grew up in before I was born. I lived there until I got married. Dh and I moved into our current home right before our oldest was born and we have been here ever since. I hate the thought of moving. Change stresses me out. If all goes according to plan our next move will be to our retirement home and I will plant myself there until the end.
  18. My family is all of the above. It depends on the shocking news. In the situation you described I would assume my mother is an adult and move on. If I had some concern about the guy I would talk to my sister about it. If I felt put out for some reason I might discuss it with dh. If I met the guy and thought he was no good I may say something to my mother but maybe not. DH and I have been married for 20 years and I can still hear my mother voicing her concerns the night before the wedding. We were engaged for a year and a half. She had plenty of time to voice concerns. She picked the night before we were getting married.
  19. Both my kids were vaccinated around 2 years old. My oldest came down with chicken pox when he was in 2nd grade. That was about 8 years ago. Now that I am thinking about it, it has been awhile since I have met anyone whose kids have had chicken pox.
  20. Are we married to the same man? Dh's comic book collection and beer bottle collection are just taking up space. Along with the pee wee herman toys, mcdonald's happy meal toys, etc. There is also a large collection of assorted cables, chargers, wires, ram, assorted computer parts, and 3.5" discs.
  21. If you truly can not handle him and he is not a good fit or your family then it is a kindness to the dog to have him rehomed.
  22. I feed my dog a combination of raw poultry patties from my local poultry farm (although I may put in a complaint about the fact that the chickens are not tended to by vestal virgins like the foods in the PNW) and kibble from Holistic Select. Sometimes I switch the kibble with Taste of The Wild or Wellness. Through the years I have found that a higher end diet results in fewer vet visits. Not shelling out the $$ to vet is a big saver for me.
  23. In the days of my youth I would agree with you about the DMV. However, in my state DMV employees have been outsourced and the process is fairly efficient. Especially since I can renew my registration online. I only need to go in when it is time to renew my license.
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