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Everything posted by Laurel

  1. Omelette with fresh basil, dried tomatoes, and mozzarella Sweet potato-corn-black bean cakes Peaches and whipped cream (raspberries and blackberries for the girl allergic to peaches)
  2. Will it be registered to your account (so you can share books etc) or to her own Amazon account? It will default name to Beth's 6th Kindle if it's registered to your account, but it's very easy to change the name. I'd never be able to keep all the kindles straight if they were just numbered.
  3. We applied a few years ago and qualified for reduced rates. They don't give anyone a free membership, as they want people to have some ownership. The application (at ours at least) was not difficult - household makeup, income info, and a brief statement about how the membership would impact your life.
  4. Where would you be getting the audiobooks? I use the audible app for my purchased audiobooks, and overdrive for library digital audiobooks. (I use both apps on my iPhone, but I assume their android versions are equally as user friendly.)
  5. Not creepy. Dh and I "borrow" friends' kids quite often. We invite them to go hiking or fishing with us, or to community events, or whatever. We both like kids in general, and especially like spending time with these particular ones. (We often extend the invitation to mom/parents/whole family, but we are really inviting the kiddos, and the parents seem happy to let us have them for the day. Several are single moms, so I know a chance to be home alone for even a few hours is golden to them.) I remember neighbors growing up whose houses I spent a considerable amount of time at, and not necessarily because of a relationship with their kids. One neighbor had a HUGE library of kids' books that I was free to borrow from at any time. Another kept a nice supply of crayons and paper for me when I came visiting (and she had only an infant at the time). Unless there's a weird vibe, then I don't think an adult forming a relationship with a child is creepy.
  6. By marking the receipt when they check it at the door, they are also preventing you from buying an expensive item, and then, after bringing it to your car, returning to get another one (or sending another person), and pretending you just bought it.
  7. The FREE and the $6.99 are the shipping costs. You can pay extra for overnight/Saturday/Sunday delivery.
  8. Quiet time is about an hour in the afternoon. If I peek in, I usually see him hanging upside down from the couch. And it often sounds like he's doing acrobatics in there. He usually reads/looks at books, plays a bit with cars or stuffed animals, and just sits with his own thoughts.
  9. Bryant Terry's Vegan Soul Kitchen is one of my favorites.
  10. (Hugs) I can relate on so many levels. Dss (14 almost 15) left yesterday because he was asked to clean his trash and stuff out of the car from our road trip the day before. It's so hard to try to hold him accountable, and yet still feel like I'm walking on eggshells because if he gets upset he will just leave. Autism combined with teen boy self-centered-ness is not fun. And on the other hand, there may be hope. Dp now understands that if I say "ow" or something similar, the correct response is to ask if I am okay, rather than continue talking about whatever he is into at the moment. So your son may never be able to "hear" it from you, but perhaps someday, he will listen to someone else.
  11. Yes, I was a good cook, though I didn't know how to boil an egg either, because, ew. I grew up cooking (and my mother owned a restaurant when I was young, and ran cooking classes out of the house in my teens, which I often helped with), and I cooked/catered for a bit in college.
  12. Nope. When I went summer clothes shopping with dss14 a month ago, he picked out shorts he liked and then picked out shirts. I pointed out that none of them matched, but it didn't bother him. And he wears them all, and doesn't care one bit. I think as long as the clothes are appropriately sized, new-ish looking, and relatively clean, they will look fine. I understand your concern.
  13. If you have an addiction, I don't know what to call mine. I got $85. My addiction is so bad that I spent some this morning before I even knew about it. (I made a purchase and noticed in the email that it was covered by gift certificate money that I didn't know I had...)
  14. It's not the moths themselves, it's the caterpillars that have been everywhere these past few weeks, though the numbers are decreasing. I don't think most people react to them, at least not in the air like MEmama is having an issue with, though I do have a vague idea from childhood that these are the caterpillars that you're not supposed to pick up bc they make you itch. I'm sorry you and your family are having such a strong reaction MEmama. Hopefully things are getting better.
  15. I think you're thinking of Orr Family Farm. Haven't been there in years either, but small kids absolutely adored it. The science museum is definitely fun, but expensive, but they do take part in a reciprocal program, if you have a membership to a local museum. The OKC art museum is nice, and I've taken many children and visitors there and they all enjoyed it. (There is also an art museum on the OU campus if you really like art, but it is smaller and not as interesting to children, though they used to offer free art classes/activities for young children.) If your kids are into dinosaurs, the natural history museum in Norman is nice. Depending on your kids' ages, the Oklahoma History Center and the Oklahoma City Memorial. What sorts of things do you and your children like to do? Nature, art, sports, shopping, history? There are lots of smaller, lesser-known things depending on your interests.
  16. The Whole30 forum has a section devoted to pregnant/nursing moms. They put a lot of emphasis on eating enough, especially fats, and staying hydrated. So I think you could do a Whole30 relatively easily without jeopardizing your supply, though no guarantee that it would actually cause you to lose weight.
  17. This is what I was going to suggest for inspiration.
  18. In addition to the above, once she finds her gate, make sure she pays attention, as the gate may change. A friend's son missed his connecting flight, even though he was on time, and even though he went to the right gate, because the gate changed and he just sat at the old gate until long after his flight had left. If she is bringing a large carry-on, she should be prepared to gate check the bag if there is not room for it in the cabin, so things she would want for the flight (and valuables, medications, id, etc.) should be in a smaller personal item. Definitely a charged cell phone (and additional portable charger if possible), and maybe important contact numbers written down, in case something happens to her phone.
  19. I use my Amazon card. 5% back, which, if your buying habits are anything like mine, really adds up.
  20. Personal Assistant/Nanny. Housekeeper? Household Manager is a common one (especially when combined with nanny), but as you will be there giving lots of direction, that doesn't sound quite right. Depending on your location and their experience, I'd expect to pay $15-25 an hour.
  21. Day 2 here. I'm fighting a cold that I've had for the past week, so I'm feeling miserable, but not because of the food. I really realized today how much I mindlessly snack at work - I knew I did, but I don't think I really noticed the extent. But despite making kiddos homemade hot chocolate with marshmallows, toast with honey, etc. I stayed on plan. I do need to come up with some portable snacks I can have on work days between lunch and dinner.
  22. I have been following along, getting inspired by y'all, and I am starting on Monday. I have a bunch of meals in the freezer, and a fridge full of meats and veggies (and dairy, but I will clean that out before Monday). DP has volunteered to "join" me, for support. He has said he won't be giving up soda, though, so I am rolling my eyes and not lecturing him about how that's NOT the way to do it, and letting it go. I was going to drag him along as much as possible without him realizing anyway, so at least I've got a little bit of a buy-in from him.
  23. I'm a good cook. I enjoy cooking, and I love to cook for other people. At work, I love opening up the fridge, seeing what's available for ingredients, and coming up with a delicious well-balanced meal. I grew up baking and cooking. I started baking pretty young, as I've always loved sweets, but we never had any at home unless I made them. My mother insisted that everyone help make dinner every night, which I think is one of the most important things she did. It was great family time, and everyone was invested in the meal, and it ensured that we all grew up learning basic kitchen skills.
  24. Laurel


    He may, it's worth a try if you'd like to pursue meds. If he is, I would certainly question him about possible interactions AND talk with the pharmacist about it. I will say that meds have made a WORLD of difference for dp. They allow his brain to process things, so he can then react appropriately. (So a glass breaking, for example, is not the end of the world, and it is not the house out to get him, just clean it up and move on.)
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